The Operational Report tab gives you a deeper view of your facilities spend and operations. Here, you can focus on work order volume, aging of proposals and invoices, statuses of proposals and invoices and the amount of money in each status, and work order count by status.
By default, you can see Work Orders, Invoices, and Proposals from the past 365 days. Use the all-inclusive filters along the top of the report to change these date ranges, or to focus on specific Trades and Categories
You can download the data and email reports to recipients.
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Work Order Volume by Day of the Week

This visualization Bar chart presenting Number of Work Orders entered on a specific day of the week. Here, you can see your weekly volume of work orders by day, over a 365-day period (by default).
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Both voided work orders and work orders with an empty Status are excluded. |
Hovering over a bar gives you the total number of work orders. Clicking a bar drills down into the data where you can see a monthly (chart) or weekly (table) of work order counts for that corresponding day.
Invoice and Proposal Analyses and Aging

This set of visualizations summarizes invoices and proposals across their respective statuses, as well as aging invoices and proposals.
Invoice Analysis - By Status displays the number of Invoices and Total Invoice Amount in each Invoice Status. In the all-inclusive filters along the top of the page, use the Invoice Posted Date filter to hone in on relevant data. Drill down into the data to see work order and invoice details. Click the tracking number to navigate to the work order details in Service Automation.
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Both voided work orders and work orders with an empty Status are excluded. |
Proposal Analysis - By Status displays the number of Proposals and Total Proposal Amount in each Proposal Status. Use the Proposal Date filter along the top of the page to hone in on relevant data. Drill down to see proposal details and work order tracking numbers; click the tracking number to go to the work order details in Service Automation.
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Voided work orders, proposals with an empty Status, and voided proposals are excluded. |
Invoices waiting to be either approved or rejected shows aging Open and On Hold Invoices that are under 5 days old, between 5 and 14 days old, between 15 and 29 days old, and over 30 days old. Hovering over any slice of the pie shows the number of Invoices for that corresponding aging range. Clicking the slice lists the underlying work orders and invoices. Clicking a tracking number navigates you to the work order details of Service Automation.
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Both voided work orders and work orders with an empty Status are excluded. |
Proposals waiting to be either approved or rejected is pie chart showing aging Open and On Hold Proposals that are under 5 days old, between 5 and 14 days old, between 15 and 29 days old, and over 30 days old. Hovering over any pie slice displays the number of proposals for that corresponding aging range. Clicking the slice lists the underlying work orders and proposals. Clicking a tracking number navigates you to the work order details of Service Automation.
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Voided work orders, approved and rejected proposals, proposals with an empty Status, and voided proposals are excluded. |
Aging of Open/In Progress and Completed Work Orders
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| These visualizations summarize the progress of your work orders with respect to how long the work orders have been open. Aging of Open/In-Progress Work Orders considers all current work orders in either the Open or In Progress work order Status, and computes how long each work order has been open, between the call date and the current date. The sum of all aging buckets is always 100%. The aging ranges are: - Below 15 Days: percentage of work orders with a call date less than 14 days from today's date.
- Between 15-29 Days - percentage of work orders with a call date between 15 and 29 days from today's date.
- Between 30-59 Days - percentage of work orders with a call date between 30 and 59 days from today's date.
- Above 60 Days - percentage of work orders with a call date greater than 60 days from today's date.
Aging of Completed Work Orders is similar to the above — this area considers all current work orders in either the Completed or Invoiced work order Status, and computes how long it took each work order to be completed, between the call date and the current date. These metrics are calculated using Full Resolution Time, which is the difference between the completion date and the call date. The sum of all aging buckets is always 100%. The aging ranges are: - Below 15 Days: percentage of work orders with a Full Resolution Time of less than 14 days.
- Between 15-29 Days: percentage of work orders with a Full Resolution Time from 15 to 29 days.
- Between 30-59 Days: percentage of work orders with a Full Resolution Time from 30 to 59 days.
- Above 60 Days: percentage of work orders with a Full Resolution Time of more than 60 days.
Work Order Count by Status by Month for the Past 12 Months

This visualization summarizes the 'health' of your facilities operations with respect to work orders.
Older months should show work orders in mainly the Completed or Invoiced. Outliers (Open and In Progress) in these periods should be cause for further investigation as it helps you 'clean up' aged work orders. You can determine, for example, whether those older work orders are still relevant and should be reassigned, or no longer relevant and should be canceled. You can also investigate whether service providers actually did the work but just did not check in or out. This could mean that the provider also did not invoice for the work. (Those using external invoicing systems may need to cross-check those reports to verify.)
Recent months should show more work orders in all work order Statuses.
You can hover over each color in the stacked bar to see the total number of work orders in that Status. Click each bar color to see a list of all work orders for that status in that month, or filter by Region, Feedback, Asset, or Call Date.
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