Data Direct Release Newsletter |
The Data Direct release went live in Marchfor March is now live. Below is the list of changes.
ATTENTION: Please review the details below, including a description of revisions that were required for data processing after the release.
Features and Improvements
- ServiceChannel has been enhanced to accept international characters in usernames. See below for details on changes requried.
- New column location_notes_header.SourceId: To be used as a unique identifier for location notes headers.
- Renaming workorders_ext.expirationDate and workorders_ext.OriginalexpirationDate columns for better representation of the business context.
- New audit columns, CreatedDateInDataDirect and UpdateDateInDataDirect,added for all the tables in Data Direct. These columns can be used to recognize the new Inserts and Updates. These columns will be defaulted to NULL for Historical Records.
- Retiring workorders_ext.lastModifieddate. This field should no longer be used and can be replaced by the new UpdateDateInDataDirect audit column in workorders_ext.
Revisions required for Data Types and Columns
Development changes may be required to accept the following changes. Current production processing might fail if any required changes are not made to accept this new feature.
- workorders_ext.expirationDate has been renamed "eta", and workorders_ext.OriginalexpirationDate has been renamed "Originaleta".
- Revised Datatype for following columns in Data Direct: These datatypes have been changed from varchar to nvarchar to better support international characters. Please refer to the following table for detailed information.
Table | Column | Data Type | Constraint |
Invoices | approvedBy | nvarchar(50) |
proposal_status_history | ApprovedBy | nvarchar(50) |
proposal_status_history | OnHoldBy | nvarchar(50) |
proposal_status_history | RejectedBy | nvarchar(50) |
proposal_status_history | VoidBy | nvarchar(50) |
proposal_status_history | OpenBy | nvarchar(50) |
proposals | approvedBy | nvarchar(50) |
workorders | createdby | nvarchar(50) |
wo_history_change_trade | UpdatedBy | nvarchar(50) |
wo_history_change_priority | Updatedby | nvarchar(50) |
wo_history_change_scheduled_date | Updatedby | nvarchar(50) |
wo_history_change_status | updatedBy | nvarchar(50) |
audit | Inspectorname | nvarchar(50) |
label_history | UpdatedByUserIdText | nvarchar(50) |
users | name | nvarchar(50) |
workorders | assignees | nvarchar(100) |
workorder_quality_survey | createdby | nvarchar(50) |
wo_amount_breakdown | autoApprovedBy | nvarchar(50) |
workorder_quality_survey | respondent | nvarchar(100) | NULL |
wo_amount_breakdown | autoApprovedBy | nvarchar(50) |
raw_proposals | approvedBy | nvarchar(50) |
raw_workorders | createdby | nvarchar(50) |
raw_workorders | assignees | nvarchar(100) |
The above changes are also be updated in the latest ERD diagram and on our Data Direct page.
Should you have questions, please contact SC Customer Support team or your respective CSM.