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The Discovery dashboard allows you to establish trends within your facilities operations by comparing monthly data on work orders, invoices, and providers from the current year to that of the year prior. This dashboard empowers you to analyze your year-over-year facilities spending trends. You can also analyze the health of your facilities management operations by comparing data on recalls, feedback, committed spend, and provider performance.

Discovery is comprised of the following sections:

You will see all data for the past 3 completed months (by default) or by the criteria set in the all-inclusive filters along the top of the report.

You can download the data and email reports to recipients.

Program Highlights

Under Program Highlights, you can analyze information pertaining to:


  • Number of WOs
  • Number of Proposals
  • Number of Invoices

  • Invoice Amount
  • Average Invoice Amount
  • Average Full Resolution Time (Days)
  • Active Locations

title★ An example on how to read Program Highlights data

This is an example of the Invoice Amount metric.

  • For the time period selected in the filter (in this case, January 2020 - March 2020), the total Invoice Amount across all locations is $40,307 USD.
  • This is a 730% increase from the same time period last year. 
  • The increase amounts to $35,450 USD.

The number listed above the label statistical components represents the corresponding figure for the “Selected Period” which is, again, one of the global filters found at the top of this dashboard.

Work Orders Created and Completed, Year Over Year

This group of visualizations compares work orders that were created or completed in the current year with the volume from last year, and the variance.

Here you will see:

  • Work Orders Created This Period vs Same Period Last Year: side-by-side visualization and figures
  • Work Orders Completed This Period vs Same Period Last Year: side-by-side visualization and figures
  • WOs Lead/Lag %, Current Period vs Same Period Last Year: these figures show work order completion trends during the current and previous periods, calculated as

(Completed Work Orders - Created Work Orders) ÷ All Created Work Orders.


Both voided work orders and work orders with an empty Status are excluded.

Top 5 Locations by Variance

This table displays the Invoice Amount for Invoices posted during the current period and Invoice Amount Variance in % and $ between the current period and the previous one (top 5 Locations by Absolute Invoice Amount Variance).

  • Variance in % is calculated as a difference between the current period Invoice Amount and the previous period Invoice Amount divided by the previous period Invoice Amount.
  • Variance in $ is calculated as a difference between the current period Invoice Amount and the previous period Invoice Amount.

Should your company have a specific location that spends a particularly large amount, it can be easily identified using this visualization.

For these five locations, you can see the current Period’s Invoice Amount, the change in Invoice Amount with respect to the same period of the prior year, and the corresponding percentage of that dollar amount.

Committed Spend vs Invoiced Amounts and Year-Over-Year Invoice Comparisons




This group of visualizations illustrates how well your company is doing at staying within its budget.

Committed Spend vs Invoiced Amt. vs NTE represents progress towards a goal. You are ideally looking for the Committed Spend Amount to be less than the total NTE amount. It is a SUM of MAX NTE for WOs created in this Period. The progress is presented as two horizontal bars: Invoice Amount and Committed Spend Amount. Invoice Amount is a SUM of all Invoices for WOs created in this Period. Committed Spend Amount is a SUM of:

  • Invoice Amount in case Invoice has "Approved" or "Paid" Invoice Status OR NTE Amount in case Invoice has "Open" or "On Hold" Invoice Status for WOs created in this Period;
  • NTE Amount for non-invoiced WOs created in this Period

Below this are the Invoice Amount Comparison and the Average Invoice Amount Comparison visualizations, which both illustrate the Invoice Amounts of the pre-determined period compared to the same time frame last year. These visuals enable you to identify any trends related to Invoice Amounts, for example, did the average invoice amount increase for the same months of both this year and last?

Recalls and Feedback

Here, you want to see a decrease in both the number of Recalls as well as Unsatisfactory Feedback, while you will want to see an increase in the quantity of excellent & satisfactory feedback.

Recalls consist of the following data points:

  • the number of Recalled Work Orders for the current period (or selected period)
  • the number of Recalled Work Orders Variance, and 
  • the number of Recalled Work Orders Variance in % between the current period and last year.
  • Variance in % is calculated as a difference between the current period Number of Work Orders and the previous period Number of Work Orders divided by the previous period Number of Work Orders.
  • Variance (#) is calculated as a difference between the current period Number of Work Orders and the previous period Number of Work Orders.

Feedback Analysis consists of a similar structure as Recalls:

  • The Excellent and Satisfactory metric is calculated as:
    • the number of Work Orders with Excellent and Satisfactory Feedback Results for the current period (or selected period),
    • the number of such Work Orders Variance, and 
    • the number of such Work Orders Variance in % between the current period and last year.
    • Variance in % is calculated as a difference between the current period Number of Work Orders and the previous period Number of Work Orders divided by the previous period Number of Work Orders.
    • Variance (#) is calculated as a difference between the current period Number of Work Orders and the previous period Number of Work Orders.
  • The Unsatisfactory Feedback metric is calculated as:
    • the number of Work Orders with Unsatisfactory Feedback Results for the current period (or selected period),
    • the number of such Work Orders Variance, and 
    • the number of such Work Orders Variance in % between the current period and last year.
    • Variance in % is calculated as a difference between the current period Number of Work Orders and the previous period Number of Work Orders divided by the previous period Number of Work Orders.

    • Variance (#) is calculated as a difference between the current period Number of Work Orders and the previous period Number of Work Orders.

Top 5 Categories / Trades / Providers by Variance

  • Top 5 Categories by Variance: This table shows the Average Invoice Amount for Invoices posted during current period and Average Invoice Amount Variance in % and $ between the current period and the previous one (top 5 Categories by Absolute Avg Invoice Variance).
    • Variance in % is calculated as a difference between the current period Average Invoice Amount and the previous period Average Invoice Amount divided by the previous period Average Invoice Amount.
    • Variance in $ is calculated as a difference between the current period Average Invoice Amount and the previous period Average Invoice Amount.
  • Top 5 Trades by Variance: This table shows the Average Invoice Amount for Invoices posted during current period and Average Invoice Amount Variance in % and $ between the current period and the previous one (top 5 Trades by Absolute Avg Invoice Variance).
    • Variance in % is calculated as a difference between the current period Average Invoice Amount and the previous period Average Invoice Amount divided by the previous period Average Invoice Amount.
    • Variance in $ is calculated as a difference between the current period Average Invoice Amount and the previous period Average Invoice Amount.
  • Top 5 Providers by Variance: This table displays the Invoice Amount for Invoices posted during current period, Invoice Amount Variance in % and $ between the current period and the previous one, Number of Work Orders for the Selected Period (current period), Number of Work Orders Variance and Number of Work Orders Variance in % between the current period and the previous one (top 5 Providers by Absolute Invoice Amount Variance).
    • Variance in % is calculated as a difference between the current period value and the previous period value divided by the previous period value.
    • Variance in $ is calculated as a difference between the current period value and the previous period value.
  • Active Providers: This metric consists of Number of Providers for the Selected Period (current period), Number of Providers Variance and Number of Providers Variance in % between the current period and the previous one.
    • Variance in % is calculated as a difference between the current period Number of Providers and the previous period Number of Providers divided by the previous period Number of Providers.
    • Variance is calculated as a difference between the current period Number of Providers and the previous period Number of Providers.


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