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When adding an MLP ruleset, you will configure trades/categories combinations,what actions the MLP users within the level can take on proposalsdepending on their approval limitsand if proposals should be forwarded for further approval in the hierarchy or returned. 


MLP levels should be configured before the MLP ruleset.  

  • To access the MLP Ruleset Configuration page, open Menu > MLP Configuration > MLP Ruleset > + Add Rule Set.

Adding an MLP Ruleset consists of the following steps:  

1. Adding a Ruleset Name, Trades, and Categories 

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title⦿ How to Add a Ruleset Name, Trades, and Categories
  1. In the upper-left corner of the MLP Ruleset Configuration page, enter the ruleset name.

  2. Click Add Trades/Categoriesto add aTrade/Category combination for the ruleset:

    1. On the panel that appears, click Add/Remove in the Trades section to edit the Trade/Category combinations.

    2. Select the checkboxes next to the trades a new ruleset will be applied to and click Ok.

    3. Click Add/Remove in the Categories section to add categories for the selected trade in the combination. 
    4. Select the checkboxes next to the categories a new ruleset will be applied to and click Ok. 
  3. Repeat step 2 to create more combinations.

Trade/Category combinationshave different priorities by which the proposals will be sent to the MLP users. 






Trade (one or several trades selected) 

Category (one or several categories selected) 

The highest priority will be given to the Trade/Category combinations where one or several options are selected for both trades and categories, but not all of them. 


Default Trade (all trades selected) 

Category (one or several categories selected) 

A less high priority will be given to the Trade/Category combinations, where the categories are separately selected, and the Trade has the Default state (all trades selected) 


Trade (one or several trades selected) 

Default Category (all categories selected) 

The medium priority will be given to the Trade/Category combinations, where the trades are separately selected, and the Category has the Default state (all categories are selected). 


Default Trade (all trades selected) 

Default Category (all trades selected) 

Lowest priority will be given to the Trade/ Category combinations where both have the Default state (all trades and categories are selected).

2. Adding MLP Levels, Actions, and Limits 

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title⦿ How to Add MLP Levels, Actions, and Limits
  1. In the Level column of the MLP Ruleset Configuration page, select the first approval level.


    MLP levels can be configured in the MLP Levels section on the MLP Configuration page. 

  2. Click Add Action to allow the level to perform other actions on proposals in addition to the Approve action:

    1. Approve. By having morethan one Approve actions, you can define different results for your proposals depending on their limits and next approval level or its absence


      For example, our first approval level (General Manager) can approve invoices up to $600 not forwarding them to higher levels. After the general manager has approved such proposals, they will get the Approved status.  

      The manager can also approve proposals up to $1200 but such proposals should, then, be approved by a higher level (Director of Operation) to be finally approved. After the general manager has approved a proposal of, let’s say, $700, the proposal will get the Reviewed status and will require action from the director of operation.  

    2. Reject. Rejected proposals within the limit (the biggest one among all Approve actions) as specified for the Approve action, will get the Rejected status by default 
    3. On Hold. Proposals that are put On Hold within the same limit specified for the Approve action, will get the On Hold status as requiring further review before being approved or rejected 
    4. Return. Returned proposals will get the Open status. These proposals return to the first approval level.
  3. (Optional) Remove the action by clicking the Cross icon. 
  4. Specify the limit within which the level can act on proposals.

  5. Add more levels and repeat steps 2-4.


    You can only specify the limit for the Approve action. The limits for other actions depend on the biggest limit specified for the Approve action. 

3. Configuring MLP Workflow (Forward To, Set Status To, Auto-Escalate

The configured workflow determines to whom proposals will be forwarded if the limit requires multiple approvals, the end statuses of each action taken at the level, the number of days before the proposal will be automatically escalated to the next approval level 

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title⦿ How to Configure MLP Workflow (Forward To, Set Status To, Auto-Escalate)
  1. In the Forward Todropdown menu for the Approve action, select the next approval level if a proposal requires another level to make the decision on it.

    Image Modified


    The Forward To level can only be selected for the Approve action 

  2. (Optional)In the Forward Todropdown menu for the Approve action, select Choose... to remove the requirement for higher-level approval.


    Proposals with the Reject, On Hold, and Return actions taken by a level, cannot be forwarded to any other level.  

  3. In the Set Status To dropdown menu for the Approve action, select Approve or Reviewed to determine the status after the level has approved the proposal:

    • Should you select the Approve status, it will be the final status of the proposal after the level has approved it, no other level needed for approval. 
    • Should you select the Reviewed status, it will require you to select a higher level in the Forward To dropdown menu for the final approval. 


      The Reject, On Hold, and Return actions have corresponding end statuses by default and cannot be changed 

  4. For the Approve action, the Forward To Level, and the Reviewed status, enter the number of days within which an action should be taken by the level before it auto-escalates to another level. Read more about auto-escalation in the About Proposal Auto-Escalation article.

  5. Repeat steps 1-4 for other levels.  
  6. (Optional) Configure necessary notifications, skips, and overrides 
  7. Click Save.

  8. Click Close X to get back to the MLP Configuration page and click Apply Changes to save the new MLP ruleset.


If you unsaved the changes for some reason, they are available 24 hours for further editing and saving.  

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