Features and improvements

Core modules
Work Orders. HTML attachments are back! By popular demand, we’ve added HTML attachments with work order details back to redesigned emails about new work orders. Apologies if removing them earlier had disrupted your work in any way.
Add-on modules
No features and improvements for add-on modules.
Bug fixes

Core modules
Asset Manager. Excel reports on assets started displaying wrong primary trades. They were supposed to show primary trades associated with asset types in Asset Manager but showed primary trades as defined in the Admin module > Trades section instead.
Dashboard. Overrides didn’t work as expected if you had similar location note headers set up for them, for example, Warranty Override and Freight Lift Warranty Override. Having the common Warranty Override part in both LNHs names resulted in a glitch: the work order override that wasn’t supposed to happen did happen.
Provider Search. With Location Services turned on in your browser, the Provider Search page would automatically set the location filter to your current location, causing issues with searching for providers. We’ve adjusted the filter: it now stays deactivated until you pick your current or other required location.
Work Orders. An interface issue made the overlay for adding a work order note look untidy. Those who accessed the WO from the Actionable Landing Page and then tried to add a note could witness a small layout disorder. A bit of detergent and a pair of hands work wonders — the overlay looks neat and tidy again!
Work Orders. Such location details as the location ID, region, and district were missing from the redesigned email alerts about the service request reassignment. We’ve added this information where it belongs — under the Location Details section.
Work Orders. You couldn’t create a linked dashboard service request in case the WO location didn’t have information about its state in location details and if the original work order had attachments.
Locations & Provider Assignments. Chinese characters turned into a series of question marks in the Main Contact field on the location details page. The main contact’s name is saved correctly now: no more unwanted question marks.
MLP. As a multi-level proposal approver, you couldn’t approve proposals in the SC Mobile app if these proposals were linked to completed work orders. A few tweaks on our side — and now you can.
Work Orders. Being accustomed to a specific order in which your location notes appeared on the location details page, some of you got confused to find them randomly sorted in the redesigned email about a new service request. The way location notes are arranged in the WO dispatch email now mirrors their order on the location details page.
Work Orders. The list of WO note followers in the new work order note emails included the names of disabled users. This nuisance happened only when a deactivated user shared the same email with an active user. From now on, only active users will appear on the list.
Work Orders. When you downloaded Excel reports on work orders, they turned out to be empty — even though the WOs list with the required filters applied showed the corresponding work orders. Files got exported with no data in case you accessed the WOs list by clicking a WO metric on the Actionable Landing Page.
Add-on modules
Projects. Some of you who are using Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox browsers may have had a problem with access to the Projects module in Service Automation. The continuously loading page just didn’t open. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Now this browser-related issue is fixed.