DD Table Name | DD Column Name | Data Type | Constraint | Definition |
label_history | Label | nvarchar(50) | not null | |
label_history | UpdatedByUserIdText | nvarchar(50) | null | |
label_history | TrackingNumber | int | not null | |
label_history | UpdatedDateDto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
label_history | UpdatedByUserId | int | null | |
label_history | id | int | not null, identity |
label_history | Action | nvarchar(10) | not null | |
label_history | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
label_history | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
labels | Label | nvarchar(50) | not null | |
labels | trackingNumber | int | PK, not null | |
labels | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
labels | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
LeakInspectionComplianceAcknowledgement | Id | int | PK, not null | System generated unique identifier |
LeakInspectionComplianceAcknowledgement | UserId | int | not null | Id of the User who accepted compliance acknowledgement |
LeakInspectionComplianceAcknowledgement | TrackingNumber | int | not null | Work order Tracking Number |
LeakInspectionComplianceAcknowledgement | DateAccepted | datetimeoffset(7) | not null | Acknowledgement accepted Date |
LeakInspectionComplianceAcknowledgement | Message | nvarchar(255) | not null | Compliance acknowledgement message |
LeakInspectionComplianceAcknowledgement | ApplicationId | tinyint | not null | Application Identifier |
LeakInspectionComplianceAcknowledgement | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The timestamp when the record was created in Data Direct |
LeakInspectionComplianceAcknowledgement | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The timestamp when the record was updated in Data Direct |
locations | storeStatus | varchar(50) | null | Indicates the status of the store as Open/Closed |
locations | parentLocationNumber | int | null | Id of the parent location from location heirarchy if applicable |
locations | locationType | varchar(100) | null | Type of location (e.g: Primary, Downtown, Office, Warehouse etc) |
locations | numberOfAssignments | int | null | Count of assigned providers |
locations | locationID | int | not null | Location Identifier |
locations | storeNumber | varchar(50) | not null | Store Id value |
locations | locationName | varchar(500) | null | Name of the location |
locations | address | nvarchar(500) | null | Address of the location |
locations | city | nvarchar(500) | null | City |
locations | state | varchar(500) | null | State |
locations | postalCode | varchar(50) | null | Zip Code |
locations | country | varchar(200) | null | Country |
locations | region | varchar(200) | null | Region |
locations | district | varchar(200) | null | District |
locations | openedDate | datetime | null | Date when the location was opened |
locations | closedDate | datetime | null | Date when the location was closed |
locations | mainContact | varchar(50) | null | Main contact information at the location |
locations | phoneNumber | varchar(22) | null | Phone Number of the location |
locations | faxNumber | varchar(22) | null | Fax Number of the location |
locations | email | varchar(200) | null | E-Mail Address for the location |
locations | timeZoneInfoId | smallint | null | Timezone Identifier (links to the TimezoneInfo table) |
locations | SubscriberId | int | null | Subscriber Identifier |
locations | locationFullName | nvarchar(100) | null | Full Name of the location |
locations | longitude | decimal(12,8) | null | Longitude value for the location |
locations | latitude | decimal(12,8) | null | Latitude value for the location |
locations | timeZoneName | varchar(35) | null | TimeZone Name |
locations | timeZoneNameAbbreviation | varchar(6) | null | TimeZone Abbreviation (e.g: EST, PST etc) |
locations | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | Timestamp when the record was created in Data Direct |
locations | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | Timestamp when the record was updated in Data Direct |
locations_notes | locationID | int | PK, not null | Location Identifier |
locations_notes | headerID | int | PK, not null | Location Note Header Identifier |
locations_notes | note | varchar(7000) | not null | Location Note |
locations_notes | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | Timestamp when the record was created in Data Direct |
locations_notes | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | Timestamp when the record was updated in Data Direct |
locations_notes_headers | header | varchar(500) | not null | Location Note Header Name |
locations_notes_headers | headerorder | int | not null | Order in which Location Notes appear in UI |
locations_notes_headers | privacyFlag | int | null | Privacy Flag |
locations_notes_headers | SubscriberId | int | null | Subscriber Identifier |
locations_notes_headers | id | int | PK, not null | Location Note Header Identifier |
locations_notes_headers | sourceId | int | not null | Source Identifier |
locations_notes_headers | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | Timestamp when the record was created in Data Direct |
locations_notes_headers | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | Timestamp when the record was updated in Data Direct |
Materials | Id | PK, not null | | |
Materials | ScMaterialId | int | not null | |
Materials | MaterialType | varchar(30) | null | |
Materials | Description | varchar(250) | null | |
Materials | LineNumber | smallint | null | |
Materials | Qty | real | null | |
Materials | Price | money | null | |
Materials | Reason | varchar(50) | null | |
Materials | DefaultNTE | money | null | |
Materials | NTEMultiplier | decimal(18,2) | null | |
Materials | SourceType | tinyint | null | |
Materials | MaterialNumber | varchar(50) | null | |
Materials | PartName | nvarchar(100) | null | |
Materials | PartGroup | nvarchar(100) | null | |
Materials | SupplierName | nvarchar(100) | null | |
Materials | UseDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
Materials | HistoryDetailId | numeric(18,0) | null | |
Materials | SrcId | int | null | |
Materials | ConId | int | null | |
Materials | ScRecId | int | null | |
Materials | ScProId | int | null | |
Materials | SupplierPartId | varchar(50) | null | |
Materials | SupplierPartAuxiliaryId | varchar(150) | null | |
Materials | ScMatCreatedBy | int | null | |
Materials | ScMatUpdatedBy | int | null | |
Materials | InvPartId | int | null | |
Materials | InvPartUsageItemId | int | null | |
Materials | InvProcStatus | tinyint | null | |
Materials | InvLocationId | int | null | |
Materials | ScMatCreatedDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
Materials | ScMatUpdatedDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
Materials | CreatedBy | varchar(20) | null | |
Materials | CreatedDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
Materials | UpdatedBy | varchar(20) | null | |
Materials | UpdatedDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
Materials | AssetId | int | null | |
Materials | LeakLocationId | int | null | |
Materials | ChargeOptionId | int | null | |
Materials | ReasonCode | int | null | |
Materials | RefrigerantReason | nvarchar(50) | null | |
Materials | RefrigerantReasonPurpose | tinyint | null | |
Materials | RefrigerantRemovalStatus | tinyint | null | |
Materials | RefrigerantTypeId | int | null | |
Materials | RefrigerantTypeName | nvarchar(50) | null | |
Materials | isODS | bit | null | |
Materials | RefrigerantQtyMetrics | decimal(16,3), null | null | |
Materials | isRetrofit | tinyint | null | |
Materials | WoCallDate | datetime | null | |
Materials | WoCallDate_dto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
Materials | id | int | PK, not null | |
Materials | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
Materials | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
notes_statistics | userName | varchar(100) | null | The name of a user or automated process who created the note. Displayed in the note list on the work order details. |
notes_statistics | noteDate | datetime | null | Created date of the note. With seconds always zero (:00) and without fractional seconds. |
notes_statistics | notesCreated# | int | null | System generated record's unique identifier. |
notes_statistics | woAffected# | int | null | Tracking number of the work order for which the note was created. |
notes_statistics | firstNoteDateTime | datetime | null | Created date of the note. With seconds always zero (:00) and without fractional seconds. |
notes_statistics | lastNoteDatetime | datetime | null | Date of last note |
notes_statistics | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was insert in Data Direct Table. |
notes_statistics | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
PartUsageAudit | Id | int | PK, not null | System generated unique identifier |
PartUsageAudit | ActionType | tinyint | not null | Action Type |
PartUsageAudit | UserId | int | not null | User Identifier |
PartUsageAudit | AssetId | int | null | Asset Identifier |
PartUsageAudit | CreatedDate | datetimeoffset(7) | not null | Record Created Date |
PartUsageAudit | TrackingNumber | int | not null | Work order Tracking Number |
PartUsageAudit | Qty | real | not null | Quantity of part used |
PartUsageAudit | PartNumber | nvarchar(100) | not null | Part Number |
PartUsageAudit | Description | nvarchar(150) | null | Description |
PartUsageAudit | DeletionReason | tinyint | null | |
PartUsageAudit | MaterialId | int | not null | |
PartUsageAudit | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was insert in Data Direct Table. |
PartUsageAudit | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
pilot_provider_contracts | PilotProviderContractRecordId | int | not null | Unique record identifier for the table |
pilot_provider_contracts | PilotProviderRecordId | int | not null | Identifier for the Pilot Provider Record |
pilot_provider_contracts | ContractId | int | not null | Contract Identifier |
pilot_provider_contracts | LocationId | int | not null | Location Identifier |
pilot_provider_contracts | TradeId | int | null | Trade Identifier |
pilot_provider_contracts | Trade | varchar(200) | null | Trade |
pilot_provider_contracts | since | datetime | null | contract since date |
pilot_provider_contracts | start_date | datetime | null | Start date for the contract |
pilot_provider_contracts | expire_date | datetime | null | Expiration date for the contract |
pilot_provider_contracts | ContractNote | varchar(255) | null | Any note associated with the record |
pilot_provider_contracts | Rank | int | null | Rank of the provider |
pilot_provider_contracts | IsNewContract | bit | not null | Flag indicating if it is a new contract |
pilot_provider_contracts | IsExternalRetired | bit | not null | External Retired flag |
pilot_provider_contracts | CreatedDate | datetimeoffset | not null | Timestamp when the record was created at the source |
pilot_provider_contracts | CreatedByUserId | int | not null | Identifier of the user who created the record |
pilot_provider_contracts | CreatedByUsername | nvarchar(100) | null | Name of the user who created the record |
pilot_provider_contracts | UpdatedDate | datetimeoffset | null | Timestamp when the record was updated at the source |
pilot_provider_contracts | UpdatedByUserId | int | null | Identifier of the user who updated the record |
pilot_provider_contracts | UpdatedByUsername | nvarchar(100) | null | Name of the user who updated the record |
pilot_provider_contracts | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | Timestamp when record was created in Data Direct |
pilot_provider_contracts | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | Timestamp when record was updated in Data Direct |
pilot_provider_emails | PilotProviderEmailRecordId | int | not null | Unique record identifier for the table |
pilot_provider_emails | PilotProviderRecordId | int | not null | Identifier for the Pilot Provider Record |
pilot_provider_emails | PilotProviderEmail | nvarchar(250) | not null | Email address |
pilot_provider_emails | CreatedDate | datetimeoffset | not null | Timestamp when the record was created at the source |
pilot_provider_emails | CreatedByUserId | int | not null | Identifier of the user who created the record |
pilot_provider_emails | CreatedByUsername | nvarchar(100) | null | Name of the user who created the record |
pilot_provider_emails | UpdatedDate | datetimeoffset | null | Timestamp when the record was updated at the source |
pilot_provider_emails | UpdatedByUserId | int | null | Identifier of the user who updated the record |
pilot_provider_emails | UpdatedByUsername | nvarchar(100) | null | Name of the user who updated the record |
pilot_provider_emails | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | Timestamp when record was created in Data Direct |
pilot_provider_emails | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | Timestamp when record was updated in Data Direct |
pilot_provider_workorders | PilotProviderWORecordId | int | not null | Unique record identifier for the table |
pilot_provider_workorders | PilotProviderRecordId | int | not null | Identifier for the Pilot Provider Record |
pilot_provider_workorders | TrackingNumber | int | not null | Workorder Tracking Number |
pilot_provider_workorders | IsCompleted | bit | not null | Flag indicating if the workorder is complete |
pilot_provider_workorders | CreatedDate | datetimeoffset | not null | Timestamp when the record was created at the source |
pilot_provider_workorders | CreatedByUserId | int | not null | Identifier of the user who created the record |
pilot_provider_workorders | CreatedByUsername | nvarchar(100) | null | Name of the user who created the record |
pilot_provider_workorders | UpdatedDate | datetimeoffset | null | Timestamp when the record was updated at the source |
pilot_provider_workorders | UpdatedByUserId | int | null | Identifier of the user who updated the record |
pilot_provider_workorders | UpdatedByUsername | nvarchar(100) | null | Name of the user who updated the record |
pilot_provider_workorders | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | Timestamp when record was created in Data Direct |
pilot_provider_workorders | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | Timestamp when record was updated in Data Direct |
pilot_providers | PilotProviderRecordId | int | not null | Unique record identifier for the table |
pilot_providers | SubscriberId | int | not null | Subscriber Identifier |
pilot_providers | ProviderId | int | not null | Provider Identifier |
pilot_providers | PilotStatusId | tinyint | not null | Pilot Status Identifier |
pilot_providers | PilotStatusName | nvarchar(100) | not null | Pilot Status |
pilot_providers | PilotStatusDescription | nvarchar(200) | null | Description of the status |
pilot_providers | WOGoal | int | not null | Goal - Number of workorders |
pilot_providers | PilotFeedbackId | tinyint | null | Pilot Feedback Identifier |
pilot_providers | PilotFeedbackName | nvarchar(100) | null | Pilot Feedback |
pilot_providers | PilotFeedbackDescription | nvarchar(200) | null | Pilot Feedback Description |
pilot_providers | CreatedDate | datetimeoffset | not null | Timestamp when the record was created at the source |
pilot_providers | CreatedByUserId | int | not null | Identifier of the user who created the record |
pilot_providers | CreatedByUsername | nvarchar(100) | null | Name of the user who created the record |
pilot_providers | UpdatedDate | datetimeoffset | null | Timestamp when the record was updated at the source |
pilot_providers | UpdatedByUserId | int | null | Identifier of the user who updated the record |
pilot_providers | UpdatedByUsername | nvarchar(100) | null | Name of the user who updated the record |
pilot_providers | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | Timestamp when record was created in Data Direct |
pilot_providers | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | Timestamp when record was updated in Data Direct |
priorities | id | int | PK, not null | Record's Unique identifier |
priorities | priority | varchar(200) | not null | Work order's priority name. |
priorities | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was insert in Data Direct Table. |
priorities | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
Program | Id | int | not null | |
Program | Name | nvarchar(max) | not null | |
Program | Description | nvarchar(max) | null | |
Program | Budget | decimal | not null | |
Program | IsDeleted | bit | not null | |
Program | StartDate | datetimeoffset | null | |
Program | EndDate | datetimeoffset | null | |
Program | CreatedOn | datetimeoffset | not null | |
Program | LastUpdatedOn | datetimeoffset | not null | |
Program | Status | nvarchar(50) | null | |
Program | Manager | nvarchar(max) | null | |
Program | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
Program | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
Project | Id | int | not null | |
Project | ProgramId | int | null | |
Project | Name | nvarchar(max) | not null | |
Project | StatusId | int | not null | |
Project | LocationId | int | not null | |
Project | EstimatedCost | decimal | not null | |
Project | CreatedOn | datetimeoffset | not null | |
Project | LastUpdatedOn | datetimeoffset | not null | |
Project | ApprovedCost | decimal | null | |
Project | ContingencyAmount | decimal | null | |
Project | ContingencyAmountReason | nvarchar(max) | null | |
Project | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
Project | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
project_tasks_rfps | TaskRfpId | int | not null | Primary key for the table |
project_tasks_rfps | ProjectId | int | not null | Project Identifier |
project_tasks_rfps | Description | nvarchar(max) | not null | Description of the task |
project_tasks_rfps | StartDate | datetimeoffset | not null | Start Date of the task |
project_tasks_rfps | DueDate | datetimeoffset | not null | Date when the task becomes due |
project_tasks_rfps | CreatorName | nvarchar(max) | null | Name of the user who created the task |
project_tasks_rfps | CreatorEmail | nvarchar(max) | null | Email address of the user who created the task |
project_tasks_rfps | PurchaseOrder | nvarchar(500) | null | Purchase Order Number |
project_tasks_rfps | Trade | nvarchar(500) | null | Trade |
project_tasks_rfps | AssignedOn | datetimeoffset | null | Date when the task is assigend |
project_tasks_rfps | AssignedByUserId | int | null | User Id for who assigned the task |
project_tasks_rfps | CreatedOn | datetimeoffset | not null | Date when the task was created |
project_tasks_rfps | CreatedByUserId | int | not null | User Id who created the task |
project_tasks_rfps | LastUpdatedOn | datetimeoffset | not null | Date when the task was updated |
project_tasks_rfps | LastUpdatedByUserId | int | not null | User Id who updated the task last |
project_tasks_rfps | IsPending | bit | not null | Flag indicating the Pending Status |
project_tasks_rfps | RfpNumber | nvarchar(300) | null | RFP Number |
project_tasks_rfps | TotalCost | decimal(18,4) | null | Total Cost |
project_tasks_rfps | DueHours | float | null | Time when the Task is Due |
project_tasks_rfps | TrackingNumber | int | null | Workorder Tracking Number |
project_tasks_rfps | IssuedOn | datetimeoffset | null | Date when the task was Issued |
project_tasks_rfps | IssuedByUserId | int | null | User Id who issued the task |
project_tasks_rfps | ProblemCode | nvarchar(250) | null | Workorder Problem Code |
project_tasks_rfps | Priority | nvarchar(250) | null | Priority of the workorder |
project_tasks_rfps | Category | nvarchar(250) | null | Category of the workorder |
project_tasks_rfps | SubscriberId | int | not null | Subscriber Identifier |
project_tasks_rfps | IsDeleted | bit | not null | Flag indicating the deleted Status |
project_tasks_rfps | ProviderId | int | not null | Provider Identifier |
project_tasks_rfps | IsPendingApproved | bit | not null | Flag indicating the approval status |
project_tasks_rfps | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | Timestamp when record was created in Data Direct |
project_tasks_rfps | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | Timestamp when record was updated in Data Direct |
project_tasks_workorders | TaskWOId | int | not null | Primary key for the table |
project_tasks_workorders | ProjectId | int | not null | Project Identifier |
project_tasks_workorders | CallDate | datetimeoffset | not null | Workorder Call Date |
project_tasks_workorders | Name | nvarchar(max) | not null | Name of the task |
project_tasks_workorders | Description | nvarchar(max) | null | Description of the task |
project_tasks_workorders | Priority | nvarchar(250) | not null | Priority of the workorder |
project_tasks_workorders | Category | nvarchar(250) | not null | Category of the workorder |
project_tasks_workorders | NTE | decimal(18,4) | not null | Not To Exceed Amount |
project_tasks_workorders | AssetId | int | null | Asset identifier |
project_tasks_workorders | Trade | nvarchar(max) | not null | Trade of the workorder |
project_tasks_workorders | ProblemCode | nvarchar(max) | null | Workorder Problem Code |
project_tasks_workorders | CreatedOn | datetimeoffset | not null | Date when the task was created |
project_tasks_workorders | CreatedByUserId | int | not null | User Id who created the task |
project_tasks_workorders | LastUpdatedOn | datetimeoffset | not null | Date when the task was updated |
project_tasks_workorders | LastUpdatedByUserId | int | not null | User Id who updated the task last |
project_tasks_workorders | IsPending | bit | not null | Flag indicating the Pending Status |
project_tasks_workorders | ProviderId | bigint | not null | Provider Identifier |
project_tasks_workorders | TrackingNumber | int | null | Workorder Tracking Number |
project_tasks_workorders | IssuedOn | datetimeoffset | null | Date when the task was Issued |
project_tasks_workorders | IssuedByUserId | int | null | User Id who issued the task |
project_tasks_workorders | SubscriberId | int | not null | Subscriber Identifier |
project_tasks_workorders | AreaName | nvarchar(500) | null | Workorder Area Name |
project_tasks_workorders | EquipmentType | nvarchar(500) | null | Type of Equipment |
project_tasks_workorders | ProblemType | nvarchar(500) | null | Problem Type |
project_tasks_workorders | IsDeleted | bit | not null | Flag indicating the deleted Status |
project_tasks_workorders | Currency | nvarchar(3) | null | Workorder Currency |
project_tasks_workorders | IsPendingApproved | bit | not null | Flag indicating the approval status |
project_tasks_workorders | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | Timestamp when record was created in Data Direct |
project_tasks_workorders | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | Timestamp when record was updated in Data Direct |
proposal_line_items | LineItemType | nvarchar(255) | null | Proposal form category name (e.g. Materials, Installation labor etc.) |
proposal_line_items | Description | nvarchar(255) | null | Proposal form category line item (e.g. Regular Hours, Double Time / Holiday Hours etc.) |
proposal_line_items | Unit | nvarchar(20) | null | unit of the proposal line item |
proposal_line_items | Quanitity | decimal(9,2) | null | quantity of the proposal line item |
proposal_line_items | UnitPrice | money | null | Cost of single unit |
proposal_line_items | Total | money | null | Total cost of category |
proposal_line_items | Craft | nvarchar(255) | null | Craft field on proposal form |
proposal_line_items | RepairCategory | nvarchar(255) | null | Category of the repair which is a field on proposal form |
proposal_line_items | MaterialThickness | decimal(9,2) | null | Thickness of the material in decimal format |
proposal_line_items | proposalID | int | not null | unique identifier of the Proposal |
proposal_line_items | RepairType | nvarchar(255) | null | Type of repair |
proposal_line_items | id | int | not null | unique identifier of the Proposal line item |
proposal_line_items | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
proposal_line_items | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
proposal_status_history | id | int | PK, not null | Id of the proposal's history |
proposal_status_history | proposalID | int | not null | ProposalId |
proposal_status_history | createdDate | datetime | not null | Date of proposal creation |
proposal_status_history | createdBy | int | not null | User Id who created proposal |
proposal_status_history | status | varchar(50) | not null | Proposal status |
proposal_status_history | extendedStatus | varchar(50) | null | extendedStatus is not used |
proposal_status_history | hierarchyLevel | varchar(200) | null | Previous MLP hierarchy level |
proposal_status_history | assignedTo | varchar(200) | null | Current proposal MLP level |
proposal_status_history | comment | nvarchar(max) | null | Comment of proposal action |
proposal_status_history | assignedToUserId | int | null | The UserId on which the propousal is assigned |
proposal_status_history | UserAssignedEmail | varchar(256) | null | User email |
proposal_status_history | ApprovedDate | datetime | null | Date when proposal has been approved |
proposal_status_history | OnHoldDate | datetime | null | Date when proposal has been moved to onhold status |
proposal_status_history | RejectedDate | datetime | null | Date when proposal has been rejected |
proposal_status_history | VoidDate | datetime | null | Date when proposal has been voided |
proposal_status_history | ApprovedBy | nvarchar(50) | null | The User name who approved proposal |
proposal_status_history | OnHoldBy | nvarchar(50) | null | The User name who moved proposal to onhold status |
proposal_status_history | RejectedBy | nvarchar(50) | null | The User name who rejected proposal |
proposal_status_history | VoidBy | nvarchar(50) | null | The User name who voided proposal |
proposal_status_history | Opendate | datetime | null | Date when proposal has been created |
proposal_status_history | OpenBy | nvarchar(50) | null | User name who created a proposal |
proposal_status_history | AssignedDate | datetime | null | Date when proposal has been assigned |
proposal_status_history | ScheduledDate | datetime | null | Date when proposal has been approved with sheduled date |
proposal_status_history | Source | varchar(50) | null | The source medium through which the modification action was performed (e.g. web, mobile, api etc..) |
proposal_status_history | trackingNumber | int | null | link to the relevant work order (if any) |
proposal_status_history | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
proposal_status_history | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
proposal_statuses | status | varchar(50) | not null | Name of proposal status |
proposal_statuses | id | int | not null | unique id of the proposal status |
proposal_statuses | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
proposal_statuses | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
proposals | statusID | int | not null | Id of proposal status |
proposals | proposalID | int | not null | Proposal Id |
proposals | proposalNumber | varchar(50) | null | Proposal Number |
proposals | proposalDate | datetime | null | date when a proposal has been created |
proposals | locationID | int | not null | Location Id |
proposals | provideId | int | not null | Provider Id |
proposals | Description | varchar(8000) | null | Proposal's description |
proposals | totalamount | money | not null | Proposal's amount |
proposals | laboramount | money | null | Amout of labor |
proposals | materialamount | money | null | Amount of materials |
proposals | taxamount | money | null | Amount of tax |
proposals | freightAmount | money | null | Amount of freight |
proposals | otheramount | money | null | Amount of other taxes |
proposals | otherdescription | varchar(100) | null | Additional description |
proposals | createdDate | datetime | null | date when a proposal has been created |
proposals | historyID | int | null | Id of proposals history table |
proposals | currency | varchar(50) | null | Three chars currency code e.g. USD, EUR etc. |
proposals | approvedByUserID | int | null | Id of User |
proposals | rfpID | int | null | Id of Rfp |
proposals | tradeID | int | not null | Id of Trade |
proposals | trackingNumber | int | null | Id of WorkOrder |
proposals | approvedDate | datetime | null | Date of proposal creation |
proposals | approvedBy | nvarchar(50) | null | The User name who approved the proposal |
proposals | lastModifiedDate | datetime | null | Date of proposal creation |
proposals | rejectedDate | datetime | null | Date when proposal has been rejected |
proposals | onHoldDate | datetime | null | Date when proposal has been moved to onhold status |
proposals | requestedDate | datetime | null | Date when rfp has been created |
proposals | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
proposals | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
provider_communications | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
provider_communications | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
provider_communications | providerID | int | not null | |
provider_communications | generalContactName | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | generalContactPhone | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | generalContactFax | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | generalContactEmail | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | dataExchangeEmail | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | serviceContactName | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | serviceContactPhone | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | serviceContactFax | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | serviceContactEmail | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | serviceContactShortEmail | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactName | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactPhone | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactFax | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactEmail | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactName | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactPhone | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactFax | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactEmail | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | trainingEmailAddress | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | SubscriberId | int | null | |
provider_users | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
provider_users | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
provider_users | id | int | PK, not null | |
provider_users | providerid | int | not null | |
provider_users | firstName | nvarchar(510) | null | |
provider_users | lastName | nvarchar(510) | null | |
provider_users | email | nvarchar(510) | null | |
provider_users | phone | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
provider_users | state | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
provider_users | receiveEmailOnWoDispatch | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
provider_users | employeeID | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
provider_users | employeeTitle | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
provider_users | employeeTeamCrew | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
provider_users | createdDate | datetime | null | |
provider_users | updatedDate | datetime | null | |
providers | providerID | int | not null | |
providers | providerName | nvarchar(500) | not null | |
providers | address | nvarchar(500) | not null | |
providers | city | nvarchar(500) | not null | |
providers | state | nvarchar(50) | null | |
providers | postalCode | varchar(50) | null | |
providers | country | varchar(200) | null | |
providers | e_mail | varchar(80) | null | |
providers | phone_number | varchar(60) | null | |
providers | fax_number | varchar(22) | null | |
providers | processing_email | varchar(80) | null | |
providers | vendorNumber | varchar(50) | null | |
providers | isActive | bit | null | |
providers | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
providers | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
real_estate | RealEstateId | bigint | PK, not null | |
real_estate | SubscriberId | int | not null | |
real_estate | trackingNumber | int | null | |
real_estate | FiscalYear | nvarchar(10) | null | |
real_estate | FiscalPeriod | nvarchar(10) | null | |
real_estate | FiscalWeek | nvarchar(10) | null | |
real_estate | FiscalQuarter | nvarchar(10) | null | |
real_estate | ExchangeRate | float | null | |
real_estate | ProposalAmountLocal | decimal(30,17) | null | |
real_estate | ProposalAmountExcludeChinaVAT | decimal(30,17) | null | |
real_estate | SpendAmountLocal | decimal(30,17) | null | |
real_estate | SpendAmountExcludeChinaVAT | decimal(30,17) | null | |
real_estate | InvoiceAmountExcludeChinaVAT | decimal(30,17) | null | |
real_estate | NteAmountExcludeChinaVAT | decimal(30,17) | null | |
real_estate | OriginalNTE | decimal(30,17) | null | |
real_estate | SpendType | nvarchar(15) | null | |
real_estate | TradeCode | nvarchar(15) | null | |
real_estate | ServiceType | nvarchar(100) | null | |
real_estate | ProjectTitle | nvarchar(100) | null | |
real_estate | EstimatedTimeToCompleted | int | null | |
real_estate | LocationId | int | null | |
real_estate | LocationNoteHeaderName | varchar(255) | null | |
real_estate | LocationNoteHeaderValue | varchar(255) | null | |
real_estate | District | nvarchar(50) | null | |
real_estate | Trade | varchar(50) | null | |
real_estate | Category | varchar(50) | null | |
real_estate | Priority | varchar(50) | null | |
real_estate | Currency | nvarchar(20) | null | |
real_estate | WOStatus | varchar(50) | null | |
real_estate | WOExtStatus | varchar(50) | null | |
real_estate | InvoiceStatus | varchar(20) | null | |
real_estate | ProviderId | int | null | |
real_estate | ProviderName | nvarchar(100) | null | |
real_estate | CallDate | datetime | null | |
real_estate | WorkDate | datetime | null | |
real_estate | InvoiceDate | datetime | null | |
real_estate | InvoiceApprovedDate | datetime | null | |
real_estate | SpendDate | datetime | null | |
real_estate | UpdatedDate | datetime | null | |
real_estate | SourceName | varchar(100) | not null | |
real_estate | SourceRecordId | int | not null | |
real_estate | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
real_estate | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | Id | int | PK, not null | System generated unique identifier of the record |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | AuthUserId | bigint | not null | |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | CertificationId | int | not null | Identifier for the technician refrigerant certification |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | ActionTypeId | smallint | not null | Identifier for the refrigerant certification action type |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | Client | nvarchar(100) | not null | |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | OriginalValue | nvarchar(3000) | null | |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | NewValue | nvarchar(3000) | null | |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | CreatedDateDto | datetimeoffset | null | Record Created Timestamp |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | UpdatedDateDto | datetimeoffset | null | Record Updated Timestamp |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
RefrigerantCertificationActionTypes | Id | smallint | PK, not null | System generated unique identifier of the record |
RefrigerantCertificationActionTypes | Name | nvarchar(50) | not null | Action Type |
RefrigerantCertificationActionTypes | CreatedDateDto | datetimeoffset | null | Record Created Timestamp |
RefrigerantCertificationActionTypes | UpdatedDateDto | datetimeoffset | null | Record Updated Timestamp |
RefrigerantCertificationActionTypes | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
RefrigerantCertificationActionTypes | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
RefrigerantTypes | GwpRefrigerantName | nvarchar(50) | null | |
RefrigerantTypes | GwpCommonName | nvarchar(50) | null | |
RefrigerantTypes | GwpCASName | nvarchar(100) | null | |
RefrigerantTypes | isGWPHigh | bit | null | |
RefrigerantTypes | GwpGlobalWarmingPotential | decimal | null | |
RefrigerantTypes | RefrigerantTypeId | int | not null | |
RefrigerantTypes | SubscriberId | int | not null | |
RefrigerantTypes | RefrigerantName | nvarchar(50) | null | |
RefrigerantTypes | isODS | bit | null | |
RefrigerantTypes | GwpRefrigerantId | int | null | |
RefrigerantTypes | CreatedDate | datetimeoffset | null | |
RefrigerantTypes | UpdatedDate | datetimeoffset | null | |
RefrigerantTypes | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
RefrigerantTypes | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
relationships | contractorID | int | PK, not null | |
relationships | locationID | int | not null | |
relationships | providerID | int | not null | |
relationships | trade | varchar(50) | not null | |
relationships | rank | int | not null | |
relationships | createdDate | datetime | null | |
relationships | updatedDate | datetime | null | |
relationships | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
relationships | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
resolution_codes | resolution | nvarchar(100) | not null | |
resolution_codes | assetType | nvarchar(100) | null | |
resolution_codes | primaryTrade | varchar(50) | null | |
resolution_codes | resolutionCodeID | int | not null | |
resolution_codes | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
resolution_codes | createdDateDto | datetimeoffset(7) | not null | |
resolution_codes | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
resolution_codes | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
resolutions | resID | int | not null | |
resolutions | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
resolutions | resolution | varchar(8000) | null | |
resolutions | lastModifiedDate | datetime | null | |
resolutions | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
resolutions | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
rfp | rfpID | int | not null | Rfp id (system generated unique Rfp identifier) |
rfp | rfpDate | datetime | null | Date when rfp has been created |
rfp | rfpBy | nvarchar(50) | null | The User name of the user who created the rfp |
rfp | locationID | int | null | Reference to the RFP's location (if any) |
rfp | providerID | int | null | Provider Id |
rfp | status | nvarchar(50) | null | Rfp status name |
rfp | created | datetime | null | Date when rfp has been created |
rfp | Description | nvarchar(2000) | null | Rfp description |
rfp | dueHrs | decimal(10,0) | null | Time after which rfp becomes relevant |
rfp | dueDate | datetime | null | Date after which rfp becomes relevant |
rfp | responseDate | datetime | null | responseDate Not used |
rfp | waitingForPrpEmail | nvarchar(200) | null | Email for proposal action notification |
rfp | proEmail | nvarchar(300) | null | Provider email |
rfp | rfpNumber | nvarchar(50) | null | Rfp number |
rfp | lastModifiedDate | datetime | null | Date when rfp has been modified |
rfp | isDeleted | bit | null | Soft deletion flag. Set to 1 if the rfp record is deleted in the applicaion. |
rfp | deletedDate | datetime | null | The date on which the rfp record is deleted in the application. |
rfp | tradeID | int | null | Links to the trade of the RFP |
rfp | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
rfp | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
root_causes | rootCause | nvarchar(100) | not null | |
root_causes | assetType | nvarchar(100) | not null | |
root_causes | primaryTrade | varchar(50) | null | |
root_causes | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
root_causes | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
root_causes | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
RefreshStatus | ID | int | not null | Unique ID (Identity) |
RefreshStatus | CompletedDate | datetime | null | The time when the refresh was successfully completed |
RefreshStatus | Message | nvarchar(200) | null | Specific message text if any |