Aug 5, 2021 | Service Automation, Provider Automation, and Analytics RNs

Features and improvements

Core modules

Work Orders. When adding a note to a work order, you can find and add the WO note recipients easier and faster. In the Add Addressee dropdown, start typing the addressee name or email address, and they will appear in the drop-down list. All the added recipients are displayed above the dropdown to easily view and edit.

Analytics. By using the Work Orders Explore, you can now build your custom report showing how many declined work orders you have against the total number of work orders. Use the following measures to create your report: WO Count and Count of Declined Work Orders.

Analytics. In the WO Archive Explore, we have added the Work Order Label dimension. Now you can create custom reports with labels for the whole WO creation history and filter those work orders by label. Look for this new dimension under the *Workorders data fields set.

Add-on modules

Projects. Pages within the Projects module are loading faster now! We’ve improved the overall performance of the module for you to quickly navigate and manage your projects.

Projects. When you approve a project under the Actions tab, we recommend you enter the reason for approval, but we no longer force you to do that. This step has become optional.

Refrigerant Tracking Manager. The MS Excel report on refrigerant use is now more clear about who created a refrigerant use record and who made the latest update to it. See the Created By and Last Updated By columns to find this information. Download the updated report in Assets (Equipment) > Refrigerant Leak Events > Refrigerant Use. P.S. These two new columns have replaced the Vendor column to avoid confusion and bad data.

Bug fixes

Core modules

Asset Manager. In SC Mobile and SC Provider Mobile apps, you were able to see only 10 assets while creating work orders. We have fixed it — now you will see all available assets.

Invoices. Many of you experienced troubles with printing invoices. The invoices you printed were not readable because the data was squeezed. Please accept our apologies. Now, when you print an invoice, the data is in order, and the original layout of the invoice is observed.

Invoices. On the redesigned details page of line-item invoices, the Labor Total hours refused to show up. We are sorry that our oversight caused inconvenience. We’ve fixed the issue — labor hours are totaled and displayed in the Labor section, under the Charges tab, as before.

Add-on modules

Projects. There were some minor issues with how project data was displayed. For example, a project name on the projects list got cut off if it was too long, and the provider name at the final step of work order task creation was not shown properly, so it was hard to read it. We’ve brushed it up, now it looks clear and neat.

Supply Manager. In your dashboard, the link you clicked to place a supply order was broken and led you to an error page. Proceeding to place an order from that page caused an issue with the order itself — it got submitted for the wrong location. We’ve fixed that.