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These product enhancements will be available from October 22–24, 2024, unless noted.


Try out new providers, simplify planned maintenance, and track asset transfers or repairs with ease


Try out new providers with built-in pilots

You can now test out a new provider at low risk without changing your existing provider assignments. Continuously testing new providers is a key component of the Framework for a Strong Provider Network, which ensures business continuity by helping you achieve the right mix of the highest quality and most cost-effective providers in the market.

A powerful new “pilot” feature in Locations & Assignments automates the trial process. Easily add new providers temporarily, without changing your existing assignments. This allows you to ensure they deliver better service and meet your performance standards before you decide to rank them as your primary provider.

Just set the number of work orders they the new provider should receive during the pilot (we recommend a minimum of 10 work orders within 3 months). They’ll be automatically assigned during that period, and an automatic override will handle the assignments for you. This allows you to ensure they meet your performance standards before you decide to rank them permanently. so you don’t need to manually change your assignments before and after each test.

  • Find out how much you can improve. Everyone wants to find cost savings opportunities. At the same time, new providers need to learn your business, deliver better results, and meet all your expectations. With pilots, you can prove that a new provider gives you better service before giving them the job longer-term.

  • Flexibly test out new providers. If a pilot provider meets or exceeds your expectations, you can rank them as your new primary. If not, your assignments automatically return to your existing primary provider when the pilot ends. You can easily continue to test until you find the right fit.

  • Adapt quickly to changing business needs or market conditions. Pilots make it easy to test multiple providers continuously and adjust your mix without impacting your ongoing operations.

How to test a new provider with a pilot (available November 7, 2024):

  1. Go to Menu > Location & Assignments


  1. > Pilot > Create Pilot to set up a provider pilot.

  2. Select the provider, trades, number of work orders, and locations included in the pilot.

  3. Enter any email addresses that should receive a notification when the pilot is completed.

  4. Analyze the provider’s performance during the pilot period and decide whether to permanently assign the provider.

  5. Click the Assign button to rank the provider at your locations.

This feature is coming soon on November 7, 2024.


You can now select from all the assets with an assigned trade that matches the work order trade. To filter the list of assets, you can select the desired asset type from a menu.

 You You can also enable an “Asset Not Listed” option, giving you the flexibility to create work orders without linking an asset in situations where the correct asset cannot be identified.

 To To get started, please work with your Customer Success Manager. 
