Core modules
API. Our new GET/proposals/GetProposalsAssociatedWithWorkOrderAsync
API method allows you to retrieve all proposals associated with a work order. The response contains the proposal ID, proposal number, creation date, status, and work order number.
Asset Manager. You can now track asset type changes in the asset revision history. We've added the Asset Type row under the Revision History section on the Asset History tab.
Add-on modules
No features and improvements for add-on modules.
Core modules
Work Orders. Due to the inconsistent under-the-hood settings of the Call Date filter on the WOs list, the number of work orders displayed in the metrics on the Actionable Landing Page (ALP) and on the WOs list page didn't match. Now you see the same WOs count on both the ALP and the WOs list.
Work Orders. If a technician declined a work order, it wasn’t possible to assign this work order back to this technician via the API. Whenever there is a need, you can reassign work orders back to original techs.
Work Orders. You were unable to edit a work order problem description if troubleshooting questions were configured in your dashboard issue list. After you tried to save the updated problem description, the Save button became grayed out, and the changes weren't saved.
Add-on modules
Enhanced Inventory Manager. Upon creating an inventory transaction, searching for a location in the Destination dropdown wasn’t always successful. You got no results even though the required store existed for sure.