Features and improvements

Proposals. Since the subscriber name was missing from the emails on proposal assignments, we’ve added it to this type of alerts. Now all proposal emails contain both the provider and subscriber names.
Site Access. If you don’t allow your techs to check in using IVR or the IVR phone number is not set for them, WO dispatch emails clearly state that the IVR check-in method is not permitted. That’s true only for those who don’t receive bilingual emails.
Work Orders. In Provider Automation, you can choose between uploading autoassigment rule templates with your techs’ usernames or employee IDs. The overlay for rules bulk uploading in the Work Order Assignment section allows you to select the preferred option.
Bug fixes

ALP. When you searched for work orders by location ID from the Actionable Landing Page and excluded maintenance WOs, they still appeared among your search results. This doesn’t happen any longer.
Dashboard. While creating a linked service request, you opted to transfer attachments from the original work order, but only one file was added. Now we transfer them all.
Work Orders. For work orders with linked assets, the asset history was blank on the WO details page. The issue affected only dashboard service requests.
Work Orders. When you searched for WOs by exact PO number from the new WOs list, you got only one service request even though you had more with the same PO number.
Work Orders. You could leave reviews on “Completed/Confirmed” work orders from the new WOs list even when your company didn’t allow reviews on WOs in this status. Check out these settings in Admin > WO Properties > Statuses.