Sep 24, 2020 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Sep 24, 2020 | Service Automation and Provider Automation RNs

Features and improvements

Core modules

No features and improvements for this version.

Add-on modules

No features and improvements for add-on modules.

Bug fixes

Core modules

Admin. The numbering of location note headers (LNHs) in your Admin settings got broken after you added a new header and reshuffled the LNHs list. Whatever changes you make now, headers stay numbered by the laws of math.

MLI. On some occasions, the limits you set for your multi-level invoice (MLI) approval rules got wiped out, leaving no trace. This release puts an end to such mysterious disappearances.

MLP. For companies that utilize the multi-level proposal (MLP) approval process, we’ve fixed a problem with creating new user accounts. In Admin > Permissions > Users, it would take several tries to set the employee’s access to specific locations — sometimes, with no success at all.

Planned Maintenance Manager. Using the PM hotkey on your keyboard didn’t lead you to the Planned Maintenance module, showing an error message instead. Fixed! Navigate across Service Automation as quick as a flash with our keyboard shortcuts.

Provider Directory. It wasn’t possible for providers to remove deactivated users from the Client Contacts page. Once providers excluded the employee from the Assigned Contacts list, the employee moved back to the General Contacts section instead of going away from the page.

SC Mobile. With the “Read Only” permission that didn’t allow you to create assets, you could still do it via the ServiceChannel mobile app. We now double-check that the permission works the same way in the web and mobile apps.

SC Provider. Providers had no chance to clock into work orders in the “Completed/Pending Confirmation” status. Either an error message popped up, or the app stayed unresponsive as providers tried to check in.

Work Orders. If you move a work order to the “In Progress/Waiting for Approval” status by creating a proposal for this WO, it’s your name — not the name of your colleague — that we show on the WO details page, next to the status change record. The Status History tab no longer misleads you by displaying the names of people who didn’t make this status change.

Work Orders. We’ve solved an issue with updating auto-assignment rules in the Work Order Assignment section. When providers edited a rule and opted to apply it to all trades (including future ones), the “all trades” setting propagated to other auto-assignment rules for the same technician. The rules are no longer changed against providers’ will.

Add-on modules

No bugs for add-on modules.