• Limited - Search for and invite service providers; view alerts and messages they are set up to receive; access Help; and manage personal settings
  • Data Reader - Includes all Limited role permissions; plus: viewing and notifying in-network service providers for compliance; viewing and applying labels to service providers, invitations, and agreements; and creating service provider profiles

  • Data Writer - Includes all Data Reader role permissions; plus: managing service providers, invitations, agreements, and requirements

  • Sys Admin - Includes all Data Writer role permissions; plus: blocking and unblocking service providers from the network; managing payment terms; editing company settings; creating users and roles; assigning roles to users; and using the Contractor Match feature to check whether the company’s preferred service providers are available in the private network in Compliance Manager or are available in Fixxbook

  • Financial Authority - Assigned along with Data Reader and Data Writer roles, allows users to accept/reject client rates proposed by service providers; assigned along with Sys Admin role allows users to accept/reject client rates proposed by service providers and manage payment terms.

When you do not assign any roles to a user, the user can only:

  • view alerts and messages he/she is set up to receive
  • access Help, and
  • manage personal settings

  1. In the far-right corner of the submenu at the top, click Settings (gear icon). The Settings page displays.
  2. At the top of the page, click the Company tab. The Manage Permissions page appears, listing the various pages and the permissions for default roles for each of the pages.