AnticipatedWorkorder | ID | int | PK, not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | TrackingNumber | int | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | SuscriberId | int | not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | ScheduleId | int | not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | GroupId | int | not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | LocationId | int | not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | AssignedLocationId | int | not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | ContractId | int | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | Trade | nvarchar(255) | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | Category | nvarchar(255) | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | Priority | nvarchar(255) | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | NTE | money | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | ProviderId | int | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | Description | nvarchar(max) | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | CreatedDate | datetime | not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | ScheduledDate | datetime | not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | ExpirationDate | datetime | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | ServiceNumber | int | not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder | WoLength | int | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | ID | int | PK, not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | GroupId | int | not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | ServiceId | int | not null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | FrequencyType | varchar(50) | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | NumberOfDaysPerWeek | int | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | WeekInterval | int | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | NumberOfMonthsPerYear | int | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | StartOn | datetime | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | StopOn | datetime | null | |
AnticipatedWorkorder_Frequency | SubscriberId | int | null | |
assets | EquipmentID | int | PK, not null | |
assets | LocationID | int | not null | |
assets | Active | bit | not null | |
assets | TagID | nvarchar(100) | not null | |
assets | AssetType | nvarchar(200) | null | |
assets | Trade | nvarchar(100) | not null | |
assets | Brand | nvarchar(300) | null | |
assets | ModelNo | nvarchar(300) | null | |
assets | SerialNo | nvarchar(300) | null | |
assets | InstallDate | datetime | null | |
assets | PurchaseDate | datetime | null | |
assets | Condition | int | null | |
assets | WarrantyPeriod | int | null | |
assets | WarrantyStartsFromInstallDate | bit | null | |
assets | LifeExpectancy | int | null | |
assets | OriginalValue | money | null | |
assets | EnergyEfficiency | nvarchar(300) | null | |
assets | Capacity | nvarchar(300) | null | |
assets | WarrantyExpirationDate | datetime | null | |
assets | DeactivatedDate | datetime | null | |
assets | Note | nvarchar(300) | null | |
assets | QRcode | nvarchar(300) | null | |
audit | AuditID | int | PK, not null | |
audit | AuditType | nvarchar(500) | not null | |
audit | LocationID | varchar(50) | not null | |
audit | LocationName | nvarchar(100) | null | |
audit | Region | nvarchar(50) | null | |
audit | District | nvarchar(50) | null | |
audit | InspectorName | varchar(50) | not null | |
audit | Date | date | not null | |
audit | Time | time(7) | not null | |
audit_check_list_item | AuditCheckListItemID | int | not null | |
audit_check_list_item | AuditID | int | not null | |
audit_check_list_item | Area | nvarchar(500) | not null | |
audit_check_list_item | AuditCheckListItemName | nvarchar(500) | not null | |
audit_check_list_item | AuditCheckListItemDescription | nvarchar(max) | not null | |
audit_check_list_item | AuditCheckListItemStatus | int | not null | |
audit_check_list_item | TrackingNumber | int | null | |
audit_check_list_item | CommentQuantity | int | not null | |
audit_issue_attachment | AuditIssueAttachmentId | int | not null | |
audit_issue_attachment | AuditCheckListItemID | int | not null | |
audit_issue_attachment | AuditID | int | null | |
audit_issue_attachment | FileName | nvarchar(255) | not null | |
budget | BudgetId | bigint | PK, not null | |
budget | SuscriberId | int | not null | |
budget | FiscalYear | nvarchar(10) | not null | |
budget | FiscalPeriod | nvarchar(10) | not null | |
budget | FiscalWeek | nvarchar(10) | null | |
budget | FiscalQuarter | nvarchar(10) | null | |
budget | LocationId | int | null | |
budget | LocationName | nvarchar(100) | null | |
budget | StoreId | varchar(50) | null | |
budget | District | nvarchar(50) | null | |
budget | Region | nvarchar(50) | null | |
budget | Country | nvarchar(50) | null | |
budget | RoutineNonRoutine | nvarchar(15) | null | |
budget | ServiceType | nvarchar(100) | null | |
budget | Trade | nvarchar(100) | null | |
budget | Category | varchar(50) | null | |
budget | GLCode | nvarchar(50) | null | |
budget | GLCodeName | nvarchar(50) | null | |
budget | BudgetAmount | decimal(30,17) | null | |
budget | ForecastAmount | decimal(30,17) | null | |
budget | AccruedAmount | decimal(30,17) | null | |
budget | LocationNoteHeader1 | varchar(255) | null | |
budget | LocationNoteHeader1value | varchar(255) | null | |
budget | LocationNoteHeader2 | varchar(255) | null | |
budget | LocationNoteHeader2value | varchar(255) | null | |
budget | LocationNoteHeader3 | varchar(255) | null | |
budget | LocationNoteHeader3value | varchar(255) | null | |
budget | LocationNoteHeader4 | varchar(255) | null | |
budget | LocationNoteHeader4value | varchar(255) | null | |
budget | LocationNoteHeader5 | varchar(255) | null | |
budget | LocationNoteHeader5value | varchar(255) | null | |
budget | UpdatedDate | datetime | null | |
budget | SourceName | varchar(100) | not null | |
budget | SourceRecordId | int | not null | |
categories | id | int | not null | |
Categories | Category | varchar(200) | not null | |
checklists | id | int | not null | |
checklists | Question | varchar(500) | not null | |
checklists | Answer | varchar(500) | not null | |
checklists | SurveyName | varchar(100) | not null | |
checklists | Attempt | tinyint | not null | |
checklists | TechnicianId | int | not null | |
checklists | TrackingNumber | int | not null | |
checklists | CreatedByUserID | int | not null | |
checklists | ProviderID | int | not null | |
checklists | isActive | int | not null | |
checklists | CreatedDate | datetime | not null | |
checklists | UpdatedDate | datetime | not null | |
checklists | FreeTextAnswer | nvarchar(200) | null | |
CheckListAssetTaskResponses | id | int | not null | |
CheckListAssetTaskResponses | AssetTaskId | int | not null | |
CheckListAssetTaskResponses | AssetId | int | not null | |
CheckListAssetTaskResponses | TrackingNumber | int | not null | |
CheckListAssetTaskResponses | Attempt | int | not null | |
CheckListAssetTaskResponses | StartTime | datetimeoffset | not null | |
CheckListAssetTaskResponses | EndTime | datetimeoffset | null | |
CheckListAssetTaskResponses | UserId | int | not null | |
CheckListTasks | id | int | not null | |
CheckListTasks | CheckListId | int | not null | |
CheckListTasks | TaskTypeName | nvarchar(100) | not null | |
CheckListTasks | TypeId | int | not null | |
CheckListTasks | Name | nvarchar(50) | not null | |
CheckListTasks | Description | nvarchar(4000) | not null | |
CheckListTasks | IsActive | bit | not null | |
CheckListTasks | CreatedDate | datetimeoffset | not null | |
CheckListTasks | CreatedBy | int | not null | |
CheckListTasks | UpdatedDate | datetimeoffset | not null | |
CheckListTasks | UpdatedBy | int | null | |
custom_asset_attributes | equipmentAttributeID | int | not null | |
custom_asset_attributes | equipmentID | int | not null | |
custom_asset_attributes | equipmentType | nvarchar(200) | null | |
custom_asset_attributes | valueText | nvarchar(2000) | null | |
custom_asset_attributes | valueNumber | int | null | |
custom_asset_attributes | valueBool | bit | null | |
custom_asset_attributes | ValueMoney | money | null | |
custom_asset_attributes | valueDate | datetime | null | |
custom_asset_attributes | valueChoice | int | null | |
custom_asset_attributes | equipmentTypeCustomAttributeName | nvarchar(50) | null | |
custom_asset_attributes | defaultValue | nvarchar(150) | null | |
custom_asset_attributes | required | bit | null | |
custom_asset_attributes | position | int | null | |
custom_asset_attributes | UpdatedDate | datetime | null | |
ftm | id | int | PK, not null | |
ftm | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
ftm | ProviderID | int | null | |
ftm | email | nvarchar(128) | null | |
ftm | checkInDateTime | datetime | null | |
ftm | checkOutDateTime | datetime | null | |
ftm | workType | varchar(100) | null | |
ftm | technicianFirstName | nvarchar(128) | null | |
ftm | technicianLastName | nvarchar(128) | null | |
ftm | InternalDepartment | bit | null | |
ftm | checkinTime_dto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
ftm | checkOutTime_dto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
ftm | employeeId | nvarchar(100) | null | |
ftm | userid | int | null | |
ftm | SubscriberId | int | null | |
invoice_labor | ID | int | PK, not null | |
invoice_labor | InvoiceID | int | not null | |
invoice_labor | SkillLevel | varchar(10) | null | |
invoice_labor | Type | varchar(10) | null | |
invoice_labor | NumberOfTechs | tinyint | not null | |
invoice_labor | HourlyRate | money | not null | |
invoice_labor | Hours | decimal(9,2) | null | |
invoice_labor | Amount | money | not null | |
invoice_labor | LineNumber | smallint | null | |
invoice_materials | ID | int | PK, not null | |
invoice_materials | InvoiceID | int | not null | |
invoice_materials | Description | varchar(100) | null | |
invoice_materials | PartNumber | varchar(100) | null | |
invoice_materials | Unit | varchar(5) | null | |
invoice_materials | UnitPrice | money | not null | |
invoice_materials | Quantity | decimal(9,2) | null | |
invoice_materials | Amount | money | not null | |
invoice_materials | LineNumber | smallint | null | |
invoice_statuses | id | int | not null | |
invoice_statuses | status | varchar(50) | not null | |
invoices | InvoiceID | int | not null | |
invoices | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
invoices | invoiceNumber | varchar(50) | not null | |
invoices | invoiceDate | datetime | not null | |
invoices | invoiceStatusID | int | not null | |
invoices | currency | varchar(50) | null | Currency for the work order (best to use workorder_ext since invoice might not exist) |
invoices | laborAmount | money | null | |
invoices | materialAmount | money | null | |
invoices | travelAmount | money | null | |
invoices | freightAmount | money | null | |
invoices | taxAmount | money | null | |
invoices | otheramount | money | null | |
invoices | otherdescription | varchar(255) | null | |
invoices | total | money | null | |
invoices | subtotal | money | null | |
invoices | postedDate | datetime | null | |
invoices | TransferDate | datetime | null | |
invoices | lastModifiedDate | datetime | null | |
invoices | glCode | varchar(40) | null | |
invoices | createdDate | datetime | null | |
invoices | isMarkedForAudit | bit | null | |
invoices | vendorPayeeID | int | null | |
invoices | approvedDate | datetime | null | |
invoices | approvedDateDto | datetime | null | |
invoices | approvedBy | varchar(50) | null | |
invoices | lastPaymentDate | datetime | null | |
invoices | LastPaymentDateDto | datetime | null | |
invoices | postedDateDto | datetime | null | |
invoices | createddateDto | datetime | null | |
invoices | transferredDateDto | datetime | null | |
labels | trackingNumber | int | PK, not null | |
labels | Label | nvarchar(50) | not null | |
locations | locationID | int | not null | |
locations | storeNumber | varchar(50) | not null | |
locations | locationName | varchar(500) | null | |
locations | address | varchar(500) | null | |
locations | city | varchar(500) | null | |
locations | state | varchar(500) | null | |
locations | postalCode | varchar(50) | null | |
locations | country | varchar(200) | null | |
locations | region | varchar(200) | null | |
locations | district | varchar(200) | null | |
locations | openedDate | datetime | null | |
locations | closedDate | datetime | null | |
locations | storeStatus | varchar(50) | null | |
locations | mainContact | varchar(50) | null | |
locations | phoneNumber | varchar(22) | null | |
locations | faxNumber | varchar(22) | null | |
locations | email | varchar(200) | null | |
locations | locationType | varchar(100) | null | |
locations | parentLocationNumber | int | null | |
locations | longitude | decimal(12,8) | null | |
locations | latitude | decimal(12,8) | null | |
locations | numberOfAssignments | int | null | |
locations | timeZoneInfoId | smallint | null | |
locations | timeZoneName | varchar(35) | null | |
locations | timeZoneNameAbbreviation | varchar(6) | null | |
locations | SubscriberId | int | null | |
locations_notes | locationID | int | PK, not null | |
locations_notes | headerID | int | PK, not null | |
locations_notes | note | varchar(7000) | not null | |
locations_notes_headers | id | int | PK, not null | |
locations_notes_headers | header | varchar(500) | not null | |
locations_notes_headers | headerorder | int | not null | |
locations_notes_headers | privacyFlag | int | null | |
locations_notes_headers | SubscriberId | int | null | |
notes_statistics | id | int | PK, not null | |
notes_statistics | userName | varchar(100) | null | |
notes_statistics | noteDate | datetime | not null | |
notes_statistics | notesCreated# | int | not null | |
notes_statistics | woAffected# | int | not null | |
notes_statistics | firstNoteDateTime | datetime | not null | |
notes_statistics | lastNoteDatetime | datetime | not null | |
priorities | id | int | PK, not null | |
priorities | priority | varchar(200) | not null | |
proposal_line_items | id | int | not null | |
proposal_line_items | proposalID | int | not null | |
proposal_line_items | LineItemType | nvarchar(255) | null | |
proposal_line_items | Craft | nvarchar(255) | null | |
proposal_line_items | RepairCategory | nvarchar(255) | null | |
proposal_line_items | RepairType | nvarchar(255) | null | |
proposal_line_items | Description | nvarchar(255) | null | |
proposal_line_items | MaterialThickness | decimal(9,2) | null | |
proposal_line_items | Unit | nvarchar(20) | null | |
proposal_line_items | Quanitity | decimal(9,2) | null | |
proposal_line_items | UnitPrice | money | null | |
proposal_line_items | Total | money | null | |
proposal_status_history | id | int | PK, not null | |
proposal_status_history | proposalID | int | not null | |
proposal_status_history | trackingNumber | int | null | |
proposal_status_history | createdDate | datetime | not null | |
proposal_status_history | createdBy | int | not null | |
proposal_status_history | status | varchar(50) | not null | |
proposal_status_history | extendedStatus | varchar(50) | null | |
proposal_status_history | hierarchyLevel | varchar(200) | null | |
proposal_status_history | assignedTo | varchar(200) | null | |
proposal_status_history | comment | nvarchar(max) | null | |
proposal_status_history | assignedToUserId | int | null | |
proposal_status_history | UserAssignedEmail | varchar(100) | null | |
proposal_status_history | ApprovedDate | datetime | null | |
proposal_status_history | OnHoldDate | datetime | null | |
proposal_status_history | RejectedDate | datetime | null | |
proposal_status_history | VoidDate | datetime | null | |
proposal_status_history | ApprovedBy | varchar(50) | null | |
proposal_status_history | OnHoldBy | varchar(50) | null | |
proposal_status_history | RejectedBy | varchar(50) | null | |
proposal_status_history | VoidBy | varchar(35) | null | |
proposal_status_history | Opendate | datetime | null | |
proposal_status_history | OpenBy | varchar(50) | null | |
proposal_status_history | AssignedDate | datetime | null | |
proposal_status_history | ScheduledDate | datetime | null | |
proposal_status_history | Source | varchar(50) | null | |
proposal_statuses | id | int | not null | |
proposal_statuses | status | varchar(50) | not null | |
proposals | proposalID | int | not null | |
proposals | proposalNumber | varchar(50) | not null | |
proposals | proposalDate | datetime | not null | |
proposals | locationID | int | not null | |
proposals | provideId | int | not null | |
proposals | tradeID | int | not null | |
proposals | trackingNumber | int | null | |
proposals | statusID | int | not null | |
proposals | approvedDate | datetime | null | |
proposals | approvedBy | varchar(50) | null | |
proposals | Description | varchar(8000) | null | |
proposals | currency | varchar(50) | null | |
proposals | totalamount | money | not null | |
proposals | laboramount | money | null | |
proposals | materialamount | money | null | |
proposals | taxamount | money | null | |
proposals | freightAmount | money | null | |
proposals | otheramount | money | null | |
proposals | otherdescription | varchar(100) | null | |
proposals | rfpID | int | null | |
proposals | lastModifiedDate | datetime | null | |
proposals | rejectedDate | datetime | null | |
proposals | onHoldDate | datetime | null | |
proposals | requestedDate | datetime | null | |
proposals | createdDate | datetime | null | |
proposals | historyID | int | null | |
proposals | approvedByUserID | int | null | |
provider_communications | providerID | int | not null | |
provider_communications | generalContactName | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | generalContactPhone | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | generalContactFax | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | generalContactEmail | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | dataExchangeEmail | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | serviceContactName | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | serviceContactPhone | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | serviceContactFax | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | serviceContactEmail | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | serviceContactShortEmail | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactName | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactPhone | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactFax | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactEmail | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactName | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactPhone | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactFax | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | proposalsContactEmail | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | trainingEmailAddress | varchar(300) | null | |
provider_communications | SubscriberId | int | null | |
provider_users | id | int | PK, not null | |
provider_users | providerid | int | not null | |
provider_users | firstName | nvarchar(510) | null | |
provider_users | lastName | nvarchar(510) | null | |
provider_users | email | nvarchar(510) | null | |
provider_users | phone | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
provider_users | state | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
provider_users | receiveEmailOnWoDispatch | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
provider_users | employeeID | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
provider_users | employeeTitle | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
provider_users | employeeTeamCrew | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
provider_users | createdDate | datetime | null | |
provider_users | updatedDate | datetime | null | |
providers | providerID | int | not null | |
providers | providerName | varchar(500) | not null | |
providers | vendorNumber | varchar(50) | null | |
providers | address | varchar(500) | not null | |
providers | city | varchar(500) | not null | |
providers | state | varchar(50) | null | |
providers | postalCode | varchar(50) | null | |
providers | country | varchar(200) | null | |
providers | e_mail | varchar(80) | null | |
providers | phone_number | varchar(60) | null | |
providers | fax_number | varchar(22) | null | |
providers | isActive | bit | null | |
real_estate | RealEstateId | bigint | PK, not null | |
real_estate | SubscriberId | int | not null | |
real_estate | trackingNumber | int | null | |
real_estate | FiscalYear | nvarchar(10) | null | |
real_estate | FiscalPeriod | nvarchar(10) | null | |
real_estate | FiscalWeek | nvarchar(10) | null | |
real_estate | FiscalQuarter | nvarchar(10) | null | |
real_estate | ExchangeRate | float | null | |
real_estate | ProposalAmountLocal | decimal(30,17) | null | |
real_estate | ProposalAmountExcludeChinaVAT | decimal(30,17) | null | |
real_estate | SpendAmountLocal | decimal(30,17) | null | |
real_estate | SpendAmountExcludeChinaVAT | decimal(30,17) | null | |
real_estate | InvoiceAmountExcludeChinaVAT | decimal(30,17) | null | |
real_estate | NteAmountExcludeChinaVAT | decimal(30,17) | null | |
real_estate | OriginalNTE | decimal(30,17) | null | |
real_estate | SpendType | nvarchar(15) | null | |
real_estate | TradeCode | nvarchar(15) | null | |
real_estate | ServiceType | nvarchar(100) | null | |
real_estate | ProjectTitle | nvarchar(100) | null | |
real_estate | EstimatedTimeToCompleted | int | null | |
real_estate | LocationId | int | null | |
real_estate | LocationNoteHeaderName | varchar(255) | null | |
real_estate | LocationNoteHeaderValue | varchar(255) | null | |
real_estate | District | nvarchar(50) | null | |
real_estate | Trade | varchar(50) | null | |
real_estate | Category | varchar(50) | null | |
real_estate | Priority | varchar(50) | null | |
real_estate | Currency | nvarchar(20) | null | |
real_estate | WOStatus | varchar(50) | null | |
real_estate | WOExtStatus | varchar(50) | null | |
real_estate | InvoiceStatus | varchar(20) | null | |
real_estate | ProviderId | int | null | |
real_estate | ProviderName | nvarchar(100) | null | |
real_estate | CallDate | datetime | null | |
real_estate | WorkDate | datetime | null | |
real_estate | InvoiceDate | datetime | null | |
real_estate | InvoiceApprovedDate | datetime | null | |
real_estate | SpendDate | datetime | null | |
real_estate | UpdatedDate | datetime | null | |
real_estate | SourceName | varchar(100) | not null | |
real_estate | SourceRecordId | int | not null | |
relationships | contractorID | int | PK, not null | |
relationships | locationID | int | not null | |
relationships | providerID | int | not null | |
relationships | trade | varchar(50) | not null | |
relationships | rank | int | not null | |
relationships | createdDate | datetime | null | |
relationships | updatedDate | datetime | null | |
resolution_codes | resolutionCodeID | int | not null | |
resolution_codes | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
resolution_codes | resolution | nvarchar(100) | not null | |
resolution_codes | createdDateDto | datetimeoffset(7) | not null | |
resolution_codes | assetType | nvarchar(100) | null | |
resolution_codes | primaryTrade | varchar(50) | null | |
resolutions | resID | int | not null | |
resolutions | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
resolutions | resolution | varchar(8000) | null | |
resolutions | lastModifiedDate | datetime | null | |
rfp | rfpID | int | not null | |
rfp | rfpDate | datetime | null | |
rfp | rfpBy | nvarchar(50) | null | |
rfp | locationID | int | null | |
rfp | providerID | int | null | |
rfp | status | nvarchar(50) | null | |
rfp | tradeID | int | null | |
rfp | created | datetime | null | |
rfp | Description | nvarchar(2000) | null | |
rfp | dueHrs | decimal(10,0) | null | |
rfp | dueDate | datetime | null | |
rfp | responseDate | datetime | null | |
rfp | waitingForPrpEmail | nvarchar(200) | null | |
rfp | proEmail | nvarchar(300) | null | |
rfp | rfpNumber | nvarchar(50) | null | |
rfp | lastModifiedDate | datetime | null | |
rfp | isDeleted | bit | null | |
rfp | deletedDate | datetime | null | |
root_causes | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
root_causes | rootCause | nvarchar(100) | not null | |
root_causes | assetType | nvarchar(100) | not null | |
root_causes | primaryTrade | varchar(50) | null | |
statuses | id | int | not null | |
statuses | status | varchar(200) | not null | |
statuses | extendedStatus | varchar(200) | null | |
technician | technicianId | int | PK, not null | |
technician | userid | int | null | |
technician | technicianFirstName | nvarchar(510) | null | |
technician | technicianLastName | nvarchar(510) | null | |
technician | technicianEmail | nvarchar(510) | null | |
technician | technicianPhone | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
technician | technicianState | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
technician | updatedDate | datetime | null | |
technician | createdDate | datetime | null | |
technician | loginName | nvarchar(510) | null | |
technician | receiveEmailOnWoDispatch | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
technician | EmployeeID | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
technician | EmployeeTitle | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
technician | employeeTeamCrew | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
technician_assigned_accepted | id | int | PK, not null | |
technician_assigned_accepted | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
technician_assigned_accepted | AssignedTo | varchar(100) | null | |
technician_assigned_accepted | AcceptedBy | varchar(100) | null | |
technician_assigned_accepted | Company | varchar(1000) | null | |
technician_assigned_accepted | UpdatedTechnicialDateUtc | datetime | null | |
technician_assigned_accepted | locationID | varchar(100) | null | |
technician_assigned_accepted | locationName | varchar(100) | null | |
technician_availability_log | id | int | PK, not null | |
technician_availability_log | technicianEmail | nvarchar(128) | null | |
technician_availability_log | isAvailable | nvarchar(12) | null | |
technician_availability_log | unavailableUntilDate | datetime | null | |
technician_availability_log | createdDate | datetime | null | |
technician_availability_log | technicianFirstName | nvarchar(128) | null | |
technician_availability_log | technicianLastName | nvarchar(128) | null | |
technician_availability_log | SubscriberId | int | null | |
technician_time_tracking | id | int | PK, not null | |
technician_time_tracking | technicianEmail | nvarchar(128) | null | |
technician_time_tracking | activityDescription | nvarchar(512) | null | |
technician_time_tracking | activityTypeName | nvarchar(128) | null | |
technician_time_tracking | startDate | datetime | null | |
technician_time_tracking | endDate | datetime | null | |
technician_time_tracking | elapsedMinutes | int | null | |
technician_time_tracking | EndMyDay | bit | null | |
technician_time_tracking | technicianFirstName | nvarchar(128) | null | |
technician_time_tracking | technicianLastName | nvarchar(128) | null | |
technician_time_tracking | providerID | int | null | |
technician_time_tracking | employeeId | nvarchar(100) | null | |
technician_time_tracking | InternalDepartment | bit | null | |
technician_time_tracking | userid | int | null | |
technician_time_tracking | startDateTime_dto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
technician_time_tracking | endDateTime_dto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
technician_time_tracking | SubscriberId | int | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | technicianTimeTrackingId | int | PK, not null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | providerId | int | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | technicianEmail | nvarchar(128) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | workActivity | nvarchar(512) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | workActivityType | nvarchar(128) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | startDateTime | datetime | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | endDateTime | datetime | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | elapsedMinutes | int | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | checkInSource | nvarchar(50) | PK, not null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | technicianFirstName | nvarchar(128) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | technicianLastName | nvarchar(128) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | technicianContractorId | int | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | InternalDepartment | bit | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | employeeId | nvarchar(100) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | userid | int | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | startDateTime_dto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | endDateTime_dto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_combined | SubscriberId | int | null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | Id | int | PK, not null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | TechnicianContractorId | int | not null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | ContractorActivityId | int | not null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | OriginalStartTimeUtc | datetime | null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | OriginalEndTimeUtc | datetime | null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | NewStartTimeUtc | datetime | null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | NewEndTimeUtc | datetime | null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | LogTimeUtc | datetime | not null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | Latitude | decimal(12,8) | not null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | Longitude | decimal(12,8) | not null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | OperationType | tinyint | not null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | TechnicianTimeTrackingId | int | null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | Note | nvarchar(256) | null | |
technician_time_tracking_history | SubscriberId | int | null | |
time_zone_info | timeZoneInfoId | smallint | PK, not null | |
time_zone_info | TimeZoneName | varchar(35) | not null | |
time_zone_info | abbreviation | varchar(6) | null | |
trades | id | int | not null | |
trades | trade | varchar(200) | not null | |
users | id | int | PK, not null | |
users | providerId | int | null | |
users | firstName | nvarchar(510) | null | |
users | lastName | nvarchar(510) | null | |
users | email | nvarchar(510) | null | |
users | phone | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
users | state | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
users | receiveEmailOnWoDispatch | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
users | employeeID | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
users | employeeTitle | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
users | employeeTeamCrew | nvarchar(1000) | null | |
users | createdDate | datetime | null | |
users | updatedDate | datetime | null | |
users | name | varchar(50) | null | |
users | userId | char(50) | null | |
users | SubscriberId | int | null | |
vendors | providerID | int | not null | |
vendors | vendorNumber | varchar(50) | null | |
vendors | name | varchar(100) | null | |
vendors | address | varchar(300) | null | |
vendors | sitecode | varchar(50) | null | |
vendors | order | int | not null | |
vendors | vendorPayeeID | int | null | |
wo_amount_breakdown | id | int | PK, not null | |
wo_amount_breakdown | woAmountId | int | not null | |
wo_amount_breakdown | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
wo_amount_breakdown | subtotal | money | not null | |
wo_amount_breakdown | tax | money | not null | |
wo_amount_breakdown | tax2type | varchar(50) | null | |
wo_amount_breakdown | tax2 | money | null | |
wo_amount_breakdown | currency | varchar(50) | null | |
wo_amount_breakdown | autoinvoice | varchar(50) | not null | |
wo_amount_breakdown | autoComplete | varchar(10) | not null | |
wo_amount_breakdown | autoApprovedBY | varchar(50) | null | |
wo_amount_breakdown | lastModifiedDate | datetime | null | |
spend | SpendId | bigint | PK, not null | |
spend | SubscriberId | int | not null | |
spend | FiscalYear | nvarchar(10) | not null | |
spend | FiscalPeriod | nvarchar(10) | not null | |
spend | FiscalWeek | nvarchar(10) | not null | |
spend | FiscalQuarter | nvarchar(10) | not null | |
spend | LocationId | int | null | |
spend | LocationName | nvarchar(100) | null | |
spend | StoredId | varchar(50) | null | |
spend | District | nvarchar(50) | null | |
spend | Region | nvarchar(50) | null | |
spend | Country | varchar(50) | null | |
spend | RoutineNonRoutine | nvarchar(15) | null | |
spend | ServiceType | nvarchar(100) | null | |
spend | Trade | nvarchar(100) | null | |
spend | Category | varchar(50) | null | |
spend | GLCode | nvarchar(50) | null | |
spend | GLCodeName | nvarchar(50) | null | |
spend | LocationNotesHeader1 | varchar(255) | null | |
spend | LocationNotesHeader1Value | varchar(255) | null | |
spend | LocationNotesHeader2 | varchar(255) | null | |
spend | LocationNotesHeader2Value | varchar(255) | null | |
spend | LocationNotesHeader3 | varchar(255) | null | |
spend | LocationNotesHeader3Value | varchar(255) | null | |
spend | LocationNotesHeader4 | varchar(255) | null | |
spend | LocationNotesHeader4Value | varchar(255) | null | |
spend | LocationNotesHeader5 | varchar(255) | null | |
spend | LocationNotesHeader5Value | varchar(255) | null | |
spend | TrackingNumber | int | null | |
spend | WOStatus | varchar(50) | null | |
spend | WOExtStatus | varchar(50) | null | |
spend | SpendAmountUSD | decimal(30,17) | null | |
spend | ProposalAmountUSD | decimal(30,17) | null | |
spend | CallDate | datetime | null | |
spend | WorkDate | decimal(30,17) | null | |
spend | ScheduledDate | decimal(30,17) | null | |
spend | SpendDate | decimal(30,17) | null | |
spend | UpdatedDate | decimal(30,17) | null | |
spend | SourceName | varchar(100) | not null | |
spend | SourceRecordId | int | not null | |
wo_history_amount_change | id | id | not null | |
wo_history_amount_change | amountChangeId | int | not null | |
wo_history_amount_change | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
wo_history_amount_change | subtotal | money | not null | |
wo_history_amount_change | tax | money | not null | |
wo_history_amount_change | tax2type | varchar(50) | null | |
wo_history_amount_change | tax2 | money | null | |
wo_history_amount_change | currency | varchar(10) | not null | |
wo_history_amount_change | autocomplete | varchar(10) | not null | |
wo_history_amount_change | autoinvoice | varchar(10) | not null | |
wo_history_amount_change | datecreated | datetime | not null | |
wo_history_change_category | id | int | PK, not null | |
wo_history_change_category | TrackingNumber | int | not null | |
wo_history_change_category | OriginalCategory | varchar(50) | not null | |
wo_history_change_category | NewCategory | varchar(50) | not null | |
wo_history_change_category | CreatedDate | datetime | not null | |
wo_history_change_nte | id | int | not null | |
wo_history_change_nte | nteChangeId | int | not null | |
wo_history_change_nte | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
wo_history_change_nte | sourceNte | money | not null | |
wo_history_change_nte | sourceCurrencyID | int | not null | |
wo_history_change_nte | targetNte | money | not null | |
wo_history_change_nte | targetCurrencyID | int | not null | |
wo_history_change_nte | createdDate | date | not null | |
wo_history_change_priority | id | int | PK, not null | |
wo_history_change_priority | TrackingNumber | int | not null | |
wo_history_change_priority | OldPrioritySub | varchar(50) | null | |
wo_history_change_priority | NewPrioritySub | varchar(50) | null | |
wo_history_change_priority | Updatedby | varchar(50) | null | |
wo_history_change_priority | UpdatedDate | datetime | not null | |
wo_history_change_problem | id | int | PK, not null | |
wo_history_change_problem | TrackingNumber | int | not null | |
wo_history_change_problem | OldAreaId | int | null | |
wo_history_change_problem | OldAreaName | nvarchar(510) | null | |
wo_history_change_problem | OldProblemType | nvarchar(256) | null | |
wo_history_change_problem | OldEquipment | nvarchar(256) | null | |
wo_history_change_problem | OldProblem | nvarchar(256) | null | |
wo_history_change_problem | NewAreaId | int | null | |
wo_history_change_problem | NewAreaName | nvarchar(510) | null | |
wo_history_change_problem | NewProblemType | nvarchar(256) | null | |
wo_history_change_problem | NewEquipment | nvarchar(256) | null | |
wo_history_change_problem | NewProblem | nvarchar(256) | null | |
wo_history_change_problem | UpdatedDate | datetime | not null | |
wo_history_change_provider | id | int | PK, not null | |
wo_history_change_provider | TrackingNumber | int | not null | |
wo_history_change_provider | OriginalProviderID | int | not null | |
wo_history_change_provider | NewProviderID | int | not null | |
wo_history_change_provider | CreatedByUserID | int | null | |
wo_history_change_provider | CreatedDate | datetime | not null | |
wo_history_change_provider | CreatedDate_dto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
wo_history_change_scheduled_date | id | int | not null | |
wo_history_change_scheduled_date | schdateChangeId | int | not null | |
wo_history_change_scheduled_date | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
wo_history_change_scheduled_date | oldScheduledDate | datetime | null | |
wo_history_change_scheduled_date | newScheduledDate | datetime | null | |
wo_history_change_scheduled_date | updatedby | varchar(50) | null | |
wo_history_change_scheduled_date | updatedDate | datetime | not null | |
wo_history_change_status | id | int | not null | |
wo_history_change_status | statusChangeId | int | not null | |
wo_history_change_status | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
wo_history_change_status | oldStatus | varchar(50) | not null | |
wo_history_change_status | oldExtendedStatus | varchar(50) | null | |
wo_history_change_status | newStatus | varchar(50) | not null | |
wo_history_change_status | newExtendedStatus | varchar(50) | null | |
wo_history_change_status | updatedBy | varchar(50) | null | |
wo_history_change_status | updatedDate | datetime | not null | |
wo_history_change_trade | id | int | PK, not null | |
wo_history_change_trade | TrackingNumber | int | not null | |
wo_history_change_trade | OldContractID | int | not null | |
wo_history_change_trade | NewContractID | int | not null | |
wo_history_change_trade | UpdatedBy | varchar(50) | null | |
wo_history_change_trade | UpdatedDate | datetime | not null | |
wo_history_change_trade | OldTrade | varchar(50) | null | |
wo_history_change_trade | NewTrade | varchar(50) | null | |
workorder_ivr | id | int | not null | |
workorder_ivr | ivrID | int | not null | |
workorder_ivr | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
workorder_ivr | ivrAction | int | not null | |
workorder_ivr | ivrTime | datetime | not null | |
workorder_ivr | lastModifiedDate | datetime | null | |
workorder_ivr | checkInSource | varchar(10) | null | |
workorder_mechanic | id | int | not null | |
workorder_mechanic | ivrID | int | not null | |
workorder_mechanic | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
workorder_mechanic | ivrAction | int | not null | |
workorder_mechanic | ivrTime | datetime | not null | |
workorder_mechanic | lastModifiedDate | datetime | null | |
workorder_notes | id | int | not null | |
workorder_notes | NoteNum | int | not null | |
workorder_notes | Note | nvarchar(4000) | null | |
workorder_notes | CreatedBySource | nvarchar(100) | null | |
workorder_notes | TrackingNumber | int | not null | |
workorder_notes | ProviderID | int | null | |
workorder_notes | CreatedDate | datetime | null | |
workorder_notes | Date_Created_dto | datetimeoffset(7) | null | |
workorder_quality_survey | id | int | PK, not null | |
workorder_quality_survey | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
workorder_quality_survey | respondent | varchar(100) | not null | |
workorder_quality_survey | createdby | varchar(50) | not null | |
workorder_quality_survey | comment | varchar(4000) | null | |
workorder_quality_survey | answer | varchar(100) | not null | |
workorder_quality_survey | createdDate | datetime | null | |
workorders | trackingNumber | int | not null | Primary key, unique and is frequently used to join other tables. |
workorders | calldate | datetime | null | When the work order was created |
workorders | completiondate | datetime | null | When the work was completed |
workorders | locationID | int | not null | Location of the workorder, primary key from locations table |
workorders | providerID | int | not null | Provider that is assigned to the work order (see table providers) |
workorders | tradeID | int | not null | Trade of the work order (see table trades for mapping) |
workorders | categoryID | int | not null | Category of the work order (see table categories for mapping) |
workorders | priorityID | int | not null | Priority of the work order (see table priorities) |
workorders | statusID | int | not null | Status of the work order (see table statuses) |
workorders | scheduledDate | datetime | null | Schedule date of the work order |
workorders | woNumber | varchar(50) | null | WO#, originally equal to Tracking number but provider can change |
workorders | reassigneddate | datetime | null | Reassignment date, if work order was reassigned |
workorders | createdby | varchar(50) | null | User Name used to create a work order |
workorders | caller | varchar(100) | null | Call Name typed to create a work order |
workorders | assignees | varchar(50) | null | User Name assigned to this work order (rarely used) |
workorders | assignedDate | datetime | null | When user was assigned (rarely used) |
workorders | lastModifiedDate | datetime | null | When the work order was last modified (can be used for incremental) |
workorders | equipmentTagID | nvarchar(50) | null | EquipmentTagID associated with this work order |
workorders | recallTrackingNumber | int | null | Recall tracking number if recalled |
workorders | callerIDMatch | bit | null | When check in was done from the store |
workorders | source | varchar(20) | null | How this work order was generated |
workorders | resolutionCode | varchar(100) | null | Resolution Code (retired) |
workorders | failingComponent | varchar(100) | null | Failing Component (retired) |
workorders | checkInSource | varchar(20) | null | How check in was completed |
workorders | poNumber | varchar(50) | null | PO number or Purchase number, subscriber could change from original tracking number value |
workorders | createdDate | datetime | null | Work order creation date (different from call date that call date can be set) |
workorders | ProjectedCompletionDate | datetimeoffset(7) | null | (retired) |
workorders | IVR | bit | null | A flag that indicates this WO has both a checkin and a checkout and ends with a checkout |
workorders | SLA | bit | null | A flag to indicate whether this work order met the original ETA - i.e. that the first check in for the work order was before the original scheduled date |
workorders | WORecall | nvarchar(3) | null | If work order was recalled |
workorders | HoursOnSite | real | null | Sum of check ins/out |
workorders | FirstTimeCompletionFlag | bit | null | First Time completion Flag - An indication that this work order was completed on the first visit - i.e. it has only one check-in and one check-out which were recorded within a 24 hour period |
workorders | createdByUserID | int | null | Created by UserID (see table users) |
workorders | glCode | nvarchar(120) | null | Gl Code (Approval code) assigned to a work order or invoice |
workorders_ext | trackingNumber | int | not null | |
workorders_ext | expirationDate | datetime | null | |
workorders_ext | originalExpirationDate | datetime | null | |
workorders_ext | area | varchar(256) | null | |
workorders_ext | problemType | varchar(256) | null | |
workorders_ext | equipment | varchar(256) | null | |
workorders_ext | problemCode | varchar(256) | null | |
workorders_ext | currency | varchar(50) | null | Workorder Currency |
workorders_ext | nteAmount | money | null | |
workorders_ext | problemDescription | varchar(8000) | null | |
workorders_ext | postedDate | datetime | null | |
workorders_ext | poLoadFlag | int | null | |
workorders_ext | poLoadFlagDate | datetime | null | |
workorders_ext | lastModifiedDate | datetime | null | |
workorders_linked | id | int | PK, not null | |
workorders_linked | parent_WO | int | not null | |
workorders_linked | child_WO | int | not null | |
workorders_linked | dateCreated | datetime | not null | |