AnticipatedWorkorder | Preventive Maintenance Module Data - Provides an indication of futuristic workorders expected for a service for each locations assigned |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | Preventive Maintenance Module Data - Frequency settings for PM workorder generation |
Asset | Common asset attributes (and refrigerant data) stored by effective time periods |
AssetCustomAttributes | Custom asset attributes including multiple option values. |
AssetInfo | Additional Asset information such as trade type and lease details |
AssetLeakInspections | Leak Inspection information including corresponding Tracking Number, Leak Verification Method etc |
AssetMeterReadings | Asset Meter Reading records |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | Refrigerant charge history records |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | Refrigerant leak event records |
AssetRefrigerantLeakImmeasurable | Captures multiple leak records associated with a leak event |
AssetRefrigerantLeakImmeasurableWOs | Captures tracking numbers associated with the asset refrigerant leak immeasurable records |
AssetRefrigerantLeakImmeasurableNotes | Captures Notes associated with Asset Refrigerant Leak Immeasurable Records |
AssetRefrigerantLeakNotes | Captures Notes associated with Asset Refrigerant Leak Records |
AssetRefrigerantLeakWOs | Relationship between Refrigerant leak records and workorders |
assets | Asset information |
AssetsInWorkorders | Relationship between Workorders and Assets |
AssetTypeCustomAttributes | Type details for the custom asset attributes |
AssetValidationInfo | Data that was captured during the Asset Validation Prompt (if this feature is enabled for the customer) |
audit | Main Site Audit Table |
audit_check_list_item | Site Audit responses, including work orders if they are created |
audit_issue_attachment | Site Audit Attachment links |
audit_workorder | Obsolete table, workorders are in checklist item table |
budget | Fiscal budget amounts for services |
categories | Full client category list from admin |
CheckListAssetTaskResponses | Ability to create asset tasks and collect their responses - New Feature in LA (March 2021) - likely to be empty. |
checklists | Table with all the check list responses |
CheckListTasks | Ability to create asset tasks and collect their responses - New Feature in LA (March 2021) - likely to be empty |
custom_asset_attributes | Additional attributes for assets that does not fit standard asset fields. Replaced by [AssetCustomAttributes]. |
ftm | Technician check in data. Incremental load is possible with checkinTime_dto and |
InvalidInvoices | Invoices that could not be brought in are listed here. Reasons could be: Invalid status, priority, provider, category |
InvalidProposals | Proposals that could not be brought in are listed here. Reasons could be: Invalid status, priority, provider, category |
InvalidRelationships | Retired/Obsolete Provider/Location relationships |
InvalidWorkorders | Workorders that could not be brought in are listed here. Reasons could be: Invalid status, priority, provider, category |
invoice_labor | Invoice Labor breakdown. Incremental load is possible using ID column |
invoice_materials | Invoice Material breakdown. Incremental load is possible using ID |
invoice_statuses | Invoice statuses list |
invoices | All the invoices and their key attributes. Incremental load is possible using lastModifiedDate |
label_history | History of the labels |
labels | Table with all the check list responses |
LeakInspectionComplianceAcknowledgement | Information associated with the Leak Inspection Compliance |
locations | Location Information |
locations_notes | All the location notes |
locations_notes_headers | Full client headers list from admin |
Materials | Inventory and NonInventory Materials and their location information |
Materials | Parts and materials (usually used in relation to a work order) |
notes_statistics | Basic stats on notes, who add notes, notes counts |
PartUsageAudit | Audit Information related to Part Usage |
priorities | Full client priority list from admin |
Program | Primary program information from Projects Module |
Project | Primary project information from Projects Module |
project_tasks_rfps | RFP tasks associated with a project |
project_tasks_workorders | Work order tasks associated with a project |
proposal_line_items | Line items for each proposal. Incremental load is possible using ID column |
proposal_status_history | History tracking for proposal statuses |
proposal_statuses | List of proposal statuses |
proposals | Proposal Information . Incremental load is possible with modified date |
provider_communications | Provider Communication Information |
provider_users | Tech User Information (DO NOT USE - OBSOLETE - Use Users) |
providers | All your providers |
raw_proposals | for internal data processing: imported data with proposals information |
raw_workorders | for internal data processing: imported data with workorders information |
real_estate | Real estate records |
RefreshStatus | Data Direct daily refresh status (one record per successful refresh) |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | Technician Refrigerant certification action log information |
RefrigerantCertificationActionTypes | Technician Refrigerant certification action types |
RefrigerantTypes | Asset Refrigerant type data such as GWP Refrigerant Name |
relationships | Provider Assignments for trade / locations combinations. Incremental load is possible using updatedDate |
resolution_codes | Work order selected resolution codes (Provider input data) |
resolutions | Provider entered resolution on a work order. Incremental load is possible with modified date |
rfp | Request for Proposal Information |
root_causes | Work order root cause responses (Provider input data) |
spend | Fiscal spend amounts for services |
StarRatings | Star ratings (1-5) given to the providers |
statuses | Full client status list from admin |
technician | Tech User Information (DO NOT USER - OBSOLETE - Use Users) |
technician_assigned_accepted | Technician Assignment Data. Incremental load is possible with UpdatedTechnicialDateUtc |
technician_availability_log | Technician availability on the app |
technician_time_tracking | Non-work order technician time tracking data. Incremental load is possible using startDateTime_dto |
technician_time_tracking_combined | Non-work order and work order time tracking activity |
technician_time_tracking_history | Non-work order technician time tracking data |
TechnicianRefrigerantCertifications | Refrigerant certification information for certified technicians |
TechnicianRefrigerantCertificationFiles | Stores all the file names associated the Technician Refrigerant Certification |
technicians | Obsolete |
time_zone_info | Timezone information |
trades | All your trades |
users | Company User Data (includes internal Provider users) |
vendors | Additional Provider Information like payment related fields |
wo_amount_breakdown | Work order amount breakdown |
wo_history_amount_change | History tracking for amount change |
wo_history_change_category | History tracking for category on a work order |
wo_history_change_nte | History tracking for NTE changes |
wo_history_change_priority | History tracking for priority on a work order |
wo_history_change_problem | History tracking for work order problem field |
wo_history_change_provider | History tracking for provider on a work order. Incremental load is possible with CreatedDate |
wo_history_change_scheduled_date | History tracking for work order schedule dates. Incremental load is possible with updated date |
wo_history_change_status | History tracking for status change on work order. History tables are not edited so you can incrementally load data using updated date or id. |
wo_history_change_trade | History tracking for trade on a work order. Incremental load is possible with UpdatedDate |
workorder_additional_approval_codes | Table that stores the additional approval codes that is associated with the workorders. |
workorder_ivr | Check in and check out information via app and ivr. Incremental load is possible using the lastModifiedDate field |
workorder_labor_performed | Technician labor hours on the work orders |
workorder_mechanic | Extension of workorder_ivr plus manual entries (check-in overrides). Incremental load is possible using last modified date |
workorder_notes | Work Order Notes. Notes cannot be edited so you can retrieve them incrementally using the CreatedDate field. This table is obsolete and is being planned to be decommissioned in the coming releases. Please use the workorder_notes_new table |
workorder_notes_new | Captures all the Work Order Notes. |
workorder_quality_survey | Survey Results |
workorder_reassignment_reasons | Captures the reassignment reasons associated with the workorder |
workorders | One of the key tables in data direct, includes every work order and some key details. Incremental load is possible using lastModifiedDate |
workorders_ext | Additional WO information such as dropdowns used during creation. Incremental load is possible using lastModifiedDate |
workorders_linked | Linked Work Order Table. Full reload is suggested as incremental load is not reliable at the moment |
workorders_pm_compliance | Compliance related information for planned maintenance work orders |
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