Validating Asset(s) on Planned Maintenance Work Orders in SC Mobile
Lamont Eddins
Planned Maintenance work orders with multiple assets can be validated through various options by SC mobile users with Asset Inventory secondary role. This ensures any asset receiving maintenance work is confirmed. Users can view whether the assets on Planned Maintenance work orders have or has not been validated along with adding an asset to the Planned Maintenance work order.
Scanning Methods for Validating Asset on Planned Maintenance Work Orders
When validating assets on a Planned Maintenance work order, it must be done with either NFC or Bar Code (QR code). Assets that do not have an existing or workable code cannot become validated. The asset does move over into the Validated tab on the work order with a failed validation statement along with the reason for failing. A new work order must be created to re-attempt to validate a specific asset.
- Locate the PM work order with multiple assets from the list view and click to view its details.
- From the details list, click the Assets tab to start the process.
- Select an asset from the list and click the Validate link to open the modal.
Select a scanning method and click the link to scan the asset.
If the scan fails, you can rescan with a different method or explain the reason for an unsuccessful scan.
- The asset moves into the Validated tab on the work order.
- Repeat steps 1 thru 4 to validate additional assets.
Adding New Assets on Planned Maintenance Work Orders for Validation
You can create and add new assets onto the planned maintenance work order when it is needed. When an asset is created and added onto the work order, the asset is automatically validated.
- From the Validation page, click the Add Asset button to start the process.
Click the Create New Asset button to add an Asset Type.
You can select an asset from the list if available.
- Use the drop-down arrow to display the list of asset types.
- Select the specific asset type from the list.
Add all relevant information for the asset.
Any line with the * character means it is required to add.
- Optional: Add an attachment to the asset.
- Click the Submit button to finalize the asset creation.
- Click the OK link after reading the successful modal message.
Moving Assets to Another Location during Asset Inventory
During Asset Inventory, asset(s) that are scanned for validation or go through the validation process and does not match the location on the work order, the asset(s) can be added onto the work order and moved to the location on the work order. This includes going through the validation process and updating to the new location. When this happens, the asset’s details and record are transferred to the location where the asset is physically located. Asset(s) scanned at the same location but were not included can be added and validated as part of the work order. Your external provider can also change the location of an asset(s) during Planned Maintenance, Asset Inventory work orders.