Table Name | Table Description |
audit_issue_attachment | Site Audit Attachment links |
audit_check_list_item | Site Audit responses, including work orders if they are created |
audit | Main Site Audit Table |
audit_workorder | Site Audit generated work orders |
checklists | Table with all the check list checklist responses |
CheckListAssetTaskResponses | Ability to create asset tasks and collect their responses - New Feature in LA (March 2021) - likely to be empty. |
CheckListTasks | Ability to create asset tasks and collect their responses - New Feature in LA (March 2021) - likely to be empty |
labels | Table with all the check list responses |
workorders | One of the key tables in data direct, includes every work order and some key details. Incremental load is possible using lastModifiedDate |
workorders_linked | Linked Work Order Table. Full reload is suggested as incremental load is not reliable at the moment |
wo_history_change_problem | History tracking for work order problem field |
wo_history_change_provider | History tracking for provider on a work order. Incremental load is possible with CreatedDate |
wo_history_change_category | History tracking for the category on a work order |
wo_history_change_trade | History tracking for trade on a work order. Incremental load is possible with UpdatedDate |
wo_history_change_priority | History tracking for priority on a work order |
workorder_notes | Work Order Notes. Notes cannot be edited so you can retrieve them incrementally using the CreatedDate field |
custom_asset_attributes | Additional attributes for assets that does not fit standard asset fields. Incremental load is possible with UpdatedDate |
AnticipatedWorkorder | Preventive Maintaince Maintenance Module Data |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | Preventive Maintaince Maintenance Module Data |
providersAll | Full list of your providers |
assets | Asset information |
locations | Location Information |
users | Company User Data (includes internal Provider users) |
tradesAll | Full list of your trades |
relationships | Provider Assignments for trade / locations location combinations. Incremental load is possible using updatedDate |
rfp | Request for Proposal Information |
workorder_ivr | Check-in and check-out information via app and ivrIVR. Incremental load is possible using the lastModifiedDate field |
workorder_mechanic | Extension of workorder_ivr plus manual entries (check-in overrides). Incremental load is possible using last modified date |
invoices | All the invoices and their key attributes. Incremental load is possible using lastModifiedDate |
invoice_labor | Invoice Labor breakdown. Incremental load is possible using ID column |
invoice_materials | Invoice Material breakdown. Incremental load is possible using ID |
invoice_statuses | Invoice statuses list |
proposals | Proposal Information. Incremental load is possible with modified date |
proposal_status_history | History tracking for proposal statuses |
proposal_statuses | List of proposal statuses |
resolutions | Provider entered resolution on a work order. Incremental load is possible with modified date |
workorder_quality_survey | Survey Results |
ftm | Technician check-in data. Incremental load is possible with checkinTime_dto and checkOutTime_dto. Suggested to include a greater interval for these tables. |
technician_time_tracking_history | Non-work order technician time tracking data |
technician_availability_log | Technician availability on the app |
technician_time_tracking | Non-work order technician time tracking data. Incremental load is possible using startDateTime_dto and endDateTime_dto, but times could be adjusted so implement a greater interval here. |
technician_time_tracking_combined | Non-work order and work order time tracking activity |
technician_assigned_accepted | Technician Assignment Data. Incremental load is possible with UpdatedTechnicialDateUtc |
root_causes | Work order root cause responses (Provider input data) |
resolution_codes | Work order selected resolution codes (Provider input data) |
time_zone_info | Timezone information |
proposal_line_items | Line items for each proposal. Incremental load is possible using the ID column |
notes_statistics | Basic stats on notes, who add notes, notes counts |
wo_history_change_scheduled_date | History tracking for work order schedule dates. Incremental load is possible with updated date |
wo_history_change_nte | History tracking for NTE changes |
wo_amount_breakdown | Work order amount breakdown |
wo_history_amount_change | History tracking for amount change |
wo_history_change_status | History tracking for status change on work order. History tables are not edited so you can incrementally load data using updated date or id. |
workorders_ext | Additional WO information such as dropdowns used during creation. Incremental load is possible using lastModifiedDate |
locations_notes | All the location notes |
locations_notes_headers | Full client headers list from admin |
categories | Full client category list from admin |
priorities | Full client priority list from admin |
statuses | Full client status list from admin |
provider_communications | Provider Communication Information |
vendors | Additional Provider Information like payment-related fields |
InvalidInvoices | Invoices that could not be brought it, are listed here. Reasons could be: Invalid status, priority, provider, category |
InvalidWorkorders | Workorders Work orders that could not be brought it, are listed here. Reasons could be: Invalid status, priority, provider, category |
InvalidRelationships | Retired/Obsolete Provider/Location relationships |
InvalidProposals | Proposals that could not be brought it, are listed here. Reasons could be: Invalid status, priority, provider, category |
provider_users | Tech User Information (DO NOT USER - OBSOLETE - Use Users) |
technician | Tech User Information (DO NOT USER - OBSOLETE - Use Users) |
raw_workorders | for For internal data processing: imported data with workorders work order information |
raw_proposals | for For internal data processing: imported data with proposals information |