Features and improvements

Core modules
No features and improvements for core modules.
Add-on modules
No features and improvements for add-on modules.
Bug fixes

Core modules
Asset Manager. After you filtered the assets list to view only deactivated assets and specified the period of time when these assets were deactivated, the list displayed the correct number of items that matched the filtering criteria, but the downloaded MS Excel report was missing many of those assets. Now, the assets you see in the report are the same ones that appear on the list.
Dashboard. Location universal users couldn’t leave star reviews ★★★★★ for work orders via dashboard even though the corresponding feature was turned on. We’ve fixed that. You can get down to reviewing work orders!
MLP. Email notifications about approved proposals got sent out to wrong email addresses. Approving proposals from the work order in the list view triggered an email alert that was sent to the provider’s processing email address rather than to the address the provider used for proposal alerts per their dispatch preferences. Dispatch preferences are no longer ignored.
Planned Maintenance Manager. Uploading work orders via the PM template triggered an error because the template couldn’t pass the validation. The Store ID cell was sensitive to some cell formats and didn’t allow you to use zeros at the beginning of your store IDs, for example, 049. We’ve cured this intolerance — templates are validated, and work orders are uploaded without any obstacles.
Work Orders. A discrepancy was found between the total of NTE amounts on the WOs list and in the MS Excel report that you downloaded from the list. This discrepancy occurred in case you had Planned Maintenance work orders created via the PM template, and the trade for these WOs was written only with the first letter capitalized (Lighting) rather than in all caps (LIGHTING). As a result, such PM work orders got excluded from the total NTE amount calculation on the WOs list. Such service requests are no longer ignored.
Work Orders. An interface glitch was found in the overlay with all filter and search criteria that you opened from the WOs list. Although still functioning, the date range filter looked messy. It looks good now.
Work Orders. Some providers couldn’t accept work orders via email due to an issue with the email format. Now the problem is solved, and providers can accept WOs by replying to emails about a new service request like they did before.
Add-on modules
Projects. You couldn’t create a work order task if any of the issue list options that you selected (problem type, asset, or problem) contained an ampersand &. This character doesn’t affect the WO task creation anymore.
Projects. “This site cannot be reached.” You hit this message when trying to access Projects from the Asset Manager module via the hamburger menu. You can reach projects from any page within Service Automation.
FTM. When FTM internal technicians created work orders via the SC Provider app, WOs were assigned to the default dashboard, while in the overlay for editing the WO problem description, the incorrect dashboard showed up. Now, in both places, the default dashboard is displayed.