When providers take your assets out for repair, bring them back into service, or suggest a replacement, you may want to capture all these movements of assets into and out of locations. By enabling your employees and service providers to use a set of predefined asset statuses, you get an opportunity to track the movement of assets in and out of service. Here are the statuses that become available to you and your providers when the required feature is on.
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To start using the feature, please contact your Customer Success Manager. |
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Status | Definition |
In Use | The asset is up and running. The default status of all assets. | Out For Repair | The provider cannot fix the faulty asset on-site and takes it out for repair. | Replacement Recommended | The provider recommends that you replace the malfunctioning asset with another one. | Repaired | The asset has been repaired and is waiting to be returned into service. | Down | The asset is out for repair and starts a timer to collect data for Asset Uptime Report in Analytics. Once the asset's status is switched back to In Use, the timer stops. | Inactive | The asset is no longer in service at the location. |
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title | Check the examples of situations when you may use asset statuses. |
| Use case example 1: The provider shows up on-site to service a broken asset but sees that the asset is faulty in such a way that it cannot be fixed on-site and needs to be taken out for repair. The provider sets the asset status to Out For Repair, which allows keeping all the people who manage or use the asset in the know about its whereabouts and state. It may also be required to temporarily install a different asset to avoid bringing the location operations to a standstill. Use case example 2: Another scenario may be that the provider finds it wiser to replace a broken asset rather than repair it over and over again. By moving the asset into the Replacement Recommended status, the provider advises you to replace it with a new one instead of pouring money into repairs. |