Modifying Checklists

Modifying Checklists

Modifying a checklist affects entries going forward. All checklist entries already saved will not change. When modifying a checklist, you can either:

Editing Repair Checklists

When you edit a checklist, you are changing the information of an existing checklist. Changes made to an existing checklist are immediately added so when technicians check into a work order and begin to answer questions, the newly changes are reflected. 

⦿ How to Edit a Repair Checklist
  1. Under Administration > Tools > Checklist, click the Edit button to the right of the Checklist to modify. The Edit Checklist modal appears.
  2. Modify the checklist Name.
  3. (When the Checklist for Locations feature is turned on) Click Choose Locations and update which Locations this Checklist should be applied.
  4. Modify the Trade and Category to which the Checklist should be applied.
  5. To select multiple Trades and Categories, use Control+click (PC) or Command+click (Mac).
  6. Under Checklist Questions: Note: Under Check-in Segment and Check-Out Segment for Checklists with Segment users.
    1. Modify the Question Types, responses, and answer/media requirements for the list of questions; or
    2. Click the red line — next to a question to remove it altogether.
  7. Click Save Checklist. The Checklist is modified and ready for immediate use.

You cannot delete a question within an active checklist where questions have already been answered on a work order. 

Editing Planned Maintenance Checklists

You can edit a Planned Maintenance Checklist at any time. When editing the checklist, you have the option to:

  • Change the unique name
  • Update the Planned Maintenance Frequency
  • Update Segment Questions

⦿ How to Edit a Planned Maintenance Checklist
  1. Under Administration > Tools > Checklist, click the Edit button to the right of the Checklist to modify. The Edit Checklist modal appears.
  2. Make potential updates to the checklist.
  3. Click the Save button to submit the changes. 

You cannot change the Checklist Type when editing

Deactivating Checklists 

When deactivating a checklist, you are completely removing it from the work order. Any checklists that is deactivated are no longer associated with a work order. You can reactivate a deactivated checklist at any given time.  

⦿ How to Deactivate a Checklist
  1. Under Administration > Tools > Checklist, click the Deactivate button to the right of the Checklist.
  2. A modal appears asking you to confirm deactivation. Click the Deactivate Checklist button to deactivate the Checklist.