DD Table Name | DD Column Name | Data Type | Constraint | Definition |
AnticipatedWorkorder | TrackingNumber | int | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | SuscriberId | int | not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | ScheduleId | int | not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | GroupId | int | not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | LocationId | int | not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | AssignedLocationId | int | not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | ContractId | int | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | Trade | nvarchar(255) | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | Category | nvarchar(255) | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | Priority | nvarchar(255) | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | NTE | money | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | ProviderId | int | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | Description | nvarchar(max) | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | CreatedDate | datetime | not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | ScheduledDate | datetime | not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | ExpirationDate | datetime | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | ServiceNumber | int | not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | WoLength | int | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | ID | int | PK, not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | SubscriberId | int | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | GroupId | int | not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | ServiceId | int | not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | FrequencyType | varchar(50) | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | NumberOfDaysPerWeek | int | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | WeekInterval | int | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | NumberOfMonthsPerYear | int | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | StartOn | datetime | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | StopOn | datetime | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | ID | int | PK, not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
Asset | Id | int | PK, not null | System Generated Sequence Number. |
Asset | AssetId | int | not null | system generated unique identifier for the Asset. |
Asset | EffectiveStartDate | datetime | not null | Slowly changing dimension table for Asset - Effective Start date of the record for an AssetID |
Asset | EffectiveEndDate | datetime | null | Slowly changing dimension table for Asset - Effective End Date of the record for an AssetID |
Asset | LocationId | int | not null | Service Channel Unique Identifier for the Location of the facility where the Asset is Installed. |
Asset | StoreId | varchar(50) | null | Store Number of the location as entered by the Client in ServiceChannel |
Asset | IsAssetActive | bit | null | By default '1' and means that this asset is active in the application and can be assigned a work order. |
Asset | TagId | nvarchar(100) | null | Random unique identifier within a location entered by the client. It can be auto generated by the application if the customer selects "auto generate tag id" setting in AssetType. |
Asset | AssetType | nvarchar(200) | null | Name of the Asset Type entered by the client in Asset Module |
Asset | Brand | nvarchar(300) | null | Manufacturer Brand Name of the asset as selected from the drop down or as uploaded by the client in Asset Module. |
Asset | ModelNo | nvarchar(300) | null | Model number of the Asset as entered or uploaded by the client in Asset Module. |
Asset | SerialNo | nvarchar(300) | null | Serial Number (Manufacturer's unique identifier) as entered or uploaded by the client in Asset Module. |
Asset | InstallDate | datetime | null | Date when the asset was installed at its corresponding location, as entered or uploaded by the client in Asset Module. Captured in EST timezone. |
Asset | PurchaseDate | datetime | null | Original purchase date of the asset as entered or uploaded by the client in Asset Module. |
Asset | Condition | int | null | 0 = 'Broken', 25 = 'poor', 50 = 'Average', 75- = Good', 100 = 'Excellent', as selected by the client from the drop down menu |
Asset | WarrantyPeriod | int | null | Manufacturer warranty period in months as entered/uploaded by the client in Asset |
Asset | WarrantyStartsFromInstallDate | bit | null | 1 means 'warranty starts from Install date' and 0 means 'Warranty starts from purchase date' |
Asset | WarrantyExpirationDate | datetime | null | Date Calculated by adding the warranty period ( in months) from Install date or purchase date |
Asset | WarrantyCategory | nvarchar(50) | null | A work order category as defined by the admin categories configuration. |
Asset | DeactivatedDate | datetime | null | If Asset is no longer active, this date is populated with the date when Asset is Retired or Last modified. |
Asset | LifeExpectancy | int | null | Asset life expectancy (can be represented in months or years as defined by the client). This value is also entered or uploaded by the client in Asset Module |
Asset | OriginalValue | money | null | Used to determine the original cost of the Asset ,as entered or uploaded by the client. Can be used to calculate the value of the asset based on its life expectancy. |
Asset | EnergyEfficiency | nvarchar(300) | null | User defined value to measure the energy consumption of the asset. Value Entered or uploaded by the client in Asset Module. |
Asset | Capacity | nvarchar(300) | null | User defined value that allows the client to indicate the capacity of the asset. |
Asset | Note | nvarchar(2000) | null | Decommissioned Field. Not used by the application. |
Asset | AssetAdditionalTrade | nvarchar(100) | null | Decommissioned field , Client no longer can add trades at the asset level. Clients can enter/ modify the trades or choose from a list of drop down values at the Asset Type level. |
Asset | QRCode | nvarchar(300) | null | QR Code or Bar Code that is scanned from the Asset. Entered/uploaded by the client. |
Asset | AssetTypeId | int | null | System Generated unique identifier for the Asset Type in the application. |
Asset | AssetParentId | int | null | ID of Parent Asset(Circuit and component relations). If Asset is created as a component or circuit then it will have Parent Asset. |
Asset | UsesRefrigerant | int | null | Means that asset uses refrigerant. The Value is entered/uploaded at the time of asset creation and cannot be changed .1-Rack, 2- Connected to the rack, 3-self contained, 4- other |
Asset | RefrigerantPurpose | nvarchar(50) | null | Selected from a drop down at the Asset Type. List of values 'Circuit,Comfort Cooling (AC),Commercial Refrigeration,Industrial Refrigeration,Leak Detector,Other types of Refrigerated Asset' |
Asset | HasCircuits | bit | null | If an Asset has child assets then hasCircuits = 1 |
Asset | IsCircuit | bit | null | This is an asset type property to create a circuit asset type. By default it is '0' |
Asset | RefrigerantLastChargeId | int | null | System generated unique identifier that relates to last charge transaction of the Asset. Applicable only for Assets that use refrigerant. |
Asset | Description | nvarchar(50) | null | short asset description. This value can only be entered in the asset detail. |
Asset | TradeId | int | null | Decommissioned at the Asset Level. Must use Trade ID linked with the Asset Type. Trade ID is system generated unique identifier for the Trade i.e selected from the drop down. |
Asset | ScPrimaryTrade | nvarchar(50) | null | Unique name for the subscriber trade in servicechannel |
Asset | AssetCreatedBy | int | null | Unique identifier in ServiceChannel for the login( username) of the user who uploaded the assets. |
Asset | AssetCreatedDate | datetime | null | Date when the assets were entered or uploaded in Asset Module. Captured in EST timezone. |
Asset | AssetModifiedBy | int | null | Unique identifier in ServiceChannel for the login( username) of the user who modified the assets. |
Asset | AssetModifiedDate | datetime | null | Date when the asset was modified , captured in EST time zone. |
Asset | CreatedBy | varchar(20) | null | Audit field used by etl pipeline in internal warehouse. Denotes the user creating this record. |
Asset | CreatedDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | Audit field used by etl pipeline in internal warehouse. Date when the record was inserted in this table. Captured in EST timezone. |
Asset | UpdatedBy | varchar(20) | null | Audit field used by etl pipeline in internal warehouse. Denotes the the user updating the record. |
Asset | UpdatedDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | Audit field used by etl pipeline in internal warehouse. Date when the record was updated in this table. Captured in EST timezone. |
Asset | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
Asset | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
AssetCustomAttributes | EquipmentAttributeID | int | not null | Unique identifier for the custom attribute of the equipment |
AssetCustomAttributes | EquipmentID | int | null | The identifier of the equipment |
AssetCustomAttributes | EquipmentTypeCustomAttributeID | int | null | Custom attribute identifier for the equipment type |
AssetCustomAttributes | AttributeName | nvarchar(50) | null | Name of the custom attribute |
AssetCustomAttributes | AttributeTypeID | int | null | Identifier for the type of the custom attribute |
AssetCustomAttributes | AttributeType | nvarchar(50) | null | Type name of the custom attribute (e.g. Number, Text, Single Choice List) |
AssetCustomAttributes | Value | nvarchar(2000) | null | Value of the custom attribute |
AssetCustomAttributes | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
AssetCustomAttributes | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
AssetInfo | Id | int | PK, not null | System Generated Sequence Number. |
AssetInfo | AssetId | int | not null | System generated unique identifier for the Asset. |
AssetInfo | EffectiveStartDate | datetime | not null | Slowly changing dimension table for Asset - Effective Start date of the record for an AssetID |
AssetInfo | EffectiveEndDate | datetime | null | Slowly changing dimension table for Asset - Effective End Date of the record for an AssetID |
AssetInfo | AssetTypeId | int | null | System generated unique identifier for the AssetType. |
AssetInfo | AssetTypeParentId | int | null | Unique Identifier of Parent asset type the current asset type was inherited from. Child Asset type will inherit some attributes of the parent asset type.This inheritance will work only during Asset Type Creation. If attributes are updated at the parent asset type at a later time, changes will not propagate to the inherited child asset type. |
AssetInfo | isAssetTypeActive | bit | null | Flag used to determine if Asset type is active or not, Used only for asset UI , Application checks this flag during asset creation process, an inactive asset type cannot be selected to create an asset. |
AssetInfo | AssetTypeAddedAt | datetime | null | Date when asset type was created. Captured in EST timezone. |
AssetInfo | AssetTypeTradeId | int | null | Trade ID ( servicechannel unique identifier for the subscriber trades) linked with the Asset Type. Trade ID is auto populated when a trade is selected from a drop down list of subscriber trades. |
AssetInfo | AssetPrimaryTrade | nvarchar(150) | null | it is the subscriber trade name from the admin module.This field is no longer used in Asset Manager application. |
AssetInfo | EnableAlerts | bit | null | Decommissioned Field. Not used by the application. |
AssetInfo | AssetTypeUserId | int | null | Unique identifier in ServiceChannel for the login( username) of the user who modified the assets. |
AssetInfo | AssetTypeGroupId | int | null | System Generated Unique identifier for Asset Type Groups. Asset Type groups are created by client in the Asset Module UI. |
AssetInfo | AssetTypeLastModifiedDate | datetime | null | Date when the Asset Type was last modified, captured in EST timezone. |
AssetInfo | WarrantyPrimaryRank | int | null | if 1 - warranty provider is defined as a provider with highest rank for asset type trade and location |
AssetInfo | WarrantyFixedRank | int | null | if Fixed rank is not null, provider is selected based on the Fixed Rank. Provider assignment is available in the admin module. |
AssetInfo | WarrantyFixedProvider | int | null | If Populated, this asset has a fixed provider to fix the issues. |
AssetInfo | WarrantyNTE | money | null | Not to exceed amount. Information Only - Not applied during the wo creation. |
AssetInfo | WarrantyPriority | nvarchar(50) | null | Selected from subscriber priorities (related to work order priorities). Information only- not applied during work order creation. |
AssetInfo | RetiredDate | datetime | null | Date when asset was deactivated in the asset module or asset web api or asset template. |
AssetInfo | ImportedFrom | int | null | Internal system table element.if an asset was created/updated in template, unique identifier for internal table that maintains template entries. Not used by analytics. |
AssetInfo | ManufacturedDate | datetime | null | Manufactured Date of the Asset and entered by the client. Captured in EST timezone. |
AssetInfo | isLeased | bit | null | 1, If the Asset is a leased asset |
AssetInfo | LeaseDate | datetime | null | Entered by the client, lease date of the asset. captured in EST timezone. |
AssetInfo | LeasePeriod | int | null | Lease Period in Months as entered by the client. |
AssetInfo | PhysicalArea | nvarchar(150) | null | Plain text as entered by the client. To be used to mention the area where the asset is installed at a location. |
AssetInfo | WorkOrderArea | nvarchar(100) | null | User defined pick list found in dashboard settings that allowed to be selected on asset details. This helps to group assets in the certain area of the location. |
AssetInfo | HasComponents | bit | null | 1, means Asset can have sub components |
AssetInfo | HasLeakDetector | bit | null | For Refrigerant tracking assets only , it is a flag which means asset has a sensor that can detect leaks and used to generate PM services/frequencies to ensure asset gets inspected on an annual basis. |
AssetInfo | IsCarbReporting | bit | null | For Refrigerant tracking assets only, this flags tells this asset needs to report to California air resource board on it carbon emmissions. |
AssetInfo | AssetStatus | tinyint | null | asset repair status. InUse = 0, OutForRepair = 1, ReplacementRecommended = 2, Repaired = 3 |
AssetInfo | AttributesAvailableForProvider | int | null | Decommissioned Field. Not to be used for analytics. |
AssetInfo | CreatedBy | varchar(20) | null | Audit field used by etl pipeline in internal warehouse. Denotes the user creating this record. |
AssetInfo | CreatedDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | Audit field used by etl pipeline in internal warehouse. Date when the record was inserted in this table. Captured in EST timezone. |
AssetInfo | UpdatedBy | varchar(20) | null | Audit field used by etl pipeline in internal warehouse. Denotes the the user updating the record. |
AssetInfo | UpdatedDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | Audit field used by etl pipeline in internal warehouse. Date when the record was updated in this table. Captured in EST timezone. |
AssetInfo | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
AssetInfo | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
AssetLeakInspections | AssetLeakInspectionId | int | PK, not null | System generated unique id of the on the leak inspection verification record |
AssetLeakInspections | AssetId | int | not null | System generated unique id of the asset that is associated with the leak inspection verification record |
AssetLeakInspections | TrackingNumber | int | not null | Work order Tracking Number |
AssetLeakInspections | LeakVerificationMethod | varchar(50) | null | Method of leak verification |
AssetLeakInspections | CreatedByUserId | int | not null | |
AssetLeakInspections | CreatedDate | datetimeoffset(7) | not null | Datetime when the record was created |
AssetLeakInspections | UpdatedByUserId | int | null | |
AssetLeakInspections | UpdatedDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
AssetLeakInspections | Actor | nvarchar(50) | null | |
AssetLeakInspections | ActiveFlag | bit | not null | Active Flag |
AssetLeakInspections | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
AssetLeakInspections | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | Id | int | PK, not null | System Generated Sequence Number. |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | AssetChargeHistoryId | int | not null | System generated unique id of a backend table that holds refrigeration charge history |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | AssetId | int | not null | System generated unique id of the asset that is associate with the refrigeration charge. |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | LocationId | int | null | System generated unique id of the location of asset where the charge occurred |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | InitialCharge | bit | null | Refrigeration Charge when the asset first received it. |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | ChargeEffectiveDate | datetime | null | Date when charge went into affect for that asset. Captured in EST timezone. |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | TotalCharge | decimal(9,4) | null | Amount of refrigerant in the asset at any given time. Measured in Lbs |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | TotalChargeMetrics | decimal(9,3) | null | Amount of refrigerant in the asset at any given time measured in kg |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | ProviderName | varchar(100) | null | Name of the provider, that determined the charge of the asset |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | RackId | varchar(10) | null | System generated unique id of a backend table that maintains refrigeration racks( as entered by the client) |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | RackType | tinyint | null | Refrigerant assets with rack (0 = high, 1 = low, 2= medium , 3= dual temp) , null = non rack refrigerant asset |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | RackTypeName | nvarchar(50) | null | Dual Temp,High,Low,Medium |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | RefrigerantPartNumber | nvarchar(50) | null | Refrigerant part category related to the inventory module. Only populated when refrigerant is taken out of the Inventory. |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | isODS | bit | null | Flag used to determine if the refrigerant has Ozone depleting substance. Used for Carb reporting. |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | PartNumberId | int | null | system generated ID of the part category from Inventory module, Only populated when refrigerant is taken out of the Inventory. |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | CarbId | nvarchar(50) | null | Decommissioned field. |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | SystemLocation | tinyint | null | Used for Carb reporting purposes, Indoors = 1, Outdoors = 2, PartiallyIndoorsAndOutdoors = 3 |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | OperationalStatus | tinyint | null | 0 = Mothballed, 1 = SeasonalOperation, 2 = NormalOperation, 3 = SeasonalNonOperation, 4 =Remove, 5 =ProvisionalOperation, 6 =Shutdown, 7 = UnderRepair, 8 = RetrofitInProgress, 9 =Inactive |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | ChargeModifiedDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | Refrigeration charge updated date |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | RefrigerantChargeOptionsId | int | null | System generated unique id of the databasetable that maintain refrigeration charge options. Fixed settings in the system, can only be selected from the drop down. |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | RefrigerantChargeOptionsOrder | int | null | Decommissioned Field, Not to be used for analytics |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | RefrigerantChargeOptionDesc | varchar(255) | null | Decommissioned Field, Not to be used for analytics |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | RefrigerantChargeOptionName | varchar(100) | null | Calculation Established Manufacturer Tag Measurement MFG Info (Established Range) Onsite Documentation Approximate |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | CreatedBy | varchar(20) | null | Audit field used by etl pipeline in internal warehouse. Denotes the user creating this record. |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | CreatedDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | Audit field used by etl pipeline in internal warehouse. Date when the record was inserted in this table. Captured in EST timezone. |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | UpdatedBy | varchar(20) | null | Audit field used by etl pipeline in internal warehouse. Denotes the the user updating the record. |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | UpdatedDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | Audit field used by etl pipeline in internal warehouse. Date when the record was updated in this table. Captured in EST timezone. |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
AssetRefrigerantCharge | IsCurrentRecord | bit | null | Indicates if this is the current record (since this table stores history of changes) |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | Id | PK | int | System Generated Sequence Number. |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | AssetLeakRecordId | int | not null | System generate unique id for the leak record. |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | AssetId | int | not null | System generated unique id of the asset that is associate with the refrigeration charge. |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | LocationId | int | null | Service Channel Unique Identifier for the Location of the facility where the Asset is Installed. |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | LeakRate | decimal(10,2) | null | Leak rate usually means entered refrigerant with refrigerant usage reason "Leak" divided by asset charge at the moment of refrigerant usage date |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | TriggerDate | datetime | null | Date the leak event met or exceed the leak rate threshold as set in the refrigeration rules. |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | RepairDate | datetime | null | Date the leak event was repaired. Captured in EST |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | InitialVerificationDate | datetime | null | Date the user provider verified the first time that that the leak event was repaired. Captured in EST |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | FollowupDate | datetime | null | The date the provider validated that the leak event was repaired the second time. Captured in EST |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | InitialVerificationMethod | tinyint | null | The standard method used to determine the leak was repaired the first time. See LeakVerificationMethods table |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | FollowupMethod | tinyint | null | The standard method used to determine the leak was repaired a second time. See LeakVerificationMethods table |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | LeakStatus | tinyint | null | Status of the leak event only two options open or closed. 0-open, 1- closed. 2-invalidated(leak rate becomes less than threshold after refrigerant usage correction) |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | Charge | decimal(16,2) | null | Total system charge of the asset where the leak event occurred. |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | ChargeMetrics | decimal(13,2) | null | Unit of measure of the charge, pounds and ounces, pounds and decimal of pounds, kilograms and grams |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | TriggerQty | decimal(16,2) | null | Amount of refrigerant that was added to the system that caused the leak rate to meet or exceed the leak rate threshold set in the refrigerant tracking rules. |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | TriggerQtyMetrics | decimal(13,2) | null | Unit of measure of the trigger quantity, pounds and ounces, pounds and decimal of pounds, kilograms and grams |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | CalculationMethod | tinyint | null | Method used to calculated the leak rate as defined in the refrigerant tracking rules. options Annualized or average rolling |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | GeneratedDate | datetime | null | Date When Leak record was generated by the system. Captured in EST |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | BulkImportTrackingNumber | int | null | Obsolete, Decommissioned field. |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | TrackingNumber | int | null | Tracking number of the work order where the refrigerant was added that caused the leak rate to meet or exceed the leak threshold. |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | ProvideId | int | null | servicechannel unique id of the provider that captured the leak record. |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | ContractorId | int | null | servicechannel unique id of the contractor |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | LeakRecordModifiedDate | datetime | null | Date Leak Record was modified. Captured in EST |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | RefrigerantTypeId | int | null | System generated value that represents the refrigerant type. |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | RefrigerantTypeName | varchar(50) | null | The name of the type of refrigerant. |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | isODS | bit | null | Indicator that tells the user if the refrigerant type is classified as a high global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant or not. |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | LeakLocationId | int | null | Location of the leak within the system. System defined pick list. |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | LeakLocationName | nvarchar(100) | null | Location of the leak within the system. System defined pick list. |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | LeakAreaName | nvarchar(100) | null | Area of the system where the leak occurred, this value is a subsystem to the leak area. System defined pick list. |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | FaultCodeName | nvarchar(50) | null | System defined list of possble causes of the leak. |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | ActionTaken | nvarchar(50) | null | System defined list of resolution to the leak. |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | CreatedBy | varchar(20) | null | Audit field used by etl pipeline in internal warehouse. Denotes the user creating this record. |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | CreatedDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | Audit field used by etl pipeline in internal warehouse. Date when the record was inserted in this table. Captured in EST timezone. |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | UpdatedBy | varchar(20) | null | Audit field used by etl pipeline in internal warehouse. Denotes the the user updating the record. |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | UpdatedDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | Audit field used by etl pipeline in internal warehouse. Date when the record was updated in this table. Captured in EST timezone. |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
AssetRefrigerantLeak | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
assets | Brand | nvarchar(300) | null | Manufacturer Brand Name of the asset as selected from the drop down or as uploaded by the client in Asset Module. |
assets | EquipmentID | int | PK, not null | ServiceChannel unique identifier for the Asset. |
assets | LocationID | int | not null | Service Channel Unique Identifier for the Location of the facility where the Asset is Installed. |
assets | Active | bit | not null | By default '1' and means that this asset is active in the application and can be assigned a work order. |
assets | TagID | nvarchar(100) | not null | Random unique identifier within a location entered by the client. It can be auto generated by the application if the customer selects "auto generate tag id" setting in AssetType. |
assets | ModelNo | nvarchar(300) | null | Model number of the Asset as entered or uploaded by the client in Asset Module. |
assets | SerialNo | nvarchar(300) | null | Serial Number (Manufacturer's unique identifier) as entered or uploaded by the client in Asset Module. |
assets | Condition | int | null | 0 = 'Broken', 25 = 'poor', 50 = 'Average', 75- = Good', 100 = 'Excellent', as selected by the client from the drop down menu |
assets | DeactivatedDate | datetime | null | If Asset is no longer active, this date is populated with the date when Asset is Retired or Last modified. |
assets | LifeExpectancy | int | null | Asset life expectancy (can be represented in months or years as defined by the client). This value is also entered or uploaded by the client in Asset Module |
assets | OriginalValue | money | null | Used to determine the original cost of the Asset ,as entered or uploaded by the client. Can be used to calculate the value of the asset based on its life expectancy. |
assets | EnergyEfficiency | nvarchar(300) | null | User defined value to measure the energy consumption of the asset. Value Entered or uploaded by the client in Asset Module. |
assets | Capacity | nvarchar(300) | null | User defined value that allows the client to indicate the capacity of the asset. |
assets | InstallDate | datetime | null | Date when the asset was installed at its corresponding location, as entered or uploaded by the client in Asset Module. Captured in EST timezone. |
assets | PurchaseDate | datetime | null | Original purchase date of the asset as entered or uploaded by the client in Asset Module. |
assets | WarrantyPeriod | int | null | Manufacturer warranty period in months as entered/uploaded by the client in Asset |
assets | WarrantyStartsFromInstallDate | bit | null | 1 means 'warranty starts from Install date' and 0 means 'Warranty starts from purchase date' |
assets | WarrantyExpirationDate | datetime | null | Date Calculated by adding the warranty period ( in months) from Install date or purchase date |
assets | Note | nvarchar(300) | null | Decommissioned field. |
assets | QRcode | nvarchar(300) | null | QR Code or Bar Code that is scanned from the Asset. Entered/uploaded by the client. |
assets | AssetType | nvarchar(200) | null | Name of the Asset Type entered by the client in Asset Module |
assets | Trade | nvarchar(100) | not null | |
assets | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
assets | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
assets | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | Date when the record is inserted into this table in Data Direct. Captured in EST timezone. |
AssetsInWorkorders | AssetsInWorkordersId | int | PK, not null | Primary key for the table |
AssetsInWorkorders | AssetId | int | not null | Asset Identifier |
AssetsInWorkorders | TrackingNumber | int | not null | Workorder Tracking Number (Identifier for the Workorder Record) |
AssetsInWorkorders | DateAdded | datetimeoffset(7) | null | Date when Asset WO relationship was added |
AssetsInWorkorders | AddedByUserId | int | null | User Identifier who added the Asset WO relationship |
AssetsInWorkorders | ReplaceAsset | int | not null | Replace Asset Flag indicator |
AssetsInWorkorders | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetimeoffset(7) | null | Timestamp when record was created in Data Direct |
AssetsInWorkorders | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetimeoffset(7) | null | Timestamp when record was updated in Data Direct |
AssetTypeCustomAttributes | EquipmentTypeID | int | null | Equipment type Id |
AssetTypeCustomAttributes | EquipmentTypeCustomAttributeID | int | null | Identifier for equipment type custom attribute |
AssetTypeCustomAttributes | AttributeName | nvarchar(50) | null | Name of the attribute |
AssetTypeCustomAttributes | AttributeTypeID | int | null | Type identifier of the attribute |
AssetTypeCustomAttributes | AttributeType | nvarchar(50) | null | Type of the attribute(e.g. Text, Date etc) |
AssetTypeCustomAttributes | Value | nvarchar(150) | null | Default value of the attribute |
AssetTypeCustomAttributes | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
AssetTypeCustomAttributes | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
AssetValidationInfo | AssetValidationInfoId | int | PK, not null | Primary key for the table |
AssetValidationInfo | AssetId | int | not null | Asset Identifier |
AssetValidationInfo | TrackingNumber | int | not null | Workorder Tracking Number (Identifier for the Workorder Record) |
AssetValidationInfo | ValidationStatus | nvarchar(50) | null | Asset Validation Status |
AssetValidationInfo | UnableToVaildateReason | nvarchar(256) | null | Reason for not being able to perform the asset validation |
AssetValidationInfo | OtherReason | nvarchar(256) | null | Other Reasons |
AssetValidationInfo | AssetTagNotScannedReason | nvarchar(256) | null | Reason for not being able to scan the asset |
AssetValidationInfo | ValidatedDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | Date when validation was performed |
AssetValidationInfo | ValidatedByUserId | int | null | User Identifier who performed the asset validation |
AssetValidationInfo | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetimeoffset(7) | null | Timestamp when record was created in Data Direct |
AssetValidationInfo | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetimeoffset(7) | null | Timestamp when record was updated in Data Direct |
audit | AuditID | int | PK, not null | Id that uniquely identifies Audit record |
audit | Date | date | not null | Date when audit is started |
audit | Time | time(7) | not null | Time when audit is started |
audit | AuditType | nvarchar(500) | not null | The name of the template under which the audit is created |
audit | LocationID | varchar(50) | not null | links to the location of the audit |
audit | LocationName | nvarchar(100) | null | name of the location of the audit |
audit | Region | nvarchar(50) | null | region of the audit location |
audit | District | nvarchar(50) | null | district of the audit location |
audit | InspectorName | nvarchar(50) | not null | User id or the user name of the inspector |
audit | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
audit | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
audit | StartDate_DTO | datetimeoffset | null | Date when audit is started |
audit | FinishDate_DTO | datetimeoffset | null | Date when audit is ended |
audit_check_list_item | CommentQuantity | int | not null | The number of issues |
audit_check_list_item | AuditID | int | not null | Reference to the corrsponding Audit |
audit_check_list_item | AuditCheckListItemStatus | int | not null | The status of the audit checklist item (AuditPass=1, AuditFail=2, AuditNA=3 or 0) |
audit_check_list_item | AuditCheckListItemID | int | not null | Id that uniquely identifies the audit checklist item |
audit_check_list_item | Area | nvarchar(500) | not null | Name of audit Area |
audit_check_list_item | AuditCheckListItemName | nvarchar(500) | not null | Name of Check List Item |
audit_check_list_item | AuditCheckListItemDescription | nvarchar(max) | not null | Description of the checklist in question form |
audit_check_list_item | TrackingNumber | int | null | link to the corresponding work order (if any) |
audit_check_list_item | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
audit_check_list_item | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
audit_check_list_item | Score | int | null | Score of the Audit CheckListItem |
audit_check_list_item | PassThreshold | int | null | Threshold to determine if an audit passed or failed |
audit_check_list_item | RatingSystemName | nvarchar(50) | null | Audit Rating System (PF/Numeric/Weighted/Percentage) |
audit_check_list_item | Quantity | int | null | Quantity of the checklist item |
audit_check_list_item | Units | nvarchar(64) | null | Units of the quantity |
audit_issue_attachment | AuditCheckListItemID | int | not null | Link to the corresponding audit checklist item |
audit_issue_attachment | AuditIssueAttachmentId | int | not null | Unique ID of the attachment |
audit_issue_attachment | AuditID | int | null | Link to the corresponding Audit record |
audit_issue_attachment | FileName | nvarchar(255) | not null | Name of the file attachment |
audit_issue_attachment | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
audit_issue_attachment | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
budget | BudgetId | bigint | PK, not null | |
budget | SuscriberId | int | not null | |
budget | FiscalYear | nvarchar(10) | not null | |
budget | FiscalPeriod | nvarchar(10) | not null | |
budget | FiscalWeek | nvarchar(10) | null | |
budget | FiscalQuarter | nvarchar(10) | null | |
budget | LocationId | int | null | |
budget | LocationName | nvarchar(100) | null | |
budget | StoreId | varchar(50) | null | |
budget | District | nvarchar(50) | null | |
budget | Region | nvarchar(50) | null | |
budget | Country | nvarchar(50) | null | |
budget | RoutineNonRoutine | nvarchar(15) | null | |
budget | ServiceType | nvarchar(100) | null | |
budget | Trade | nvarchar(100) | null | |
budget | Category | varchar(50) | null | |
budget | GLCode | nvarchar(50) | null | |
budget | GLCodeName | nvarchar(50) | null | |
budget | BudgetAmount | decimal(30,17) | null | |
budget | ForecastAmount | decimal(30,17) | null | |
budget | AccruedAmount | decimal(30,17) | null | |
budget | LocationNoteHeader1 | varchar(255) | null | |
budget | LocationNoteHeader1value | varchar(255) | null | |
budget | LocationNoteHeader2 | varchar(255) | null | |
budget | LocationNoteHeader2value | varchar(255) | null | |
budget | LocationNoteHeader3 | varchar(255) | null | |
budget | LocationNoteHeader3value | varchar(255) | null | |
budget | LocationNoteHeader4 | varchar(255) | null | |
budget | LocationNoteHeader4value | varchar(255) | null | |
budget | LocationNoteHeader5 | varchar(255) | null | |
budget | LocationNoteHeader5value | varchar(255) | null | |
budget | UpdatedDate | datetime | null | |
budget | SourceName | varchar(100) | not null | |
budget | SourceRecordId | int | not null | |
budget | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
budget | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
Categories | Category | varchar(200) | not null | Work order's category. Displayed both on the work order details and the work order list screens. |
categories | id | int | not null | Unique Id of the category |
categories | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was insert in Data Direct Table. |
categories | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
CheckListAssetTaskResponses | id | int | not null | |
CheckListAssetTaskResponses | AssetTaskId | int | not null | |
CheckListAssetTaskResponses | AssetId | int | not null | |
CheckListAssetTaskResponses | TrackingNumber | int | not null | |
CheckListAssetTaskResponses | Attempt | int | not null | |
CheckListAssetTaskResponses | StartTime | datetimeoffset | not null | |
CheckListAssetTaskResponses | EndTime | datetimeoffset | null | |
CheckListAssetTaskResponses | UserId | int | not null | |
CheckListAssetTaskResponses | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
CheckListAssetTaskResponses | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
checklists | Question | nvarchar(500) | not null | |
checklists | id | int | not null | |
checklists | Answer | nvarchar(500) | not null | |
checklists | Attempt | tinyint | not null | |
checklists | TechnicianId | int | null | |
checklists | TrackingNumber | int | not null | |
checklists | CreatedByUserID | int | not null | |
checklists | ProviderID | int | not null | |
checklists | CreatedDate | datetime | not null | |
checklists | FreeTextAnswer | nvarchar(200) | null | |
checklists | SurveyName | nvarchar(100) | not null | |
checklists | isActive | int | not null | |
checklists | UpdatedDate | datetime | not null | |
checklists | ChecklistResponseUpdatedDate | datetime | null | |
checklists | ChecklistUpdatedDate | datetime | null | |
checklists | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
checklists | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
CheckListTasks | id | int | not null | |
CheckListTasks | CheckListId | int | not null | |
CheckListTasks | TypeId | int | not null | |
CheckListTasks | Name | nvarchar(50) | not null | |
CheckListTasks | Description | nvarchar(4000) | not null | |
CheckListTasks | IsActive | bit | not null | |
CheckListTasks | CreatedDate | datetimeoffset | not null | |
CheckListTasks | CreatedBy | int | not null | |
CheckListTasks | UpdatedDate | datetimeoffset | not null | |
CheckListTasks | UpdatedBy | int | null | |
CheckListTasks | TaskTypeName | nvarchar(100) | not null | |
CheckListTasks | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
CheckListTasks | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
custom_asset_attributes | equipmentID | int | not null | ServiceChannel unique identifier for the Asset. |
custom_asset_attributes | UpdatedDate | datetime | null | Date when a custom attribute was modified by the client. |
custom_asset_attributes | equipmentAttributeID | int | not null | Unique Identifier for the custom attribute. |
custom_asset_attributes | valueText | nvarchar(2000) | null | Value for the Custom attribute as entered by the client. |
custom_asset_attributes | valueNumber | int | null | Value for the Custom attribute as entered by the client. |
custom_asset_attributes | valueBool | bit | null | Value for the Custom attribute as entered by the client. |
custom_asset_attributes | ValueMoney | money | null | Value for the Custom attribute as entered by the client. |
custom_asset_attributes | valueDate | datetime | null | Value for the Custom attribute as entered by the client. |
custom_asset_attributes | valueChoice | int | null | Value for the Custom attribute as entered by the client. |
custom_asset_attributes | equipmentType | nvarchar(200) | null | Name of the Asset Type entered by the client in Asset Module |
custom_asset_attributes | equipmentTypeCustomAttributeName | nvarchar(50) | null | Plain text as entered by the client for custom attribute name |
custom_asset_attributes | defaultValue | nvarchar(150) | null | Default value of the custom attribute. |
custom_asset_attributes | required | bit | null | Flag that is used to determine if the custom attribute is required or not |
custom_asset_attributes | position | int | null | position in add/edit form for custom attributes upload. |
custom_asset_attributes | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
custom_asset_attributes | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
ftm | InternalDepartment | bit | null | |
ftm | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
ftm | ProviderID | int | null | |
ftm | SubscriberId | int | null | |
ftm | id | int | PK, not null | |
ftm | checkInDateTime | datetime | null | |
ftm | checkOutDateTime | datetime | null | |
ftm | checkinTime_dto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
ftm | checkOutTime_dto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
ftm | userid | int | null | |
ftm | email | nvarchar(128) | null | |
ftm | technicianFirstName | nvarchar(128) | null | |
ftm | technicianLastName | nvarchar(128) | null | |
ftm | employeeId | nvarchar(100) | null | |
ftm | workType | varchar(100) | null | |
ftm | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
ftm | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
invoice_labor | ID | int | PK, not null | Unique ID of Invoice labor |
invoice_labor | InvoiceID | int | not null | System generated unique identifier for the record. |
invoice_labor | SkillLevel | varchar(10) | null | Skill level of the labor(Supervisor, Technician, Helper). |
invoice_labor | Type | varchar(10) | null | Labor type (Regular, Overtime, DoubleTime). |
invoice_labor | NumberOfTechs | tinyint | not null | Number of technicians |
invoice_labor | HourlyRate | money | not null | Line item Hourly rate |
invoice_labor | Hours | decimal(9,2) | null | Line item Hours |
invoice_labor | Amount | money | not null | Line item amount |
invoice_labor | LineNumber | smallint | null | Line Item number |
invoice_labor | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
invoice_labor | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
invoice_materials | ID | int | PK, not null | Unique ID of Invoice labor |
invoice_materials | InvoiceID | int | not null | System generated unique identifier for the record. |
invoice_materials | Description | varchar(100) | null | Invoice materials description |
invoice_materials | PartNumber | varchar(100) | null | Invoice materials part number |
invoice_materials | Unit | varchar(5) | null | Invoice materials unit type (Each, Box, Feet, Sq ft, Lbs,Gal, Oz) |
invoice_materials | UnitPrice | money | not null | Line item Unit price |
invoice_materials | Quantity | decimal(9,2) | null | Line item Quantity |
invoice_materials | Amount | money | not null | Line item Amount |
invoice_materials | LineNumber | smallint | null | Line Item number |
invoice_materials | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
invoice_materials | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
invoice_statuses | status | varchar(50) | null | OPEN,APPROVED,REVIEWED,ON HOLD,PAID,VOID,DISPUTED,REJECTED |
invoice_statuses | id | int | not null | Unique ID of invoice status |
invoice_statuses | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
invoice_statuses | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
invoices | InvoiceID | int | not null | System generated unique identifier for the record. |
invoices | invoiceNumber | varchar(50) | not null | Invoice number |
invoices | invoiceDate | datetime | not null | Datetime of invoice |
invoices | laborAmount | money | null | Labor charge amount |
invoices | materialAmount | money | null | material charge amount |
invoices | travelAmount | money | null | Travel charge amount |
invoices | freightAmount | money | null | Freight charge amount |
invoices | taxAmount | money | null | Invocie Tax |
invoices | otheramount | money | null | Other charge amount |
invoices | otherdescription | varchar(255) | null | Other charge description |
invoices | total | money | null | Invoice total amount |
invoices | subtotal | money | null | Invoice amount without tax |
invoices | postedDate | datetime | null | Datetime when invoice was posted |
invoices | lastModifiedDate | datetime | null | Datetime when invoice was updated |
invoices | glCode | varchar(40) | null | Invoice Approval code |
invoices | createdDate | datetime | null | Datetime when invoice was created |
invoices | approvedDate | datetime | null | Datetime when invoice was approved |
invoices | approvedDateDto | datetimeoffset | null | Datetime when invoice was approved |
invoices | approvedBy | nvarchar(50) | null | Approved by user |
invoices | lastPaymentDate | datetime | null | Last payment date time |
invoices | LastPaymentDateDto | datetimeoffset | null | Last payment date time |
invoices | postedDateDto | datetimeoffset | null | Datetime when invoice was posted |
invoices | createddateDto | datetimeoffset | null | Datetime when invoice was updated |
invoices | Comments | varchar(2000) | null | Invoice comment |
invoices | postedBy | varchar(50) | null | Posted by user |
invoices | isMarkedForAudit | bit | null | Is there an invoice audit record for this invoice? (Yes=1, No=0) |
invoices | invoiceStatusID | int | not null | ID of the invoice status (invoice_statuses) |
invoices | trackingNumber | int | not null | WO tracking number |
invoices | lastPaymentNumber | varchar(100) | null | Payment Number |
invoices | paymentAmount | money | null | Payment amount |
invoices | paymentDate | smalldatetime | null | Payment date |
invoices | paymentBy | varchar(50) | null | Paid by user |
invoices | vendorPayeeID | int | null | ID of Vendor Payee |
invoices | currency | varchar(50) | null | currency of the associated work order |
invoices | TransferDate | datetime | null | When invoice was posted to subscriber by EDI |
invoices | transferredDateDto | datetime | null | When invoice was posted to subscriber by EDI |
invoices | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
invoices | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
invoices | InvoiceText | nvarchar(4000) | null | Additional text for the invoice |
label_history | Label | nvarchar(50) | not null | |
label_history | UpdatedByUserIdText | nvarchar(50) | null | |
label_history | TrackingNumber | int | not null | |
label_history | UpdatedDateDto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
label_history | UpdatedByUserId | int | null | |
label_history | id | int | not null, identity |
label_history | Action | nvarchar(10) | not null | |
label_history | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
label_history | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
labels | Label | nvarchar(50) | not null | |
labels | trackingNumber | int | PK, not null | |
labels | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
labels | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
LeakInspectionComplianceAcknowledgement | Id | int | PK, not null | System generated unique identifier |
LeakInspectionComplianceAcknowledgement | UserId | int | not null | Id of the User who accepted compliance acknowledgement |
LeakInspectionComplianceAcknowledgement | TrackingNumber | int | not null | Work order Tracking Number |
LeakInspectionComplianceAcknowledgement | DateAccepted | datetimeoffset(7) | not null | Acknowledgement accepted Date |
LeakInspectionComplianceAcknowledgement | Message | nvarchar(150) | not null | |
LeakInspectionComplianceAcknowledgement | ApplicationId | tinyint | not null | |
LeakInspectionComplianceAcknowledgement | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
LeakInspectionComplianceAcknowledgement | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
locations | storeStatus | varchar(50) | null | |
locations | parentLocationNumber | int | null | |
locations | locationType | varchar(100) | null | |
locations | numberOfAssignments | int | null | |
locations | locationID | int | not null | |
locations | storeNumber | varchar(50) | not null | |
locations | locationName | varchar(500) | null | |
locations | address | nvarchar(500) | null | |
locations | city | nvarchar(500) | null | |
locations | state | varchar(500) | null | |
locations | postalCode | varchar(50) | null | |
locations | country | varchar(200) | null | |
locations | region | varchar(200) | null | |
locations | district | varchar(200) | null | |
locations | openedDate | datetime | null | |
locations | closedDate | datetime | null | |
locations | mainContact | varchar(50) | null | |
locations | phoneNumber | varchar(22) | null | |
locations | faxNumber | varchar(22) | null | |
locations | email | varchar(200) | null | |
locations | timeZoneInfoId | smallint | null | |
locations | SubscriberId | int | null | |
locations | locationFullName | nvarchar(100) | null | |
locations | longitude | decimal(12,8) | null | |
locations | latitude | decimal(12,8) | null | |
locations | timeZoneName | varchar(35) | null | |
locations | timeZoneNameAbbreviation | varchar(6) | null | |
locations | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
locations | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
locations_notes | locationID | int | PK, not null | |
locations_notes | headerID | int | PK, not null | |
locations_notes | note | varchar(7000) | not null | |
locations_notes | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
locations_notes | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
locations_notes_headers | header | varchar(500) | not null | |
locations_notes_headers | headerorder | int | not null | |
locations_notes_headers | privacyFlag | int | null | |
locations_notes_headers | SubscriberId | int | null | |
locations_notes_headers | id | int | PK, not null | |
locations_notes_headers | sourceId | int | not null | |
locations_notes_headers | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
locations_notes_headers | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
Materials | Id | PK, not null | | |
Materials | ScMaterialId | int | not null | |
Materials | MaterialType | varchar(30) | null | |
Materials | Description | varchar(250) | null | |
Materials | LineNumber | smallint | null | |
Materials | Qty | real | null | |
Materials | Price | money | null | |
Materials | Reason | varchar(50) | null | |
Materials | DefaultNTE | money | null | |
Materials | NTEMultiplier | decimal(18,2) | null | |
Materials | SourceType | tinyint | null | |
Materials | MaterialNumber | varchar(50) | null | |
Materials | PartName | nvarchar(100) | null | |
Materials | PartGroup | nvarchar(100) | null | |
Materials | SupplierName | nvarchar(100) | null | |
Materials | UseDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
Materials | HistoryDetailId | numeric(18,0) | null | |
Materials | SrcId | int | null | |
Materials | ConId | int | null | |
Materials | ScRecId | int | null | |
Materials | ScProId | int | null | |
Materials | SupplierPartId | varchar(50) | null | |
Materials | SupplierPartAuxiliaryId | varchar(150) | null | |
Materials | ScMatCreatedBy | int | null | |
Materials | ScMatUpdatedBy | int | null | |
Materials | InvPartId | int | null | |
Materials | InvPartUsageItemId | int | null | |
Materials | InvProcStatus | tinyint | null | |
Materials | InvLocationId | int | null | |
Materials | ScMatCreatedDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
Materials | ScMatUpdatedDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
Materials | CreatedBy | varchar(20) | null | |
Materials | CreatedDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
Materials | UpdatedBy | varchar(20) | null | |
Materials | UpdatedDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
Materials | AssetId | int | null | |
Materials | LeakLocationId | int | null | |
Materials | ChargeOptionId | int | null | |
Materials | ReasonCode | int | null | |
Materials | RefrigerantReason | nvarchar(50) | null | |
Materials | RefrigerantReasonPurpose | tinyint | null | |
Materials | RefrigerantRemovalStatus | tinyint | null | |
Materials | RefrigerantTypeId | int | null | |
Materials | RefrigerantTypeName | nvarchar(50) | null | |
Materials | isODS | bit | null | |
Materials | RefrigerantQtyMetrics | decimal(16,3), null | null | |
Materials | isRetrofit | tinyint | null | |
Materials | WoCallDate | datetime | null | |
Materials | WoCallDate_dto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
Materials | id | int | PK, not null | |
Materials | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
Materials | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
notes_statistics | userName | varchar(100) | null | The name of a user or automated process who created the note. Displayed in the note list on the work order details. |
notes_statistics | noteDate | datetime | null | Created date of the note. With seconds always zero (:00) and without fractional seconds. |
notes_statistics | notesCreated# | int | null | System generated record's unique identifier. |
notes_statistics | woAffected# | int | null | Tracking number of the work order for which the note was created. |
notes_statistics | firstNoteDateTime | datetime | null | Created date of the note. With seconds always zero (:00) and without fractional seconds. |
notes_statistics | lastNoteDatetime | datetime | null | Date of last note |
notes_statistics | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was insert in Data Direct Table. |
notes_statistics | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
PartUsageAudit | Id | int | PK, not null | System generated unique identifier |
PartUsageAudit | ActionType | tinyint | not null | Action Type |
PartUsageAudit | UserId | int | not null | User Identifier |
PartUsageAudit | AssetId | int | null | Asset Identifier |
PartUsageAudit | CreatedDate | datetimeoffset(7) | not null | Record Created Date |
PartUsageAudit | TrackingNumber | int | not null | Work order Tracking Number |
PartUsageAudit | Qty | real | not null | Quantity of part used |
PartUsageAudit | PartNumber | nvarchar(100) | not null | Part Number |
PartUsageAudit | Description | nvarchar(150) | null | Description |
PartUsageAudit | DeletionReason | tinyint | null | |
PartUsageAudit | MaterialId | int | not null | |
PartUsageAudit | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was insert in Data Direct Table. |
PartUsageAudit | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
priorities | id | int | PK, not null | Record's Unique identifier |
priorities | priority | varchar(200) | not null | Work order's priority name. |
priorities | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was insert in Data Direct Table. |
priorities | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
Program | Id | int | not null | |
Program | Name | nvarchar(max) | not null | |
Program | Description | nvarchar(max) | null | |
Program | Budget | decimal | not null | |
Program | IsDeleted | bit | not null | |
Program | StartDate | datetimeoffset | null | |
Program | EndDate | datetimeoffset | null | |
Program | CreatedOn | datetimeoffset | not null | |
Program | LastUpdatedOn | datetimeoffset | not null | |
Program | Status | nvarchar(50) | null | |
Program | Manager | nvarchar(max) | null | |
Program | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
Program | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
Project | Id | int | not null | |
Project | ProgramId | int | null | |
Project | Name | nvarchar(max) | not null | |
Project | StatusId | int | not null | |
Project | LocationId | int | not null | |
Project | EstimatedCost | decimal | not null | |
Project | CreatedOn | datetimeoffset | not null | |
Project | LastUpdatedOn | datetimeoffset | not null | |
Project | ApprovedCost | decimal | null | |
Project | ContingencyAmount | decimal | null | |
Project | ContingencyAmountReason | nvarchar(max) | null | |
Project | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
Project | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
proposal_line_items | LineItemType | nvarchar(255) | null | Proposal form category name (e.g. Materials, Installation labor etc.) |
proposal_line_items | Description | nvarchar(255) | null | Proposal form category line item (e.g. Regular Hours, Double Time / Holiday Hours etc.) |
proposal_line_items | Unit | nvarchar(20) | null | unit of the proposal line item |
proposal_line_items | Quanitity | decimal(9,2) | null | quantity of the proposal line item |
proposal_line_items | UnitPrice | money | null | Cost of single unit |
proposal_line_items | Total | money | null | Total cost of category |
proposal_line_items | Craft | nvarchar(255) | null | Craft field on proposal form |
proposal_line_items | RepairCategory | nvarchar(255) | null | Category of the repair which is a field on proposal form |
proposal_line_items | MaterialThickness | decimal(9,2) | null | Thickness of the material in decimal format |
proposal_line_items | proposalID | int | not null | unique identifier of the Proposal |
proposal_line_items | RepairType | nvarchar(255) | null | Type of repair |
proposal_line_items | id | int | not null | unique identifier of the Proposal line item |
proposal_line_items | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
proposal_line_items | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
proposal_status_history | id | int | PK, not null | Id of the proposal's history |
proposal_status_history | proposalID | int | not null | ProposalId |
proposal_status_history | createdDate | datetime | not null | Date of proposal creation |
proposal_status_history | createdBy | int | not null | User Id who created proposal |
proposal_status_history | status | varchar(50) | not null | Proposal status |
proposal_status_history | extendedStatus | varchar(50) | null | extendedStatus is not used |
proposal_status_history | hierarchyLevel | varchar(200) | null | Previous MLP hierarchy level |
proposal_status_history | assignedTo | varchar(200) | null | Current proposal MLP level |
proposal_status_history | comment | nvarchar(max) | null | Comment of proposal action |
proposal_status_history | assignedToUserId | int | null | The UserId on which the propousal is assigned |
proposal_status_history | UserAssignedEmail | varchar(256) | null | User email |
proposal_status_history | ApprovedDate | datetime | null | Date when proposal has been approved |
proposal_status_history | OnHoldDate | datetime | null | Date when proposal has been moved to onhold status |
proposal_status_history | RejectedDate | datetime | null | Date when proposal has been rejected |
proposal_status_history | VoidDate | datetime | null | Date when proposal has been voided |
proposal_status_history | ApprovedBy | nvarchar(50) | null | The User name who approved proposal |
proposal_status_history | OnHoldBy | nvarchar(50) | null | The User name who moved proposal to onhold status |
proposal_status_history | RejectedBy | nvarchar(50) | null | The User name who rejected proposal |
proposal_status_history | VoidBy | nvarchar(50) | null | The User name who voided proposal |
proposal_status_history | Opendate | datetime | null | Date when proposal has been created |
proposal_status_history | OpenBy | nvarchar(50) | null | User name who created a proposal |
proposal_status_history | AssignedDate | datetime | null | Date when proposal has been assigned |
proposal_status_history | ScheduledDate | datetime | null | Date when proposal has been approved with sheduled date |
proposal_status_history | Source | varchar(50) | null | The source medium through which the modification action was performed (e.g. web, mobile, api etc..) |
proposal_status_history | trackingNumber | int | null | link to the relevant work order (if any) |
proposal_status_history | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
proposal_status_history | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
proposal_statuses | status | varchar(50) | not null | Name of proposal status |
proposal_statuses | id | int | not null | unique id of the proposal status |
proposal_statuses | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
proposal_statuses | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
proposals | statusID | int | not null | Id of proposal status |
proposals | proposalID | int | not null | Proposal Id |
proposals | proposalNumber | varchar(50) | null | Proposal Number |
proposals | proposalDate | datetime | null | date when a proposal has been created |
proposals | locationID | int | not null | Location Id |
proposals | provideId | int | not null | Provider Id |
proposals | Description | varchar(8000) | null | Proposal's description |
proposals | totalamount | money | not null | Proposal's amount |
proposals | laboramount | money | null | Amout of labor |
proposals | materialamount | money | null | Amount of materials |
proposals | taxamount | money | null | Amount of tax |
proposals | freightAmount | money | null | Amount of freight |
proposals | otheramount | money | null | Amount of other taxes |
proposals | otherdescription | varchar(100) | null | Additional description |
proposals | createdDate | datetime | null | date when a proposal has been created |
proposals | historyID | int | null | Id of proposals history table |
proposals | currency | varchar(50) | null | Three chars currency code e.g. USD, EUR etc. |
proposals | approvedByUserID | int | null | Id of User |
proposals | rfpID | int | null | Id of Rfp |
proposals | tradeID | int | not null | Id of Trade |
proposals | trackingNumber | int | null | Id of WorkOrder |
proposals | approvedDate | datetime | null | Date of proposal creation |
proposals | approvedBy | nvarchar(50) | null | The User name who approved the proposal |
proposals | lastModifiedDate | datetime | null | Date of proposal creation |
proposals | rejectedDate | datetime | null | Date when proposal has been rejected |
proposals | onHoldDate | datetime | null | Date when proposal has been moved to onhold status |
proposals | requestedDate | datetime | null | Date when rfp has been created |
proposals | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
proposals | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
provider_communications | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
provider_communications | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
provider_communications | providerID | int | not null | |
provider_communications | generalContactName | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | generalContactPhone | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | generalContactFax | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | generalContactEmail | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | dataExchangeEmail | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | serviceContactName | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | serviceContactPhone | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | serviceContactFax | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | serviceContactEmail | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | serviceContactShortEmail | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactName | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactPhone | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactFax | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactEmail | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactName | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactPhone | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactFax | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactEmail | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | trainingEmailAddress | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | SubscriberId | int | null | |
provider_users | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
provider_users | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
provider_users | id | int | PK, not null | |
provider_users | providerid | int | not null | |
provider_users | firstName | nvarchar(510) | null | |
provider_users | lastName | nvarchar(510) | null | |
provider_users | email | nvarchar(510) | null | |
provider_users | phone | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
provider_users | state | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
provider_users | receiveEmailOnWoDispatch | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
provider_users | employeeID | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
provider_users | employeeTitle | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
provider_users | employeeTeamCrew | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
provider_users | createdDate | datetime | null | |
provider_users | updatedDate | datetime | null | |
providers | providerID | int | not null | |
providers | providerName | varchar(500) | not null | |
providers | address | varchar(500) | not null | |
providers | city | varchar(500) | not null | |
providers | state | varchar(50) | null | |
providers | postalCode | varchar(50) | null | |
providers | country | varchar(200) | null | |
providers | e_mail | varchar(80) | null | |
providers | phone_number | varchar(60) | null | |
providers | fax_number | varchar(22) | null | |
providers | processing_email | varchar(80) | null | |
providers | vendorNumber | varchar(50) | null | |
providers | isActive | bit | null | |
providers | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
providers | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
real_estate | RealEstateId | bigint | PK, not null | |
real_estate | SubscriberId | int | not null | |
real_estate | trackingNumber | int | null | |
real_estate | FiscalYear | nvarchar(10) | null | |
real_estate | FiscalPeriod | nvarchar(10) | null | |
real_estate | FiscalWeek | nvarchar(10) | null | |
real_estate | FiscalQuarter | nvarchar(10) | null | |
real_estate | ExchangeRate | float | null | |
real_estate | ProposalAmountLocal | decimal(30,17) | null | |
real_estate | ProposalAmountExcludeChinaVAT | decimal(30,17) | null | |
real_estate | SpendAmountLocal | decimal(30,17) | null | |
real_estate | SpendAmountExcludeChinaVAT | decimal(30,17) | null | |
real_estate | InvoiceAmountExcludeChinaVAT | decimal(30,17) | null | |
real_estate | NteAmountExcludeChinaVAT | decimal(30,17) | null | |
real_estate | OriginalNTE | decimal(30,17) | null | |
real_estate | SpendType | nvarchar(15) | null | |
real_estate | TradeCode | nvarchar(15) | null | |
real_estate | ServiceType | nvarchar(100) | null | |
real_estate | ProjectTitle | nvarchar(100) | null | |
real_estate | EstimatedTimeToCompleted | int | null | |
real_estate | LocationId | int | null | |
real_estate | LocationNoteHeaderName | varchar(255) | null | |
real_estate | LocationNoteHeaderValue | varchar(255) | null | |
real_estate | District | nvarchar(50) | null | |
real_estate | Trade | varchar(50) | null | |
real_estate | Category | varchar(50) | null | |
real_estate | Priority | varchar(50) | null | |
real_estate | Currency | nvarchar(20) | null | |
real_estate | WOStatus | varchar(50) | null | |
real_estate | WOExtStatus | varchar(50) | null | |
real_estate | InvoiceStatus | varchar(20) | null | |
real_estate | ProviderId | int | null | |
real_estate | ProviderName | nvarchar(100) | null | |
real_estate | CallDate | datetime | null | |
real_estate | WorkDate | datetime | null | |
real_estate | InvoiceDate | datetime | null | |
real_estate | InvoiceApprovedDate | datetime | null | |
real_estate | SpendDate | datetime | null | |
real_estate | UpdatedDate | datetime | null | |
real_estate | SourceName | varchar(100) | not null | |
real_estate | SourceRecordId | int | not null | |
real_estate | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
real_estate | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | Id | int | PK, not null | System generated unique identifier of the record |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | AuthUserId | bigint | not null | |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | CertificationId | int | not null | Identifier for the technician refrigerant certification |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | ActionTypeId | smallint | not null | Identifier for the refrigerant certification action type |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | Client | nvarchar(100) | not null | |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | OriginalValue | nvarchar(3000) | null | |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | NewValue | nvarchar(3000) | null | |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | CreatedDateDto | datetimeoffset | null | Record Created Timestamp |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | UpdatedDateDto | datetimeoffset | null | Record Updated Timestamp |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
RefrigerantCertificationActionLogs | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
RefrigerantCertificationActionTypes | Id | smallint | PK, not null | System generated unique identifier of the record |
RefrigerantCertificationActionTypes | Name | nvarchar(50) | not null | Action Type |
RefrigerantCertificationActionTypes | CreatedDateDto | datetimeoffset | null | Record Created Timestamp |
RefrigerantCertificationActionTypes | UpdatedDateDto | datetimeoffset | null | Record Updated Timestamp |
RefrigerantCertificationActionTypes | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
RefrigerantCertificationActionTypes | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
RefrigerantTypes | GwpRefrigerantName | nvarchar(50) | null | |
RefrigerantTypes | GwpCommonName | nvarchar(50) | null | |
RefrigerantTypes | GwpCASName | nvarchar(100) | null | |
RefrigerantTypes | isGWPHigh | bit | null | |
RefrigerantTypes | GwpGlobalWarmingPotential | decimal | null | |
RefrigerantTypes | RefrigerantTypeId | int | not null | |
RefrigerantTypes | SubscriberId | int | not null | |
RefrigerantTypes | RefrigerantName | nvarchar(50) | null | |
RefrigerantTypes | isODS | bit | null | |
RefrigerantTypes | GwpRefrigerantId | int | null | |
RefrigerantTypes | CreatedDate | datetimeoffset | null | |
RefrigerantTypes | UpdatedDate | datetimeoffset | null | |
RefrigerantTypes | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
RefrigerantTypes | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
relationships | contractorID | int | PK, not null | |
relationships | locationID | int | not null | |
relationships | providerID | int | not null | |
relationships | trade | varchar(50) | not null | |
relationships | rank | int | not null | |
relationships | createdDate | datetime | null | |
relationships | updatedDate | datetime | null | |
relationships | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
relationships | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
resolution_codes | resolution | nvarchar(100) | not null | |
resolution_codes | assetType | nvarchar(100) | null | |
resolution_codes | primaryTrade | varchar(50) | null | |
resolution_codes | resolutionCodeID | int | not null | |
resolution_codes | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
resolution_codes | createdDateDto | datetimeoffset(7) | not null | |
resolution_codes | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
resolution_codes | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
resolutions | resID | int | not null | |
resolutions | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
resolutions | resolution | varchar(8000) | null | |
resolutions | lastModifiedDate | datetime | null | |
resolutions | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
resolutions | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
rfp | rfpID | int | not null | Rfp id (system generated unique Rfp identifier) |
rfp | rfpDate | datetime | null | Date when rfp has been created |
rfp | rfpBy | nvarchar(50) | null | The User name of the user who created the rfp |
rfp | locationID | int | null | Reference to the RFP's location (if any) |
rfp | providerID | int | null | Provider Id |
rfp | status | nvarchar(50) | null | Rfp status name |
rfp | created | datetime | null | Date when rfp has been created |
rfp | Description | nvarchar(2000) | null | Rfp description |
rfp | dueHrs | decimal(10,0) | null | Time after which rfp becomes relevant |
rfp | dueDate | datetime | null | Date after which rfp becomes relevant |
rfp | responseDate | datetime | null | responseDate Not used |
rfp | waitingForPrpEmail | nvarchar(200) | null | Email for proposal action notification |
rfp | proEmail | nvarchar(300) | null | Provider email |
rfp | rfpNumber | nvarchar(50) | null | Rfp number |
rfp | lastModifiedDate | datetime | null | Date when rfp has been modified |
rfp | isDeleted | bit | null | Soft deletion flag. Set to 1 if the rfp record is deleted in the applicaion. |
rfp | deletedDate | datetime | null | The date on which the rfp record is deleted in the application. |
rfp | tradeID | int | null | Links to the trade of the RFP |
rfp | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
rfp | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
root_causes | rootCause | nvarchar(100) | not null | |
root_causes | assetType | nvarchar(100) | not null | |
root_causes | primaryTrade | varchar(50) | null | |
root_causes | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
root_causes | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
root_causes | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
spend | SpendId | bigint | PK, not null | |
spend | SubscriberId | int | not null | |
spend | FiscalYear | nvarchar(10) | not null | |
spend | FiscalPeriod | nvarchar(10) | not null | |
spend | FiscalWeek | nvarchar(10) | not null | |
spend | FiscalQuarter | nvarchar(10) | not null | |
spend | LocationId | int | null | |
spend | LocationName | nvarchar(100) | null | |
spend | StoredId | varchar(50) | null | |
spend | District | nvarchar(50) | null | |
spend | Region | nvarchar(50) | null | |
spend | Country | varchar(50) | null | |
spend | RoutineNonRoutine | nvarchar(15) | null | |
spend | ServiceType | nvarchar(100) | null | |
spend | Trade | nvarchar(100) | null | |
spend | Category | varchar(50) | null | |
spend | GLCode | nvarchar(50) | null | |
spend | GLCodeName | nvarchar(50) | null | |
spend | LocationNotesHeader1 | varchar(255) | null | |
spend | LocationNotesHeader1Value | varchar(255) | null | |
spend | LocationNotesHeader2 | varchar(255) | null | |
spend | LocationNotesHeader2Value | varchar(255) | null | |
spend | LocationNotesHeader3 | varchar(255) | null | |
spend | LocationNotesHeader3Value | varchar(255) | null | |
spend | LocationNotesHeader4 | varchar(255) | null | |
spend | LocationNotesHeader4Value | varchar(255) | null | |
spend | LocationNotesHeader5 | varchar(255) | null | |
spend | LocationNotesHeader5Value | varchar(255) | null | |
spend | TrackingNumber | int | null | |
spend | WOStatus | varchar(50) | null | |
spend | WOExtStatus | varchar(50) | null | |
spend | SpendAmountUSD | decimal(30,17) | null | |
spend | ProposalAmountUSD | decimal(30,17) | null | |
spend | CallDate | datetime | null | |
spend | WorkDate | decimal(30,17) | null | |
spend | ScheduledDate | decimal(30,17) | null | |
spend | SpendDate | decimal(30,17) | null | |
spend | UpdatedDate | decimal(30,17) | null | |
spend | SourceName | varchar(100) | not null | |
spend | SourceRecordId | int | not null | |
spend | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
spend | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
StarRatings | Id | int | not null | |
StarRatings | TrackingNumber | int | null | |
StarRatings | ReviewedByUserId | int | null | |
StarRatings | StarScore | int | not null | |
StarRatings | Comment | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
StarRatings | CreatedDate | datetimeoffset | not null | |
StarRatings | UpdatedDate | datetimeoffset | not null | |
StarRatings | ReviewedByEmail | nvarchar(320) | null | |
StarRatings | LocationId | int | not null | |
StarRatings | ProviderId | int | not null | |
StarRatings | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetimeoffset | not null | |
StarRatings | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetimeoffset | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
statuses | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was insert in Data Direct Table. |
statuses | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
statuses | status | varchar(200) | not null | Work order's primary status (OPEN, IN PROGRESS, COMPLETED). Could be seen in a lot of places including the work order list and the work order details. |
statuses | extendedStatus | varchar(200) | null | Work order's extended status (INCOMPLETE, ON SITE, PENDING CONFIRMATION, etc). Could be seen in a lot of places including the work order list and the work order details. |
statuses | id | int | not null | Record's Unique identifier |
technician_assigned_accepted | trackingNumber | int | null | WO tracking Number |
technician_assigned_accepted | AssignedTo | varchar(100) | null | Name of the technician assigned |
technician_assigned_accepted | AcceptedBy | varchar(100) | null | Name of the technician accepted |
technician_assigned_accepted | Company | varchar(1000) | null | |
technician_assigned_accepted | UpdatedTechnicianDateUtc | datetime | null | |
technician_assigned_accepted | UpdatedTechnicianDateDto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
technician_assigned_accepted | id | int | PK, not null | |
technician_assigned_accepted | locationID | varchar(100) | null | Location System Identifier |
technician_assigned_accepted | locationName | varchar(100) | null | Location Name |
technician_assigned_accepted | WOAssignmentDateDto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | Timestamp when the WO was assigened to the technician |
technician_assigned_accepted | AssignedToUserId | int | null | User id of the technician |
technician_assigned_accepted | AcceptedByUserId | int | null | User id of the technician |
technician_assigned_accepted | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
technician_assigned_accepted | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
technician_availability_log | SubscriberId | int | null | |
technician_availability_log | technicianEmail | nvarchar(128) | null | |
technician_availability_log | technicianFirstName | nvarchar(128) | null | |
technician_availability_log | technicianLastName | nvarchar(128) | null | |
technician_availability_log | id | int | PK, not null | |
technician_availability_log | isAvailable | nvarchar(12) | null | |
technician_availability_log | unavailableUntilDate | datetime | null | |
technician_availability_log | unavailableUntilDateDto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
technician_availability_log | createdDate | datetime | null | |
technician_availability_log | createdDateDto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
technician_time_tracking | providerID | int | null | |
technician_time_tracking | activityDescription | nvarchar(512) | null | |
technician_time_tracking | activityTypeName | nvarchar(128) | null | |
technician_time_tracking | InternalDepartment | bit | null | |
technician_time_tracking | userid | int | null | |
technician_time_tracking | SubscriberId | int | null | |
technician_time_tracking | technicianEmail | nvarchar(128) | null | |
technician_time_tracking | technicianFirstName | nvarchar(128) | null | |
technician_time_tracking | technicianLastName | nvarchar(128) | null | |
technician_time_tracking | employeeId | nvarchar(100) | null | |
technician_time_tracking | id | int | PK, not null | |
technician_time_tracking | startDate | datetime | null | |
technician_time_tracking | endDate | datetime | null | |
technician_time_tracking | elapsedMinutes | int | null | |
technician_time_tracking | EndMyDay | bit | null | |
technician_time_tracking | startDateTime_dto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
technician_time_tracking | endDateTime_dto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
technician_time_tracking | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
technician_time_tracking | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | technicianTimeTrackingId | int | PK, not null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | providerId | int | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | technicianEmail | nvarchar(128) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | workActivity | nvarchar(512) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | workActivityType | nvarchar(128) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | startDateTime | datetime | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | endDateTime | datetime | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | elapsedMinutes | int | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | checkInSource | nvarchar(50) | PK, not null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | technicianFirstName | nvarchar(128) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | technicianLastName | nvarchar(128) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | technicianContractorId | int | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | InternalDepartment | bit | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | employeeId | nvarchar(100) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | userid | int | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | startDateTime_dto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | endDateTime_dto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | SubscriberId | int | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | SubscriberId | int | null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | Id | int | PK, not null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | TechnicianContractorId | int | not null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | ContractorActivityId | int | not null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | OriginalStartTimeUtc | datetime | null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | OriginalEndTimeUtc | datetime | null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | NewStartTimeUtc | datetime | null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | NewEndTimeUtc | datetime | null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | LogTimeUtc | datetime | not null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | Latitude | decimal(12,8) | not null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | Longitude | decimal(12,8) | not null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | OperationType | tinyint | not null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | TechnicianTimeTrackingId | int | null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | Note | nvarchar(256) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | OriginalStartTimeDto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | OriginalEndTimeDto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | NewStartTimeDto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | NewEndTimeDto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | LogTimeDto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
TechnicianRefrigerantCertifications | providerId | int | null | |
TechnicianRefrigerantCertifications | providerName | varchar(500) | null | |
TechnicianRefrigerantCertifications | TechnicianId | int | not null | |
TechnicianRefrigerantCertifications | CertificationID | int | not null | |
TechnicianRefrigerantCertifications | CertificationNumber | nvarchar(256) | not null | |
TechnicianRefrigerantCertifications | CertificationExpirationDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
TechnicianRefrigerantCertifications | CertificationDescription | nvarchar(256) | null | |
TechnicianRefrigerantCertifications | CertificationFileUrl | nvarchar(256) | null | |
TechnicianRefrigerantCertifications | CertificationFileName | nvarchar(256) | null | |
TechnicianRefrigerantCertifications | CertificationLevelName | nvarchar(100) | null | |
TechnicianRefrigerantCertifications | TechnicianName | nvarchar(260) | not null | |
TechnicianRefrigerantCertifications | TechnicanAuthUserID | bigint | null | |
TechnicianRefrigerantCertifications | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
TechnicianRefrigerantCertifications | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
TechnicianRefrigerantCertificationFiles | TechnicianRefrigerantCertificationImageId | int | PK, not null | Unique Identifier for Refrigerant Certification File |
TechnicianRefrigerantCertificationFiles | TechnicianRefrigerantCertificationId | int | not null | Refrigernat Certification Identifier. Reference to the TechnicianRefrigerantCertifications table |
TechnicianRefrigerantCertificationFiles | CertificationFileUrl | nvarchar(256) | null | Refrigerant Certification File Url |
TechnicianRefrigerantCertificationFiles | CertificationFileName | nvarchar(256) | null | Refrigerant Certification File Name |
TechnicianRefrigerantCertificationFiles | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetimeoffset(7) | null | Timestamp when record was created in Data Direct |
TechnicianRefrigerantCertificationFiles | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetimeoffset(7) | null | Timestamp when record was updated in Data Direct |
time_zone_info | timeZoneInfoId | smallint | PK, not null | |
time_zone_info | TimeZoneName | varchar(35) | not null | |
time_zone_info | abbreviation | varchar(6) | null | |
time_zone_info | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
time_zone_info | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
trades | trade | varchar(200) | not null | |
trades | id | int | not null | |
trades | primaryTrade | varchar(200) | null | |
users | id | int | PK, not null | |
users | providerId | int | null | |
users | employeeID | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
users | createdDate | datetime | null | |
users | updatedDate | datetime | null | |
users | name | nvarchar(50) | null | |
users | userId | char(50) | null | |
users | SubscriberId | int | null | |
users | email | nvarchar(510) | null | |
users | phone | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
users | state | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
users | firstName | nvarchar(510) | null | |
users | lastName | nvarchar(510) | null | |
users | receiveEmailOnWoDispatch | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
users | employeeTitle | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
users | employeeTeamCrew | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
users | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
users | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
vendors | providerID | int | not null | |
vendors | vendorNumber | varchar(50) | null | |
vendors | name | varchar(100) | null | |
vendors | address | varchar(300) | null | |
vendors | sitecode | varchar(50) | null | |
vendors | order | int | not null | |
vendors | vendorPayeeID | int | null | |
vendors | subscriberID | int | null | |
vendors | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
vendors | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | |
wo_amount_breakdown | woAmountId | int | not null | System generated unique identifier for the record. |
wo_amount_breakdown | trackingNumber | int | not null | Tracking number of the work order. |
wo_amount_breakdown | subtotal | money | null | Subtotal's value. Displayed on the work order details. |
wo_amount_breakdown | tax | money | null | Tax's value. Displayed on the work order details if the value if available. |
wo_amount_breakdown | tax2type | varchar(50) | null | Secondary tax type (GST, HST, PST, QST). |
wo_amount_breakdown | tax2 | money | null | Secondary tax's value. Displayed on the work order details if available. |
wo_amount_breakdown | currency | varchar(50) | null | Currency code (USD, CAD, etc). |
wo_amount_breakdown | autoinvoice | varchar(50) | not null | Auto invoice setting ('TRUE' or 'FALSE'). If it's 'TRUE' an invoice is auto generated for work orders in COMPLETED/CONFIRMED status by AutoInvoice process. Displayed on the work order details. |
wo_amount_breakdown | autoComplete | varchar(10) | not null | AutoComplete setting ('TRUE' or 'FALSE'). |
wo_amount_breakdown | autoApprovedBY | nvarchar(50) | null | The name of the person who is auto approving this subtotal. |
wo_amount_breakdown | lastModifiedDate | datetime | null | Record's updated date. |
wo_amount_breakdown | id | int | PK, not null | unique identifier for the record. |
wo_amount_breakdown | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
wo_amount_breakdown | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
wo_history_amount_change | id | int | not null | |
wo_history_amount_change | amountChangeId | int | not null | System generated unique identifier for the record. |
wo_history_amount_change | trackingNumber | int | not null | Tracking number of the work order. |
wo_history_amount_change | subtotal | money | null | Subtotal's value. |
wo_history_amount_change | tax | money | null | Tax's value. |
wo_history_amount_change | tax2type | varchar(50) | null | Secondary tax type (GST, HST, PST, QST). |
wo_history_amount_change | tax2 | money | null | Secondary tax's value. |
wo_history_amount_change | currency | varchar(10) | not null | Currency code (USD, CAD, etc). |
wo_history_amount_change | autocomplete | varchar(10) | not null | AutoComplete setting ('TRUE' or 'FALSE'). |
wo_history_amount_change | autoinvoice | varchar(10) | not null | Auto invoice setting ('TRUE' or 'FALSE'). If it's 'TRUE' an invoice is auto generated for work orders in COMPLETED/CONFIRMED status by AutoInvoice process. Displayed on the work order details. |
wo_history_amount_change | datecreated | datetime | not null | Record's created date. The date when the work order amount is changed. |
wo_history_change_category | id | int | PK, not null | System generated record's unique identifier. |
wo_history_change_category | TrackingNumber | int | not null | Tracking number of the work order. |
wo_history_change_category | OriginalCategory | varchar(50) | not null | Original (previous) work order's category. |
wo_history_change_category | NewCategory | varchar(50) | not null | New (current) work order's category. |
wo_history_change_category | CreatedDate | datetime | not null | Record's created date. The date when the work orders category was changed. |
wo_history_change_category | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
wo_history_change_category | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
wo_history_change_nte | nteChangeId | int | not null | System generated unique identifier for the record. |
wo_history_change_nte | trackingNumber | int | not null | Tracking number of the work order. |
wo_history_change_nte | sourceNte | money | not null | Previous NTE value. |
wo_history_change_nte | sourceCurrencyID | int | not null | Previous currency id. |
wo_history_change_nte | targetNte | money | not null | New (current) NTE value. |
wo_history_change_nte | targetCurrencyID | int | not null | New (current) currency id. |
wo_history_change_nte | createdDate | date | not null | Record's created date. The date when the work order's NTE was changed. |
wo_history_change_nte | id | int | not null | Unique Id |
wo_history_change_nte | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was insert in Data Direct Table. |
wo_history_change_nte | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
wo_history_change_priority | id | int | PK, not null | System generated unique identifier for the record. |
wo_history_change_priority | TrackingNumber | int | not null | Tracking number of the work order. |
wo_history_change_priority | OldPrioritySub | varchar(50) | null | Previous priority. |
wo_history_change_priority | NewPrioritySub | varchar(50) | null | New (current) priority. |
wo_history_change_priority | Updatedby | nvarchar(50) | null | The user's name who changed the priority. |
wo_history_change_priority | UpdatedDate | datetime | not null | Record's created date. The date when the work order's priority was changed. |
wo_history_change_priority | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
wo_history_change_priority | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
wo_history_change_problem | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
wo_history_change_problem | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
wo_history_change_problem | OldAreaName | nvarchar(510) | null | Previous Area name for area entity (created from Dashboard Settings -Area tab) |
wo_history_change_problem | NewAreaName | nvarchar(510) | null | Area name for new added area (created from Dashboard Settings -Area tab) |
wo_history_change_problem | id | int | PK, not null | System generated unique identifier for the record. |
wo_history_change_problem | TrackingNumber | int | not null | Tracking number of the work order. |
wo_history_change_problem | OldAreaId | int | null | Previous Area id (system unique identifier for area in the database table) for area entity |
wo_history_change_problem | OldProblemType | nvarchar(256) | null | Previous Problem type field from Issue List |
wo_history_change_problem | OldEquipment | nvarchar(256) | null | Previous Equipment field from Issue List |
wo_history_change_problem | OldProblem | nvarchar(256) | null | Previous Problem field from Issue List |
wo_history_change_problem | NewAreaId | int | null | Area id(system unique identifier for area in the database table) for new added area |
wo_history_change_problem | NewProblemType | nvarchar(256) | null | Previous Problem type field from Issue List |
wo_history_change_problem | NewEquipment | nvarchar(256) | null | Previous Equipment field from Issue List |
wo_history_change_problem | NewProblem | nvarchar(256) | null | Previous Problem field from Issue List |
wo_history_change_problem | UpdatedDate | datetime | not null | The date when entity changed |
wo_history_change_provider | id | int | PK, not null | System generated unique identifier for the record. |
wo_history_change_provider | TrackingNumber | int | not null | Tracking number of the work order. |
wo_history_change_provider | OriginalProviderID | int | not null | Previous provider's Id(Unique identifier for provider in Servicechannel). |
wo_history_change_provider | NewProviderID | int | not null | New (current) provider's Id (Unique identifier of the provider in servicechannel). |
wo_history_change_provider | CreatedByUserID | int | null | User id who changed the provider. |
wo_history_change_provider | CreatedDate | datetime | not null | The date when the provider was changed on the work order. |
wo_history_change_provider | CreatedDate_dto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | The date (with time zone offset) when the provider was changed on the work order. |
wo_history_change_provider | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
wo_history_change_provider | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
wo_history_change_scheduled_date | schdateChangeId | int | not null | System generated unique identifier for the record. |
wo_history_change_scheduled_date | trackingNumber | int | not null | Tracking number of the work order. |
wo_history_change_scheduled_date | oldScheduledDate | datetime | null | Old schedule date. |
wo_history_change_scheduled_date | newScheduledDate | datetime | null | New (current) schedule date. |
wo_history_change_scheduled_date | updatedby | nvarchar(50) | null | The user's name who changed the schedule date. |
wo_history_change_scheduled_date | updatedDate | datetime | not null | Record's created date. The date when the work order's scheduled date was changed. |
wo_history_change_scheduled_date | id | int | not null | unique identifier for the record. |
wo_history_change_scheduled_date | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
wo_history_change_scheduled_date | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
wo_history_change_scheduled_date | RescheduleReason | nvarchar(256) | null | Text for reschedule reason |
wo_history_change_scheduled_date | UpdatedByUserId | int | null | The id of the user who made the schedule change |
wo_history_change_status | statusChangeId | int | not null | System generated unique identifier for the record. |
wo_history_change_status | trackingNumber | int | not null | Tracking number of the work order. |
wo_history_change_status | oldStatus | varchar(50) | not null | Old primary status. |
wo_history_change_status | oldExtendedStatus | varchar(50) | null | Old extended status. |
wo_history_change_status | newStatus | varchar(50) | not null | New (current) primary status. |
wo_history_change_status | newExtendedStatus | varchar(50) | null | New (current) extended status. |
wo_history_change_status | updatedBy | nvarchar(50) | null | The user's name who changed the status. |
wo_history_change_status | updatedDate | datetime | not null | Record's created date. The date when work order's status was changed. |
wo_history_change_status | createdbyUserId | int | null | The user's id who changed the status. |
wo_history_change_status | updatedDateDto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | Record's created date. The date when work order's status was changed. |
wo_history_change_status | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
wo_history_change_status | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
wo_history_change_status | id | int | not null | |
wo_history_change_trade | OldTrade | varchar(50) | null | Subscriber trade name. |
wo_history_change_trade | NewTrade | varchar(50) | null | Subscriber trade name. |
wo_history_change_trade | id | int | PK, not null | unique identifier for the record. |
wo_history_change_trade | TrackingNumber | int | not null | Tracking number of the work order. |
wo_history_change_trade | OldContractID | int | not null | Old contract id. |
wo_history_change_trade | NewContractID | int | not null | New (current) contract id. |
wo_history_change_trade | UpdatedBy | nvarchar(50) | null | The user's name who changed the contract. |
wo_history_change_trade | UpdatedDate | datetime | not null | Record's created date. The date when work order's trade was changed. |
wo_history_change_trade | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
wo_history_change_trade | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
workorder_additional_approval_codes | WOAdditionalApprovalCodeId | int | not null | System generated unique identifier |
workorder_additional_approval_codes | TrackingNumber | int | not null | WO Tracking Number |
workorder_additional_approval_codes | ApprovalCodeName | varchar(50) | null | Name of the Approval Code |
workorder_additional_approval_codes | ApprovalCodeValue | varchar(300) | null | Approval Code Value |
workorder_additional_approval_codes | IsEnabled | bit | not null | Flag indicating whether this additional approval code is enabled or not |
workorder_additional_approval_codes | Category | varchar(50) | null | Category for the work order |
workorder_additional_approval_codes | SrcCreatedDate | datetime | not null | The date and time that this record was created in source |
workorder_additional_approval_codes | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
workorder_additional_approval_codes | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
workorder_ivr | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
workorder_ivr | ivrID | int | not null | |
workorder_ivr | ivrAction | int | null | ivrAction = 1 means Checkin ivrAction = 2 means Checkout ivrAction = 3 means Checkin or Checkout was denied but an entry was made into the ivr log. |
workorder_ivr | ivrTime | datetime | null | |
workorder_ivr | lastModifiedDate | datetime | null | Date when IVR record was updated for this work order in Platform |
workorder_ivr | checkInSource | varchar(10) | null | Source of the Checkin. "ivr" or "gps" or "xml" or "web" |
workorder_ivr | id | int | not null | System generated unique identifier for the record. |
workorder_ivr | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
workorder_ivr | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
workorder_mechanic | ivrID | int | not null | System generated unique identifier for the ivr record. |
workorder_mechanic | trackingNumber | int | not null | Tracking number of the work order for which the labor record was created. |
workorder_mechanic | ivrAction | int | not null | 1 for mechanic's ivr time in, 2 for mechanic's ivr time out |
workorder_mechanic | ivrTime | datetime | null | The date and time when the labor was performed. |
workorder_mechanic | lastModifiedDate | datetime | | Record's updated date. |
workorder_mechanic | id | int | not null | System generated unique identifier. |
workorder_mechanic | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was insert in Data Direct Table. |
workorder_mechanic | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
workorder_notes | id | int | not null | System generated record's unique identifier. |
workorder_notes | NoteNum | int | not null | Note's index. |
workorder_notes | Note | nvarchar(4000) | null | Note's content. Displayed on the work order details and in the note list. |
workorder_notes | CreatedBySource | nvarchar(100) | null | The name of the user or automated process who created the note. Displayed in the note list on the work order details. |
workorder_notes | TrackingNumber | int | not null | Tracking number of the work order for which the note was created. |
workorder_notes | ProviderID | int | null | Provider's id. |
workorder_notes | CreatedDate | datetime | null | Created date of the note, with seconds and milliseconds. |
workorder_notes | Date_Created_dto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | Created date of the note. With seconds always zero (:00) and without fractional seconds, but with time zone offset. |
workorder_notes | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
workorder_notes | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
workorder_notes | ActionRequired | varchar(3) | null | Whether further action is required upon this note ('Yes','',null) |
workorder_quality_survey | id | int | PK, not null | System generated unique identifier for the record. |
workorder_quality_survey | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
workorder_quality_survey | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
workorder_quality_survey | trackingNumber | int | not null | System generated unique identifier for the record. |
workorder_quality_survey | respondent | nvarchar(100) | null | User name of the user who provided the feedback |
workorder_quality_survey | createdby | nvarchar(50) | null | User ID of the user |
workorder_quality_survey | comment | nvarchar(4000) | null | User notes |
workorder_quality_survey | createdDate | datetime | null | Created date of the survey's answer |
workorder_quality_survey | answer | varchar(100) | not null | Predefined answer text |
workorders | categoryID | int | not null | Unique identifier for the work order category. Related to categories table. |
workorders | equipmentTagID | nvarchar(50) | null | Random unique identifier within a location entered by the client. It can be auto generated by the application if the customer selects "auto generate tag id" setting in AssetType. |
workorders | IVR | bit | null | A flag that indicates that the work order has both a checkin and a checkout and ends with a checkout. |
workorders | SLA | bit | null | 1 = Yes and 0 = NO; A flag to indicate whether this work order met the original ETA-i.e that the first check in, onsite or completion date for the work order was before the original expected ETA. This is a calculated field that checks if either one of the data elements below is less than the Original ETA Date (in the order given): If Check-in date is less than Original ETA, then SLA is 1 (meaning, they came on time) If Check-in date is NULL then the logic checks for the Onsite date. If Onsite date is less than Original ETA, then SLA is 1 If Onsite date is NULL then the logic checks for the Completion date. If Completion date is less than Original ETA, then SLA is 1 If none of the above is true, then SLA = 0 |
workorders | WORecall | nvarchar(3) | null | A flag to check if the work order was recalled. |
workorders | HoursOnSite | real | null | Total time in hours spent by the provider on the work order. |
workorders | FirstTimeCompletionFlag | bit | null | An indication that this work order was completed on the first visit. i.e it has only one check-in and one check-out which were recorded within a 24 hour period. |
workorders | callerIDMatch | bit | null | Whether or not the user's check-in record matches with the location. '1' if there is a CallerID that matches with the callerID listings of this work order's location. '0' otherwise. |
workorders | checkInSource | varchar(20) | null | The source, channel or the medium of the user's check-in events(e.g. web api, gps, ivr ..) |
workorders | resolutionCode | varchar(100) | null | Resolution code name for Completed Processing functionality. If it's configured, providers could move work orders into Completed/Confirmed status using Completed Processing tab on the work orders list and input some data such as resolution code and failing component. |
workorders | failingComponent | varchar(100) | null | Failing component name for Completed Processing functionality. If it's configured, providers could move work orders into Completed/Confirmed status using Completed Processing tab on the work orders list and input some data such as resolution code and failing component. |
workorders | trackingNumber | int | not null | System generated ID that uniquely identifies a work order (displayed in the application as Tracking Number) |
workorders | calldate | datetime | null | Created date (without time) of the work order from creator's opinion. It is user inputted and differs from actual created date of the work order in the system. Could be set in past and future. Could be viewed on the work order details in Created by section. In the workorder's location's time zone. |
workorders | completiondate | datetime | null | The date of the last work order's transition to completed status. |
workorders | locationID | int | not null | Location ID of the work order . |
workorders | providerID | int | not null | Provider ID of the work order. Could be viewed in the provider details modal after clicking on the provider's name on the work order list. |
workorders | priorityID | int | not null | Priority ID of the work order |
workorders | statusID | int | not null | Primary status(OPEN, IN PROGRESS, COMPLETED). |
workorders | scheduledDate | datetime | null | Scheduled date. Due date until when work order must be completed. |
workorders | woNumber | varchar(50) | null | Work order number. The field which could be used for labeling with client's internal number. Could be viewed both on the work order list and the work order details. Could be used in the search on the work order list. |
workorders | reassigneddate | datetime | null | Date of the last reassignment to another provider. |
workorders | createdby | nvarchar(50) | null | The user name of work order's creator (a person or a process). |
workorders | caller | varchar(100) | null | Caller, the person or process who initiated the work order. User inputted field. Filled within work order creation. Could be viewed on the work order details and the work order list. |
workorders | lastModifiedDate | datetime | null | The date the work order has last been updated. |
workorders | source | varchar(20) | null | The source of the work order. The name of the system through which it was created. E.g. Web Request, dashboardxxxx, WebApi, Mobile, ScConnector. Could be viewed on the work order details as Source field. |
workorders | poNumber | varchar(50) | null | Work order number. The field which could be used for labeling with client's internal number. Could be used in the search on the work order list. |
workorders | createdDate | datetime | null | The Date and Time the work order was created. In ET time zone. |
workorders | UserIdUpdatedBy | int | null | The user's id who updated the work order. |
workorders | assignedDate | datetime | null | The date when work order was assigned to assignee. |
workorders | recallTrackingNumber | int | null | Tracking number of the work order for which a recall work order was created. Could be viewed both on the work order list and the work order details. |
workorders | assignees | nvarchar(100) | null | The user name or the user ID of the user who was assigned to the work order. |
workorders | createdByUserID | int | null | Id of User who created the work order |
workorders | ProjectedCompletionDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | Projected Completion Date (with time zone offset). Could be entered by providers in Add Note modal. |
workorders | tradeID | int | not null | System generated ID that uniquely identifies the trade of the work order. Relates to Trade table in Data Direct schema. |
workorders | glCode | nvarchar(120) | null | GL code value (approval code value). Special code which could be used for accounting. Displayed on the work order details. |
workorders | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
workorders | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
workorders_ext | currency | varchar(50) | null | Currency code (USD, CAD, etc) |
workorders_ext | trackingNumber | int | not null | System generated ID that uniquely identifies a work order (displayed in the application as Tracking Number) |
workorders_ext | nteAmount | money | null | NTE's value of the work order. Could be seen in screens like the work order list and the work order details. |
workorders_ext | problemDescription | varchar(8000) | null | Work order's problem description. Displayed both on the work order details and the work order list |
workorders_ext | problemCode | varchar(256) | null | Work order's problem code. One of the issue list properties required to select when creating a work order via the dashboard. Not filled for work orders created via Classic Service Request. |
workorders_ext | eta | datetime | null | Work order's expiration date. |
workorders_ext | originalEta | datetime | null | Original work order's ETA. This value is set when a work order is created and it could not be changed afterwards. |
workorders_ext | postedDate | datetime | null | Posted date of the work order that was processed via EDI |
workorders_ext | poLoadFlag | int | null | Custom field for poLoadFlag of the work order that was processed via EDI |
workorders_ext | poLoadFlagDate | datetime | null | Custom field for poLoadFlagDate of the work order that was processed via EDI |
workorders_ext | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was insert in Data Direct Table. |
workorders_ext | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
workorders_ext | area | varchar(256) | null | Area name created from Dashboard Settings (Area tab) |
workorders_ext | problemType | varchar(256) | null | Problem type field which comes from Issue List |
workorders_ext | equipment | varchar(256) | null | Equipment field which comes from Issue List |
workorders_linked | id | int | PK, not null | System generated unique identifier for the record. |
workorders_linked | parent_WO | int | not null | Tracking number of the ORIGINAL work order. |
workorders_linked | child_WO | int | not null | Tracking number of the FOLLOW UP (aka linked) work order. Follow up work orders marked with chain icon on the work order list. Hovering the icon displays the information about the original work order. |
workorders_linked | dateCreated | datetime | not null | The date this record is created. |
workorders_linked | CreatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was inserted in Data Direct Table. |
workorders_linked | UpdatedDateInDataDirect | datetime | null | The date and time that this record was last updated in Data Direct Table. |
RefreshStatus | ID | int | not null | Unique ID (Identity) | invoices | InvoiceText | nvarchar(4000) | null |
Additional text for the invoice | RefreshStatus | CompletedDate | datetime | null | The time when the refresh was successfully completed |
RefreshStatus | Message | nvarchar(200) | null | Specific message text if any | workorder_notes | ActionRequired | varchar(3) | null | Whether further action is required upon this note ('Yes','',null) |