Feb 26, 2025 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs
Features and improvements

Core modules
Work Orders. We have improved our unsatisfactory feedback email for providers by incorporating a link to a related work order. Providers can now click View Work Order to see a corresponding work order in Provider Automation.
Planned Maintenance Manager. In the redesigned Planned Maintenance module, when you filter for specific PM services and attempt to generate a report, the Provider Name filter will be visible on the Generate Report overlay. This enhancement lets you quickly refine search results, ensuring the generated reports are more tailored and relevant to your needs.
Add-on modules
No features and improvements for add-on modules.
Bug fixes

Core modules
Dashboard. Clicking View Work Order in the unsatisfactory feedback email, you were redirected to the dashboard's location selection page rather than to the related work order. Clicking on that link will now redirect you to the appropriate work order.
Provider Search. On the Network Opportunities page, we’ve adjusted filtering by city to ensure the cities you select are preserved as you switch between different statuses.
Work Orders. If the not-to-exceed (NTE) amount contained a comma as a decimal separator, you might have observed the comma was misplaced in the work order note generated after updating the NTE on a work order. The issue has been resolved, and future work order notes will accurately reflect NTE amounts.
Add-on modules
Projects. Filtering invoices by project ID went wrong and brought no results when you tried to filter via the overlay with project IDs rather than via the drop-down list. Now, you can get the corresponding invoices no matter which way of picking project IDs you choose.