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Viewing the detailed information on a work order helps facility managers keep track of the work order life cycle.

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The detailed view of a work order is comprehensive and lets you perform the following actions:

  • Find all key details regarding a work order, such as its tracking number, caller details, problem description, and resolution including resolution and root cause codes if they’ve been added by the provider
  • View projected completion date
  • View files attached to a work order and work order notes, including the original NTE
  • See the history of status changes
  • Look through proposals linked to a work order
  • View service provider check-in/out information
  • Add or delete attachments
  • View the asset details
  • Find the invoice info
  • Print the work order
  • Edit the work order to modify the work order details or update the status
  • Add notes to a work order and update its scheduled date
  • Decide which note is most important to you and highlights the current state of the work order by pinning it to the top of the list. This will save time from scrolling through endless work order notes.
  • Leave a review for a work order or check the review if this work order has already been reviewed

Accessing the Work Order Details Page

From the Work Orders List page, you can quickly find the desired work order and navigate to the request details.

title⦿ How to Open the Detailed View of a Work Order
  1. On the Work Orders List page, locate the desired work order, and click View Details. The detailed view of the work order is displayed.


    Should you have more than one work order, the Previous and Next buttons appear at the bottom of the detailed view, helping you easily move from one work order to another.

Work Order Details and Description

In the detailed view, the work order details and description are displayed in four groups:

Section 1: Work Order Status and Summary

The work order status and summary appear in the header of the detailed view.

The left section of the header displays the current primary and extended status of the work order and is color-coded based on the status. See About Work Order Life Cycle and Statuses for more information on statuses.

The right section of the header displays the problem details: the first row shows the problem code; the second row describes the area, problem type, and asset; and the third row contains the trade, priority, and category of the work order. In case the problem code, area, problem type, and asset details are not available for a work order, the problem description is shown.

Section 2: Work Order Details

This section displays work order details in four columns.

SectionDetails Available

First column

  • Tracking number, Work Order number, and Purchase Order number. Note that for work orders that have identical work order, tracking, and purchase order numbers, the column displays only the tracking number. When a custom Work Order number and/or Purchase Order (PO) number is used, it appears underneath the Tracking Number.


    Tracking numbers are automatically applied to all work orders and cannot be edited. Work Order numbers and Purchase Order (PO) numbers are automatically assigned the same number as the Tracking Number, and will not appear on the work order unless edited.

    PO numbers can have a maximum of 50 alphanumeric characters. On the Work Order Details, PO numbers are truncated to less than 20 characters. To see the full PO number, either mouse over the number or edit the work order.

    Tracking numbers, Work Order numbers, and PO numbers carry over throughout Service Automation, namely to Invoices, Proposals, and downloaded reports.

  • Recall. This field appears when the request is a recall, and the tracking number of the original work order is displayed.

Second column

  • Age. The time elapsed since the work order was created until the completion date or the current date in case the work order is Open or In Progress.
  • Scheduled. The date and time when the service provider was scheduled to arrive at the location. Service Automation lists time in the military format. See Converting 24-Hour Time to 12-Hour Time.
  • Created. The user who created the work order and the date and time the work order was created.
  • Projected Completion Date. The date and time when the work order is supposed to be completed as estimated by the service provider. This field appears only when your company requires this information from service providers. Talk to your SC Account Manager should you want your service providers to be able to add projected date and time of completion for work orders.
  • Work Date. The last date and time labor was performed on the work order.
  • Auto-Invoice. When enabled, appears with the word “Yes”.
  • Auto-Complete. When enabled, appears with the word “Yes”

Third column

  • Proposal. Appears when there is a proposal attached to the work order. Click the proposal number to open the proposal in the list view, where you may view or take action on the proposal.
  • NTE. Stands for the not-to-exceed amount. Should an approved proposal exist, the total proposed amount appears here.


    Should you need to change the decimal point (.) to decimal comma (,) on monetary amounts, contact your ServiceChannel representative. 

  • Subtotal/tax. In case a work order has a maximum subtotal and tax defined, the details are displayed here.
  • Closing Authorization. The number given to a service provider when they check out and update the status of the work order to Complete using ServiceChannel Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. Learn more about the IVR system in About Service Provider On-Site Check-Ins and Check-Outs in Dashboard 1.0.
  • GL Code and other approval codes. Used for accounting purposes.
  • Source. The source from where the work order was submitted. This info helps quickly investigate the work order if there is an issue.
  • Label. When work order editors /wiki/spaces/UJNK/pages/1463484488, it appears here. You can also edit a label from here after the work order has been invoiced. See Modifying the Label Field on Invoiced Work Orders for more information.
  • Weather. Similarly to Labels, when dashboard users or work order editors assign

Fourth column

  • Location information. Contains the location ID, location name, address, and phone number. Click the location name to open the Location details page.
  • Provider information. Displays the provider name, primary contact name, address, email, and phone number.
  • Star Rating. Those with the Star Ratings feature can see the star rating of a work order, as completed by either a Dashboard User or Corporate User. You will see the words Leave Review on work orders without one.


    Contact your ServiceChannel representative to enable Star Ratings.

Location Notes. Sharable information stored in Location Note Headers for this location — such as store details and contact information — is listed.

Problem Description. This section displays the area, problem type, asset, problem code, and description. For Completed work orders, resolutions, i.e. the work summary that a technician enters upon check-out to explain which work was done to solve the issue, also appears here.

Resolution Codes & Root Cause. Completed work orders of specific trades may include resolution and root cause codes in this section.


Secondary items — such as GL Code, Weather Type, Labels, Auto-Invoice or Auto-Complete as well as resolution and root cause codes, for example — will not appear when information for those fields is not present.

In this area, you will find various information that is associated with this work order, such as:

  • Attachments & Notes. The default filter selection is the All Notes tab which shows both system and user created notes. Click on the System Created tab to only view notes that were system created. Click on User Created to only view notes your users have created. View a list of images and files uploaded to the work order; an audit trail of all changes; and all communication between your team and service providers. From here, you can add a note or update the scheduled date. Pin one note that is most important to you and highlights the current state of the work order. Likewise unpin a note when it isn’t the most important note anymore.
  • Status History. An audit trail of the changes to the work order status, and by whom.
  • Check In / Out. An audit trail of the technicians who checked in and out of that work order through IVR, SC Provider Mobile, or other integrations. You will also see when a work order editor has added labor hours to the work order on behalf of technicians or other facilities workers.
  • Checklists. When a Checklist is designed and is completed in SC Provider Mobile, the results and corresponding images appear here.
  • Asset History. A list of updates made to the asset associated with this work order.
  • Linked Work Orders (n). When another work order is linked to this work order, this tab becomes active and shows the list of original and follow-up work orders.
  • Proposals. When a proposal linked to this work order exists, a summary of the proposal and the proposal number(s) appear here, where you can navigate to /wiki/spaces/UJNK/pages/559153193 for a detailed view.
  • Invoice & Materials / Parts. Similar to Proposals, an invoice summary — along with the invoice number, labor and, materials — appear here after the work order is invoiced. From here, you can navigate to Invoice Manager for a detailed view.

Along the bottom of the work order you can:

  • Print the work order
  • Edit the work order details
  • Add a note or update the schedule date
  • Leave or view Star Rating reviews depending on work order status.
  • YNavigate from one work order to the next using the Previous and Next buttons when reviewing more than one work order from the Work Order List.

Printing Work Order Details

You may print the work order details from the detailed view by clicking Print at the bottom of the page. The work order details, problem description (when expanded), and the details in the selected tab at the bottom are printed.

Viewing a Work Order Review

A work order review helps you get more details about the provider job on the desired work order. The person who submits a review for a work order star rates the provider’s performance and leaves a brief comment describing whether the job has been done well and providing any other relevant info.


You need to have the star review enabled for your company to view and leave a review for work orders. Contact ServiceChannel if you don’t have this feature yet.

title⦿ How to View a Work Order Review
  1. On the Work Orders List page, locate the desired work order, and click View Details. The detailed view of the work order appears.
  2. Click View Review at the bottom of the page. The overlay with the review info on this work order opens.

Viewing a work order review

In the overlay, you can find the work order details, such as the tracking number, trade, location info, and provider name as well as the work order star review and custom feedback responses.


Custom feedback responses, also called answers to custom or additional survey questions, help you get more details about the provider performance on a work order. You can submit your own set of assessment questions regarding work order service quality to ServiceChannel. Get hold of ServiceChannel to enable additional survey questions for you.

Converting 24-Hour Time to 12-Hour Time

Service Automation lists times in a 24-hour (or military) format. Below is a table to help you convert the scheduled time to the 12-hour time, if needed.

24-Hour Time

12-Hour Time


12:00 AM (Midnight)


1:00 AM


2:00 AM


3:00 AM


4:00 AM


5:00 AM


6:00 AM


7:00 AM


8:00 AM


9:00 AM


10:00 AM


11:00 AM


12:00 PM (Noon)


1:00 PM


2:00 PM


3:00 PM


4:00 PM


5:00 PM


6:00 PM


7:00 PM


8:00 PM


9:00 PM


10:00 PM


11:00 PM


12:00 AM (Midnight)

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