Features and improvements

Proposals. When you create a proposal linked to a work order, our new feature shows the WO description on the proposal form. Want to keep the WO description handy? Contact us, and we’ll enable this feature for you.
Bug fixes

Admin. In the Locations & Provider Assignments section, you couldn’t assign providers to all trades for several locations — an error message appeared.
Compliance Manager. When you edited the vendor ID on the Contractors tab, this info wasn’t updated on the invoice details page. Thus, you and your providers saw an incorrect vendor ID on invoices.
General. Some of you reported that not all your providers were listed on the Service Providers page. We’ve got the missing contractors back.
Work Orders. On the new WOs list, when you searched for WOs and then tried to filter them, the results were incorrect. To avoid this, we now disallow you to search and filter WOs at the same time — the Filter By tab stays disabled until you clear the search results.
Work Orders. One of the regular reports on work orders — “Long Version (Includes Financial Details but Slower Download)” — missed the GL code info. Now we display the codes under the ApprCodeMajor column in the report.
Work Orders. You can search for WOs by several location IDs separating them with spaces or commas. This didn’t work before.