The ALL tab of the Network Summary Dashboard allows you to see at a high level the performance of your entire network against the entire ServiceChannel platform of providers. View the whole network, filter to a singular provider, trade, area, etc. This dashboard is a powerful tool to give you a quick insight on where you can improve your provider network. It is also another area to talk about with your providers during performance reviews – how they stand up against the entire provider platform.

Note |
title | Repair Work Orders Only |
Data shown here are for repair work orders only unless otherwise specified. |
- Filters
- Performance Category Tabs
- Platform Wide Performance Tiers
- Provider Details Table
Refine and deepen your insights by filtering for specific provider(s), trades, geographic area, date range, location, and brand/company name.
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Provider Name: You can filter for a singular provider for a review or compare several providers.
Primary Trade: Search for providers by one trade or several similar trades to get insight on trade specific performance.
State: View providers by state(s).
Market (US): Search for providers in Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSA). CBSAs are geographic regions defined by the US Office of Management and Budget that are anchored around urban centers of 10,000+ people along with adjacent counties that have strong social and economic ties to the urban center. This allows you to get a true comparison of provider performance, particularly around cost and speed, as the environment is more similar in that area. For example, if you compared cost for providers in Dallas, TX, you get a more accurate picture comparing them amongst each other than if you compared Dallas providers to Fredericksburg, TX providers.
Work Completion Date: Default state is 36 complete months. You can filter to whatever date range suits your purpose, but you can not go beyond 36 months.
Location: Filter for work performed at certain locations.
Location Note Headers: Use this to filter out certain locations to keep from skewing data.
Location Note Value: Use this to filter out certain locations to keep from skewing data.
Brand: Filter for certain brands in your portfolio.
Company Name: Filter for certain companies in your portfolio.
Note |
When you filter to a specific data point, your specific data will be ranked against the entire ServiceChannel platform not just that specific data in the platform. Ex: If you filter to see the performance of your plumbers, the dashboard will show how your plumbers rank against the entire platform. It will not compare your plumbers against all plumbers. Stay tuned! That feature is coming out soon with Benchmarking! Check out Benchmarking Dashboard for that capability. |
View provider performance across all four high level KPI categories: Speed, Quality, Engagement, and Score. Scores are broken down by performance tiers: Top, Average, Below Average, and Bottom. As you filter through, your provider performance data will be displayed in position to where they rank across the entire platform. You can drill into the charts by clicking on the pie slice or the vertical elipsis for specific data on your providers.

Note |
title | Engagement and Price Score |
The Engagement score is static and will not change when you filter as engagement scores do not link up with a work order. The Price Score is linked to a median of invoices and therefore will always appear on the screen even when Speed and Quality Score do not. |
Provider Details Table
View all filtered providers and their individual scores, work order counts, and invoice counts side by side in this table. In this view, you see not only the repair work order high level KPI scores, but also Maintenance scoresWork Order Count, Completed Repair Work Order Count, and Repair Invoice CountsCount. This is especially helpful if you want to get a good look at how the providers in a certain trade or area are performing against each other. Like all tables in analytics, sort, filter, and click in on data as needed.

Insert excerpt |
| All Calls Tab |
| All Calls Tab |
nopanel | true |