The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) have advocated for the use of wearing a mask when entering public spaces to keep people safe in relation to COVID-19. When service providers and field tech managers respond to a work order and depending on its location and during every check-in, a COVID-19: Please Wear Mask Prompt message appears and provides two statements along with images on how to protect yourself and others.
CDC recommends covering your mouth and nose while keeping 6-feet in distance and WHO also recommends covering your mouth and nose with 1-meter apart in distance. The COVID-19 prompt message appears before any work order actions or additional prompts. After reading and viewing the information, move forward with the check-in process by clicking on the I Acknowledge button. Supportive languages will be available when the message is displayed. Check the CDC and WHO websites for further information regarding COVID-19 protection.
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