1. Review the existing work order to determine the duplicationrepeated issue.
    • If your request does not match the existing work order : click Next to continue entering your service request as normal.
    • If your request matches the existing work order:
      1. Check the Repeated Issue box to the right of the existing work order.
      2. Click  Next. A message appears at the top of the page stating that the work order has been marked as a possible recall.
      3. Continue entering your service request as normal, and then click Submit.
      4. After the confirmation page appears, click the Open Work Orders tab. The list of open work orders appears, with the new work order marked as a Possible Recall. 
        Work Order Marked as Possible RecallImage Removedthe Radio button under Found Duplicate/Repeated WO to mark the work order
  2. Click the Duplicate Found button to submit the repeated issue.
    Repeated Issue StepsImage Added