Managing Active Invitations
- Chellie Esters
- Anastasia Medovkina (Deactivated)
- Maria Tarnopolskaya (Unlicensed)
From the Active Invitations page, you can perform the following actions:
Viewing Invite Details
Click the Provider’s Name on the invitation card to open the Invite Details page.
The Invite Details page displays the following information:
1. The general information shown on the card:
- Provider Company name
- Invitation status
- Provider Speed and Quality Scores
- Invitation Date
- The employee who sent the invitation
- Expiration Date
- Invitation recipients (hover over the “[#] more…” to view the email recipients if there are more than one)
2. The Actions button that opens the drop-down list of actions you can take on the invitation. The list varies depending on the invitation status:
Invitation Status | Sent | Pending | Replied |
Action Options |
Note that the Accept button appears only for the invitations in the Replied status.
3. Trade and Locations information
4. Invite Notes section where employees can add internal notes that will not be displayed to the provide
5. The number of work orders the provider performed in the last 12 months.
6. Scheduled Maintenance (if included) and Labels
7. Invitation Message
8. The Documentation Progress section that displays the provider’s progress in completing client requirements