Features and improvements

Core modules

Checklists. On the page where admins create checklists, we show the username of the person who created and updated each checklist instead of the user ID as we did before.

Add-on modules

Refrigerant Tracking Manager. When you create a retrofit plan and clear the Generate Leak Record checkbox, the refrigerant use is not included in the chronic leak rate calculation. If you want the refrigerant use to be there, make sure you've selected the Generate Leak Record checkbox while creating a retrofit plan. P.S. You can find the chronic leak rate of an appliance on the Asset History tab of the asset details page.

Supply Manager. We’ve added HTML attachments 📄 with part order details back to redesigned notification emails about Supply Manager orders.

Bug fixes

Core modules

Admin. You couldn’t change the AskForReviews setting for work order statuses in Admin > WO Properties. We’ve done away with this inconvenience — now you can edit AskForReviews manually for any Completed status.

Asset Manager. After you sorted the list of assets, one of them disappeared from the list. Mysteries are exciting, but not when you are managing your assets! We’ve uncovered the secret of assets disappearing from your screen and solved the issue.

Dashboard. Location users who were part of the MLP hierarchy faced a problem approving proposals in Dashboard 2.0. For a proposal without a work order, the dashboard suggested you associate the proposal with the original WO. Since there was no original WO, you got an error upon approving the proposal. To prevent errors and confusion, we disable the option to link a proposal to the original WO in case your proposal isn’t linked to any WO yet.

Proposals. The Assign button went kaput preventing you from assigning proposals to your employees. Proposals waiting to be assigned can be finally assigned — the button is up and running again!

Add-on modules

Inventory Manager. Creating trucks via template in Locations & Provider Assignments resulted in a vague error message stating that you should try uploading the file later.

Supply Manager. Special characters were incorrectly displayed in the Supply Order Details section of redesigned emails about Supply Manager orders.