Enhanced Analytics: Webinars and Self-Paced Learning

Enhanced Analytics: Webinars and Self-Paced Learning

Our Enhanced Analytics is optimized to give you better performance, better views, and better data.

Improvements include:

  • Improved performance by shortening the data refresh from 24 hours to 1 hour.
  • Re-calibrated the Contractor Scorecard grading scale to reflect industry scoring standards.
  • Dashboards are laid out in a simpler navigational format.
  • Filters allow you to select all criteria in one go instead of multiple Apply buttons across criteria.
  • Send and schedule Visualizations, CSV files, and interactive PDFs with expanding tables and clickable work order links.
  • For Data Experts, build custom charts, visualizations, and dashboard, and then share them with others in your company.

Important: In the videos you will see "Analytics (New)." Please note that we have since removed "(New)" from the system. You will only see "Analytics" in the system.

Standard Analytics

Users with view-only access to ServiceChannel's Dashboards and Internal Dashboards will learn how to:

  • Set permissions and access for users
  • Navigate to Analytics (new)
  • Recognize where the Standard Dashboards are located
  • Use Filters and Drill Down into data
  • Email reports either manually or on a schedule
  • Save Favorite Dashboards
  • Pin Dashboards to Boards
Premium Analytics

This immersive will guide experienced data experts on building custom analytical visualizations.

Follow our immersive examples to learn how to:

  • Create custom visualizations and tables

  • Use custom data fields (Table Calculations, Custom Measures, and Custom Dimensions) to create dynamic data

  • Save visualizations and tables as Tiles or Looks to use in custom Dashboards

  • Share Dashboards and Looks within your organization

We recommend watching the Standard Analytics webinar to understand basic navigation and setup before attending this immersive.

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