2021 - December Release

2021 - December Release

The Data Direct release for December will go live on January 11th. Below is the list of changes.

 Features and improvements

  • New Tables - "Program" and "Project": Two new tables are being introduced to provide data from the Projects module.
  • Sunsetting Tables "Technician" and "Technicians": As communicated previously, the tables "Technician" and "Technicians" are removed from the Data Direct feed. Internal technicians data is already included in the "Users" table.

Sunsetting Data Tables and Revisions to Data Types

Please reach out to your CSM with any concerns.

  • Revised Datatype for "Providers.name", "Providers.city", and "Providers.address": Beginning February 8, 2022, these datatypes will change from varchar to nvarchar to better support international characters. Datatype length will remain the same.

The above changes are also updated in the latest ERD diagram and on our Data Direct page.

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