Rw expand |
title | Expand this section to learn more about statuses on the Work Orders panel. |
Confirmation Required StatusThe Confirmation Required status reflects the total number of open work orders, including the number that have missed the scheduled date (no-show) and the number at each priority level. Clicking on a number navigates you to the Work Orders List, with the corresponding status and priority applied.
Here is the list of metrics and their definitions: Metric |
| Total number | The number of all work orders that are in the Open status not filtered by priorities. | No-Show | The number of all Open work orders that have missed the scheduled date. | Less than 8 hours | The number of Open work orders that need to be completed in less than 8 hours. | The 8-24 hours work order priority | The number of Open work orders that need to be completed from 8 to 24 hours. | The 24-48 hours work order priority | The number of Open work orders that need to be completed from 24 to 48 hours. | The 48+ hours work order priority | The number of Open work orders that need to be completed in more than 48 hours. |
Pending Arrival StatusThe Pending Arrival status shows the number of the work orders that you are potentially or actually late to arrive on-site. Clicking on a number navigates you to the Work Orders List, with the corresponding statuses and scheduled date applied. Here is the list of metrics and their definitions: Metric |
| Total number | The number of work orders with In Progress / Dispatch Confirmed statuses and on which your technicians have not checked in yet. | Late (Over 1 day) | The number of the In Progress work orders with missed scheduled dates over 1 day. | On their way (1 day away) | The number of the In Progress work orders that are 1 day till the scheduled date expires. |
In Progress StatusThe In Progress status shows the number of the work orders on which the technicians started working (checked in). Clicking a number navigates you to the Work Orders List, with the corresponding statuses applied. Here is the list of metrics and their definitions: Metric |
| Total number | The number of all work orders with the In Progress status on which you have started working. | On-Site | The number of the In Progress work orders with the On-Site extended status. | No action in 7 days | The number of the In Progress work orders on which you have not taken action for 7 days. No action means: - No Attachments added
- No Status changes
- No Extended Status changes
- No Note added
Completed and Canceled work orders are not included. | Return Required | The number of the | restIn Progress work orders with the Unsatisfactory extended status. | Awaiting Quote | The number of the In Progress/Waiting for Quote work orders where additional parts or labor is needed, so a provider has submitted a price quote for the additional resources. |
Review StatusThe Review status shows the number of the work orders that require your return or still waiting to hear back from clients. Clicking on a number navigates you to the Work Orders List, with the corresponding statuses applied. Here is the list of metrics and their definitions: Metric |
| Total number | The overall number of the work orders that require clients’ review or your return except for Canceled and No Charge work orders. | Pending Review (Need Clients’ review) | The number of the Completed work orders that are waiting for clients’ confirmation. | Unsatisfactory (Work not accepted by Client) | The number of the Completed work orders that clients are not satisfied with. |