Location Analysis Tab
Chellie Esters
Caroline Antoun
The Location Analysis tab displays your top 10 regions and top 15 locations by facilities spend. You can also view your facilities spend on a map to quickly compare the depths of spend across global regions. This data shows work orders over the past 365 days, by default. Use the all-inclusive filters along the top of the report to change the date range, or to focus on specific Trades and Categories.
You can download the data and email reports to recipients.
In this dashboard you can review:
- Count of Active Locations
- Region Analysis - Top 10 by Total Invoice Amount
- Top 15 Locations Report
- Work Order Count by State and Average Invoice Amount by State
Count of Active Locations
This visualization displays the number of Locations with at least 1 work order entered during the selected date range. By default, this chart displays this data over the past 365 days; use the all-inclusive filters along the top of the report to change the date range.
Clicking the number drills down into a list of all work orders and includes:
- work order details such as Status, Trade, Category, and Location
- work order completion date
- Invoice Amount
- Committed Spend
Clicking the tracking number navigates you the work order details page in Service Automation.
Region Analysis - Top 10 by Total Invoice Amount
This visualization clusters Regional invoicing so you can view the Regions with higher or lower facilities spend. It clusters three-dimensional data for your top 10 Regions: Invoice Amount, Average Invoice Amount, and Number of Work Orders by Region.
Both voided work orders and work orders with an empty Status are excluded.
Each bubble represents a Provider — the more Work Orders for that Provider, the larger the size of the bubble.
Hovering over a bubble lists the Total Invoice Amount for that Provider, the Provider name, the Average Invoice Amount, and the total Work Order Count. Clicking the bubble allows you to explore all underlying data, or filter by Trade, District, or Asset.
By default, this chart displays this data over the past 365 days; use the all-inclusive filters along the top of the report to change the date range.
Top 15 Locations Report
This table gives you the top 15 Locations by Invoice Amount. Here, you can see which Locations have the highest volume in terms Invoice Amount, the volume of Work Orders, and the committed spend (both NTE Amounts and Invoice Amounts) for these Locations.
Voided work orders are excluded.
Clicking on the Work Order Count allows you to drill down into the data by Region, Feedback, or Asset. Clicking other metrics allow you to drill down to see more information such as work order details, NTE, and Committed Spend. Clicking the tracking number navigates you the work order details page in Service Automation.
By default, this chart displays this data over the past 365 days; use the all-inclusive filters along the top of the report to change the date range.
Work Order Count by State and Average Invoice Amount by State
Both Work Order Count by State and Average Invoice Amount by State are similar, as they both help you quickly see work order volume or average invoice amounts, respectively, for all states and countries.
Each state or country with work orders is colored — the deeper the color, the higher the work order volume or average invoice amount. Zoom in by using the '+' and '-' buttons on the upper-left of each map.
Hover over a state or country to view respective details:
- Work Order Count by State: see the number of work orders; inside of the hover, click the Work Order Count to drill down into the list of all work orders, or filter by Region, Feedback, or Asset.
- Average Invoice Amount by State: see the average invoice amount; inside of the hover, click the Work Order Count to drill down into the list of all work orders, or filter by Trade, District, or Asset.
Commonly Used Features
Below is a quick reference guide regarding tracking numbers in Analytics, filtering, sorting, downloading data, and sending reports.
Tracking Numbers in Analytics
Throughout Analytics you can drill down into visualizations to see the underlying data. In most cases, the tracking numbers related to that data are listed. You can click the tracking number to navigate straight to the work order details in Service Automation.
Filtering Dashboards
On top of the report are all-inclusive filters to help you hone in on key data. All reports on the page are affected by the criteria set in these all-inclusive filters.
The filter criteria for each dashboard may differ. Filters reset to the default when the page is refreshed.